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Posts posted by Satyriconhome

  1. Oh wow!!!!! one of the most important things to do is "shave the beards off and look like footballers".....dear dear me........Michael Tuck, Adam Goodes, Akermanis in his prime........reallty get a grip, there is a lot more wrong with what is inside the head than outside

  2. No gameplan can be successful without effort and intensity. Our players do not put in simple as that. If the players put in we could sift through the gameplan. The fact is we don't know if Neeld can coach because the players don't give him a chance.

    Well said....totally agree

  3. No they can't post whatever they like as they have a responsibility as role models due to the exposure of their words to the wider community as well as being the faces of very public organisations.

    "We"want to make them role models, they don't want to be...they are just footy players

    I didn't need role models growing up, my Dad was my role model, perhaps that is what is wrong with modern society...

  4. Even though the players were not very good, i believe its the game plan.

    Its too complicated and looks silly and hard to implement.

    The zoning off was farcical , Everytime a port forwrd went for a mark his opponent was 5 metres away.

    How do you know that was the game plan?.....Listen to what Neeld says at the presser....he gave the written exam in the rooms after...but didn't see the practical carried out

  5. While theyre on the clock and thats everyday during the season they are accountable. Thats how professionals treat it. Time they did

    So I assume that you are thinking about work 24/7 as well, I certainly don't, I am with the other poster.

    I post whatever I like on Twitter, the players should be able to as well

    But then half the posts on this topic reflect the poster, flat track bullies.....

    "Mum I put a nasty tweet and he tweeted nastily back, I am upset now"

    • Like 1
  6. Staggeringly delusional.

    Hinkley's success is a false economy?? What garbage. The state of the list does not lie and your vitriol can't dispute it. Younger than us. Less experienced than us. A team no-one wanted a bar of at the end of last year. Hinkley and Koch have walked through the door and as the early evidence would suggest, completely transformed that club. They made us look fourth rate.

    Another case example can be found with the McCartney and the Bulldogs. Is that also a false economy?

    As for your barrage of questions, half of which you don't really want an answer to, I'm not going to answer them all individually. Putting someone on notice is fairly common terminology, far from "emotive guff". The culture at the club has gone into decline in the past 12-18 months. You can dress it up however you like but that is plain as day judging by the completely disinterested, dispirited playing group, and especially evident in that first round showing, a day when arguably a team should be peaking in terms of confidence and application to the contest. It was a team that has gone backwards from Round 1 last year, a performance that also attracted widespread derision. So no, I have certainly not forgotten what we were like last year, under Neeld's watch. What is even the point of that question? If anything it supports the notion that Neeld is struggling to coach at senior level.

    I don't believe we are a great team being poorly managed. I believe we are a mid table team being woefully managed.

    I will wait til we play Gold Coast in Round 7 to make a final judgement on Neeld, but alarm bells have been set off. By all means, you continue to make excuses and agree with the voice in your head.

    P Man you need to do the same thing with Port, let's see where they are at after round 7. There are another 8 teams on 0 points at the moment, let's see where they all are after rd 7

  7. Neeld has tasted success he was an Assistant Coach at Collingwood when they won the flag, so has Leigh Brown, so has Neil Craig......gee how many more ridiculous posts.......IT WAS THE PLAYERS WHO LET MARK NEELD DOWN.........i would have backed him to the hilt if he had hit a few of them

    • Like 2
  8. There are about 15 topics on this board at the moment all basically saying the same thing, do we need another one, as you know I am one of the more moderate posters on here, who only gets disappointed when we don't have a crack, the players that is, so on Sunday I wasnt disappointed I was bloody angry

    But Cam Schwab either has people who love him or hate him, this bloke is probably in the latter, Cam Scwab didn't play or kick a ball on Sunday

    The only thing wrong with the Club at the moment is the players have been down for so long as a playing group they have forgotten what up is.....Neeld if he can, needs to change that.....everything else is in place.......we just need the players to realise that they can win

    All the hand wringing and blaming does nobody any good, do what I did, express your feelings to the Club via twitter or an email and then move on

    I'll be there on Saturday night hoping the players can turn it around

    But in the meantime everbody at the Club will have to wear articles like this, I don't agree with it but that is my right, if you want to agree that is your right but don't criticise those who don't

    • Like 1
  9. [censored] poor thread all round. You guys sound like University Union delegates, so eager to be [censored] off at someone, any bit of half chewed logic will pass for gospel. Ra ra ra...

    Oh no you have seen through some of the avatars and the nicknames.......some of the posters remind me of the group that want to get rid of coal powered power stations NOW and replace with what?......oh candles and pedal power

    RR, P-Man, Biffen.....ok we are going to roll the board and the CEO are one of you ready to nominate for the board and give your 'spare' time with no remuneration to make decisions that impact on a mulit million dollar business

    Are you willing to be the CEO and do 16-18 hr days trying to attract sponsors and keep administrative staff on board as the footy side tries to drag itself back from hell

    Are you willing to pour any spare time into the Club like some of the volunteers continue to do?

    Answer those questions first and we can then see what else you have to say

    By the way, i may be only small but if had run into any of the so called 18 players who turned their toes up on Sunday just after the game I reckon I would have had a go

    Point your venom at the correct people, it was the players that let us down

    • Like 1
  10. If the Club was $10M in debt, we had no sponsors, we didn't make a profit last year, the spending on the footy dept had decreased for the last five years, etc etc then I would look at getting rid of the CEO, he didn't play on Sunday as far as I can recall.......if you are looking for scapegoats look at the players

    • Like 6
  11. I have kept my powder dry until now because I wanted to let the anger I felt after that dreadful display on Sunday subside

    As far as I can remember neither Don McLardy or Cam Scwab ran around the G in the team

    Those two have been working their arses off to get the Club on a stable footing, we do not need or want to fracture the Club, getting rid of them is not an answer

    I attended the training session on Saturday morning and walked away even more optimistic about the following day bug


    Do what I have done, I have tweeted my anger, I have emailed the Club on how I feel, but I have made sure I sheeted the blame at the players

    Neeld must wonder what sort of players he has, he thought he had players of character, he may need to rethink that as well

    • Like 2
  12. I spoke with Jordie. He will definitely play. He rarely trains the day before a game because he's nursing his achillies. It pulls up a bit tender after a session. Jack Grimes also only did the warm-up. Again, that's part of his pre-game training routine.

    Spencer and Davey trained with the squad. Terlich was nowhere to be seen so you can assume he is playing at Casey today. It was a short, but lively session. Spirits were high. The boys were up and about as you can imagine.

    I have been to most pre game training sessions in last couple of years ....McKenzie not participating no surprise

    As Hogan and Bail thundered past on last run, Misson was walking behind them the conversation went like this

    Me "Gee Misso what are you building there?"

    Misson ( Laughs).."He'll be a Beast"

    Spoke to Jimmy Toumpas asked him if he was nervous, said he wasn't but you can tell he is and excited.

    Spoke to Jack Viney repeated my "take a deep breath before you go crashing in", greeted with laughter again, said he would have a 'word' with Ollie Wines during the game.

    Sellar,and Gillies quietly confident, same with Tapscott, Sylvia raring to go, absolutely stoked "Round 1 and I'm playing"

    The picture that told me we will be alright was Neeld laughing and joking with the players whilst they kicked for goal at the end of session, he had a couple of barrels himself

    Highlight for me an my lovely lady, both Howe and Blease looking really sharp, they will benefit the most from having the big guys up fwd

    Rodan went past got a bit thumbs up and smile.

    Nathan Jones already had his game face on

    • Like 15
  13. You have the right not to read it if it is too inane for you.

    For what it is worth I thought it might be interesting to see if we could make up a team of former MFC players playing at other clubs. When I say Interesting I don't mean of course "Interesting to Everyone."

    I read it to see if any posters said anything interesting, inane in we are a couple of days out from a new season and it lists players who no longer play for MFC, a bit of hairshirt wearing again?

  14. It honestly feels like we've been "young and inexperienced" for going on 7 years now. We are the Peter [censored] Pan of the competition.

    I have to admit I really tire of the age excuse being trotted out, and to do so before a ball has been bounced just annoys me. Last year we had the fourth youngest list. Fifth youngest list? Adelaide. They went okay.

    Effort counts for a hell of alot in this game, that's part of what makes it so great. Things can turn around completely in the space of one season. It happens year after year. I really want to believe it can be us in 2013, but I've touched that stove too many times now. I'll need to see it.

    It is not age or though that matters, it is games experience, that is the void Neeld has been trying to fill

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  15. Why would you waste Clark in the ruck after seeing him in the fwd 50 last year, Spencer is still growing into the role, Gawn needs to get games under his belt, and Fitzy has had chronic fatigue, diabetes and is still growing but he is more than able to start competing in the ruck, Neelds says so....and then we have Jamar, Pedersen, Sellar......why are we already looking at changing????? some posters astound me

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  16. I heard it

    Was far from inspirational.

    I got the feeling that 2013 will not be a lot better than last.

    Not sure the MFC can have too many more of those years

    Old Dee you really do need to switch that machine off that translates everything that you read and hear about MFC into doom and gloom, you seem to be on your Pat Malone with that summation of the interview

    What do you want him to say "we will win 15 games this year and make finals", imagine what your reaction would be if we didn't

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