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Everything posted by Nineteen

  1. What a good idea ....... to get to Gosch's paddock on Friday & support the boys. A real opportunity to 'give back' & I'd bet the players would appreciate a little show of positivity. I will be there!!! Hope to see you too!!!
  2. Dr G I have a couple of anti merger labels & maybe written material tucked away some where. Hit me with a postal address & I will post copies of them to you. Or Gate 5 pre game Sunday if u prefer. No exchange rquired. [i'm new here .... but does anybody have an inventory of Demon items?? IE I have a copy of the 1960 GF & an old woollen jumper with the team of the century embroided. Seems useful that somebody would have a recorded of who has what]
  3. The passion & fever pitch at the Dallas Brooks gave an injection that still lingers today. As the joke says good men are hard to find & Joe G, yes a far left field savior, kept us above the water line at an essential time. Jimmy was great & no disrespect to the Garners,Szondys etc., but we are one 'Churchillian' leader away from doing the Phoenix thing.
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