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Dee Zephyr

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Posts posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. I will admit, after watching the under 18 highlights of Petracca, McCartin and Gus I was happy for the MFC to draft Gus and McCartin. Although Petracca was a ball magnet and good in close his disposal was a bit iffy for mine.

    Im so so happy now the Saints went with McCartin.

    As pointed out, Petracca does seem to blow a bit during games this season and he looks a bit stuffed sometimes when I watch him but then I realise this kid had a tough first season after suffering a knee injury followed by a foot injury upon his return during an exercise outside of football.

    The most impressive aspect on his part is his ability to play to the game plan and do what the coaches ask of him. This kid is a game breaker and we have only seen it a handful of times but I can't wait until he is given licence to break every single game apart. 

    His balance and power combined with his skill and vision make Petracca one of the best talents I have seen come to the club in a long time. 

    He simply wows me now every time he goes near the ball and he's one of few that doesn't make me hold my breath when he possesses it.

    Exciting times ahead watching the number 5. 

  2. 10 hours ago, mrtwister said:

    So who will be back first? 

    Watts or Viney?

    Salem or Brayshaw?

    From what I saw on the footy show a short time ago, I'd say Viney will play next week if he has his way. He moved well during the handball competition, not that you can go by that though.

    You wouldn't think he was on crutches only two days ago if you saw that.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

    I'm just grateful we have another game on free to air, we hardly had any but the last month or so have been great (aside from the fact that Channel Seven commentators are putrid).

    I can't recall Bruce calling many Sunday 3.20pm games this year but I did notice he called the Pies v Hawks game a couple of weeks ago. I guess he picks and chooses the Speshhhhaaal games.

  4. 9 hours ago, Deestroy All said:

    Probably the wrong thread but the way this joint is going tonight no one will care...

    can someone tell me why Pedo's bone crunching tackle on Gibbs in the final minutes wasn't holding the ball?


    9 hours ago, Pennant St Dee said:

    I'm going from memory here and would assume he nailed Weitering almost instantly and the force of the tackle forced the ball loose. At the time I yelled ball but in hindsight I can play devil's advocate and say

    No prior opportunity 

    Ball jarred free in tackle

    No incorrect disposal


    That happened right in front of me and I'm certain I went blue in the face screaming for holding the ball.

    Yes, the ball was jarred loose in that bone crunching tackle but Weitering took 2 to 3 lateral steps albeit small ones before he was tackled.  

    Maybe it did constitute no prior but the umps were a lot hotter on some of our blokes.

  5. 29 minutes ago, xarronn said:



    You are correct Bandi, we have played there 8 times, but the first was 2006 - against Adelaide, they won by 5 points.


    It was at Carrara QLD, we haven't played Adealaide in Darwin.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, HBDee said:

    I'm keen on seeing what Maynard can do. Let him have a run on the ball as an inside mid flat out (with rotations obviously). Got a feeling he might surprise a few with his fearless approach. We won the last game against Adelaide by smashing them around the ball. Let them get easy ball out to their runners and their forwards look like gods. 

    I doubt Tyson will get up, and Watts is IMO certainly out.

    I would like to see Maynard come in this week and he's coming along nicely judging by the Casey review. On the other hand I don't think Ben Ken will get a game this week after reading the review from Plapp.

  7. I'm a fan of Stretch but he seems to be lacking confidence at the moment. This was evident in the 3rd quarter in our back half in which prior to receiving a handball he took his eyes of the ball for a split second and resulted in a Carlton goal. I'm not suggesting Stretch shirked the issue, seemed more confused as what to do with the ball next.

    Out - Stretch.

    In - Maynard.

    This is based on our players in doubt not being available.

  8. There's a constant ringing in my ears since the Watts goal on QB, my heart rate is slightly above average, my toes are still frozen from the Sydney game and for the first time ever in my life, I got off my seat against Carlton with 4 minutes to go and wandered underneath the Ponsford to hyperventilate and believe me, I wasn't the only one.

    We are MELBOURNE!!!!

    • Like 4
  9. 30 minutes ago, DemonLad5 said:

    Jack Viney injury update.

    Says he is trying to get up for the Port game :rolleyes::o:D^_^


    Just watched it, wow, that would be handy indeed, if he did come back against Port. Misson says Watts unlikely this week though.

  10. 2008 national draft.

    Watts - Pick 1.

    Jetta- Pick 51

    The three picks we had in between these two were, 17(priority), 19 and 35.

    Blease, Strauss and Bennell respectively.

    Pity those 3 couldn't turn out half the players Watts and Jetta have become.

    Players like Jetta deserve a grand final medallion around their neck and a very big thank you to the person responsible for keeping this GEM on the list!


    • Like 2
  11. Whilst we are on presenters and commentators, how about Leigh Matthews cutting of Jason Bennetts praise of ANB passing to Lewis by saying " He doesn't know how long there is to go of course, we know there is 19 seconds to go, the same as the shot clock, Jordan Lewis would only know the time clock."

    How naive to think players don't know the time left when the ball is actually dead nearing the end of a game.

    • Like 1
  12. 58 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    When he went to ground I felt sick. He popped back up like a cork in water and did the job.

    That's the amazing thing about this play. He could have stayed down and played the I am sore card from doing a cart wheel in mid air but the recovery was simply mindblowing!!!


    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, The heart beats true said:

    Just watched the replay again.

    Jetta had 4-5 incredible efforts in the last quarter. Frosty was almost as good.

    Umpire 22 gave 2 of the softest frees of I've ever seen to keep Carlton in the game.

    ANB was very strong in the last quarter.

    But the absolute highlight was BT waffling on as ANB lined up saying 'don't work about the clock, just kicked the goal'. ANB passes the ball off BECAUSE of the clock and seals the win. Classic example of out of touch channel 7 rubbish. 

    BT, pffft!!!!

    Every time he has commentated one of our games he's always had a something to say about one of ours having a shot at goal whilst looking at the clock.

    Not only was the pass by ANB a highlight,  Jason Bennett quickly cutting off BT by praising the smarts of that play was brilliant!!

    Like it when commentators call it as they see it.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Demon17 said:

    Just watched Goodwin's press conference where he was asked about the culture issue.

    The next 2 1/2 minutes are worth bottling and a must view. It was as if he just wanted the question and his opportunity to then theorise about what makes a good cultutre and what he and the club are doing about it.

    Coach of the year material and we're lucky to have him.

    Its as if he was sending the players the message, but just via the presser. And how in tune the leadership group is with him.

    Well done Simon.

    Spot on! 

    I was about to hit the sack but i reminded myself to watch the presser.

    Result- Can't sleep now after watching that. You could see the flames in his eyes.

    Brilliant work Simon!!!!

    The imbeciles are there to ask questions about the match that just concluded.


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