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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. I assume you have chatted to him recently TDI, has he mentioned re-signing to you? i seem to remember a similar article to this one a few weeks back
  2. In normal circumstances i'd agree with you, but i'd strongly argue that due to the sheer weight of injections, the question makes surrounding the legality of the injections and so on they'd have a duty of care to know what the players were being injected with, and keep a record of that incase health issues arise
  3. Why don't the AFLPA have comprehensive records of all things injected into all players by all clubs? one would think that's the type of thing they'd have an interst in.
  4. Got a funny feeling Toumpas will get dropped this week, as much as i'd like to see him given 3-4 games to build some confidence at AFL level
  5. F me, people are stupid if they think that Essendon had smoking gun evidence of their innocence and handed it over without keeping a copy, and even if for some ridiculous reason that happened, they'd be jumping up and down making sure the public knew about it alot sooner than this. James hird's ability to warp reality to suit his situation is the smoking gun evidence of who is guilty or innocent the same man claimed at the press confrence that they self reported in that he didn't know what the players were given, there was no way of knowing, but it wasn't TB4 wink wink now he's claiming they did know, it was on a spreadsheet that ASADA apparently destroyed to strengthen their case, because like the rest of the world they're part of a massive conspiracy to get james hird I mean come on, they undertook a two year multi million dollar injection regime that was as they said themselves " experimental" and didn't keep records, obviously they didn't have any interst in seeing what results their money bought about... They have consistently backflipped on their own story depending on the most pressing public allegation at the time. Accusing ASADA of delivering an unlawful investigation, destroying evidence, and going out of it's way to harrass the club. it's a scatter gun argument, shoot at as many points as they can and hope someone is stupid enough to listen. AFL tips EFC off ASADA investigate EFC only to find no records, and noone seemingly having a club what had been going on for the previous two years I wonder what happened in between those two events... RANT OVER
  6. Jade Rawlings OOC at the end of this year, would be a handy contract to extend
  7. The thing i've seen with this type of set up in other sports is it maybe sounds better than it is, a first round pick from the MFC in 2017 isn't worth as much as a first round pick now because pick 5 this year, might see us improve a whole lot and be pick 14-15 by 2017 every future pick is serious devalued compared to the picks you have in hand because of the uncertainty, so really they will mean more deals get done because they're thrown in as steak knives but the team trading them straight up won't get the same value as waiting for them
  8. He is gettable. he's victorian, out of contract, his brother captains our club, not getting a game at swans vs almost certain senior games with us putting aside who the kid is, he's talented, hard, got some speed, good used of the ball, can play as a mid but more than capable as a defender, loves a tackle and really fits the type of player Roos loves probably going to cost us an early second round pick
  9. this is a good point BB, the argument being that the substance ordered wasn't thymomodulin, so it was either TB4 or something else, Essendon have no records and others have said it's TB4 so personally i'd be comfortably satisfied that is what it was, and suddenly the lack of records comes back to bite them.
  10. Damien Barrett wrote a decent article... Wtf
  11. Is it possible ASADA didn't use all the evidence they had because they got an inclination they wouldn't get a fair trial and saved a trump card for wada?
  12. I wouldn't even consider trading watts for yarren, people forget how good watts good is because he's so inconsistent with his efforts, and I don't really rate yarren
  13. I reckon that's what it was you know, a desperate deflection, he knew the 360 interview made him look bad, he needed something to take attention off that
  14. Could hirds ridiculous accusations come back and bite him hard in the way of further punishment?
  15. Essendon supporters going on about this bloody spread sheet
  16. The thing to consider is this club doesn't have a heap of credibility, i know that's harsh but we've had so many false dawns where people have thought we've been on the way up and it just hasn't happened, i know for a fact Jesse loves the club but he isn't going to sign a massive long term deal, it's our job to convince him before the end of 2017 that we're on the way up and it's not all just talk, if we can do that he'll recommit, if not i think we can probably guess what's going to happen.
  17. Just a rumour, it started because he's selling his house up there and naturally people thought maybe that's because he wanted to move back to VIC, which he has since cleared up however Sydney won't have cap room to offer him the sort of money he's worth, he's got a good connection with Roosy and Sydney may be tempted by a high pick rather than losing him as a free agent if they can't match the offers so it's worth making an offer i think.
  18. it's pretty black and white, they rejected ASADA's evidence but.. they have multiple player statements saying they saw bottles labeled thymosin, or had officials say they were getting thymosin, the tribunal ruled out thymomodulin, so it was TB4 or something else totally, all other types of thymosin are banned. to me that's comfortable satisfaction right there.
  19. Would be hesitant because of the drug stuff but Jake Carlisle is a quality player and out of contract at the end of the year
  20. I'm so over this " think of the players " [censored]. they are accused of cheating.. until the Essendon football clubs prove me and i'm guessing most of the sporting community wrong, in the eyes of the public they are cheaters, that's a reality they are going to have to face.
  21. I would have thought it could potentially be a dangerous ploy by Hird, i'm sure Robson would have some information WADA wouldn't mind getting their hands on
  22. they aren't missing at all WYL, we know where they are, shredded and burned after the league CEO tipped the club off about the investigation
  23. It's embarrassing but the toigs mate, should have seen the place after we beat them hahaha
  24. if someone who has some knowledge of psychology has seen the AFL 360 segment, they can potentially confirm this as i have a very basic knowledge but i noticed a few mannerisms from James Hird that made me believe he was lying, the biggest one was when he said the players hadn't taken anything illegal
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