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Dee Since 73

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Posts posted by Dee Since 73

  1. 1 minute ago, Demonsone said:

    What have we done in the last 30-50 years ... he’s played against & saw the rabble we have been & apart from 2 gf which we lost to him by 96points we continue to unravel & can’t sustain success. You need to earn respect by winning something not pretending! 

    True, but it annoys the [censored] out of me. I know respect must be earned but everyone taking pot shots wears a bit thin sometimes.... I get what you're saying tho.

  2. Player gains possession of the football, he is tackled, if he does not kick or handball it or attempt to get rid of it, the tackler gets a free kick.

    Player gains possession of the football, gets pushed in the back....The ball holder gets a free kick.

    Player gains possession of the football and is tackled above the shoulders....Ball holder gets a free kick, around the neck.

    Geez, this is simple isn't it? Wasn't it good to watch the game when these simple rules were in place?

    The protected zone rule can go.

    The deliberate out of bounds rule can go.

    The advantage rule can stay......just.

    Fix this and the game will be the great game we so fondly remember. Not this crap that have us watching now.

    Time for a revolution comrades, we need to tell the AFL in no uncertain terms that we will not stand for much more fiddling and making the game unwatchable. I am almost done with it.


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