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Posts posted by IRW

  1. it was good ripping in to Hawks supporters today.

    They expected that cup all year.

    My facebook page has gone feral. Love it.

    The only thing wrong with today was that I wasnt surrounded by the usual mob of arrogant Hawks supporters so I could rub it in...at the very end if the truth be known.

    My son had to tell me to stop looking around.."there arent any here,just watch the game".

    The place was full of fellows who had brought their wives for their one game of the year.

  2. Well I'm a bit slow and its taken a while for me to stop finding reasons to excuse Brock but now he's lost me.

    Assuming Malthouse doesnt axe him I hope VIineys boy lines him up and flattens him and Watts trips onto his head while trying to get out of the way.

    • Like 1
  3. I need these things to occur to enjoy the year

    1. Watts to lift his intensity, his workrate and to start taking contested marks. I don't care where he plays on the ground.

    2. Mitch Clark to play 22 games

    3. James Frawley and Tom McDonald to become the pillars of a strong defence

    4. Sam Blease to keep improving

    5. With the inclusion of Viney ,a solid draft pick and a recruit I want to see some improvement in the midfield

    6. Trengove to pick up some lost pace and kick some goals from 50 metres

    8.. Win games against Essendon, Carlton, Geelong and Richmond

    good luck with 1 ,6, and 8.

    5 to 7 honest wins with a couple of 'honourable'/unlucky losses against 'contenders' would be an excellent return imo.

    I assume point 7 was "win the flag" but you changed your mind :)

  4. Hardly garbage, haven't you heard about how Caddy supposedly turned down an meeting with us and has requested to go to Collingwood? Obviously we could offer him more money but he is chasing success. How about Luke Ball? Why the hell do you think Rivers is leaving WYL? He isn't chasing money - we could offer him more than anyone. He is after some success, which has been stated by Neeld and I completely understand.

    Everyone has different values and it seems that many hold success and other factors, rather than money, in high esteem.

    Funny thing about Jared is that he's respected (mostly) at MFC and he's important at MFC.

    I suspect no one begrudges him leaving but I doubt he's going to have respect, importance or success at the Cats.

    Maybe some Finals but no flags I reckon.

    • Like 1
  5. Highly entertaining for a friday arvo read. Cheers

    Indeed, full marks for trying to lift and broaden the analytical vision of Demonland.

    Both Bush and Bailey liked to attack, that much is clear, but I wish Bails had spent as much on Defence as Bush.

    • Like 1
  6. I know you like to troll, but are you even aware that Bailey was also a schoolteacher?

    As was Alistair Clarkson, Brendan McCartney, John Kennedy Sr, Neil Craig and many other coaches?

    Ha good get buddy

    Actually though I dont much like his persona as revealed in 2012 I have no firm opinion on whether Neeld is going to be a good coach.

    Next year should tell us more.I'm certainly relieved that there dont seem to be wholesale coaching staff changes, that's a good sign.

    The players ,most of them anyway, I can take or leave.

    I think this thread is premature and pretty pointless myself and my post was meant to reflect that,not to troll.

    I did have a friend who knew Kennedy in his Education dept role...said he was a real [censored]. He was clearly a very good coach of elite sportsmen

    Bailey reminds me of my form 2 English teacher...good fun but a soft touch and no one learnt anything.

    Schoolteacher is a slippery term in many ways.

    Craig is obviously a schoolteacher,always has a lesson plan and is as boring as bat [censored].Probably good in the correct subject though.

  7. That's more like it....would hate to see you end up in an ossuary - LOL

    don't forget 'land has a general board too

    wELL i'VE CORRECTED MY r'S d'S AND b'S in my earlier post :) but I have to say that the general G rated board here isnt any fun at all...otherwise Robbie F would be all over it.

    The Jazz thread is as much interest to me as the soccer one was on Ology.

    Anyway as I said on day one "I come in peace"

  8. Appears we won't be delisting anyone going on those summaries.

    They will have to Bluey, to fit in all the free agents and unsigned Maggies that are knocking the door down to play for the Dees.

    Is it true that you're running for top dog in the cheer squad?....a little birdie told me :)

  9. I imagine you're correct, but I will say it was more RDB than the blokes you mentioned....you could whack someone in those days and tell the umpire to get stuffed.

    I got warned on Ology by 'Land for mocking this board....I mean really?

    Its like Demetriou and" bringing the game into disrepute" in a players spare time

    Anyway all compounded phenomena are impermanent and I dont know footy from a hookah so I guess I'll be happy enough here.

    I got a nice letter from Coach Neeld today and apparantly next season is going to be even better

    • Like 1
  10. I don't know if Giles will transform JW to want to 'compete' unless JW wants it as well.

    Great skills, we all feel safe with the ball in his hands, but as for being combative, nah.

    IRW, this conversation has been done to death, let's agree to disagree and talk about the upcoming draft.

    yeah fair enough,though I only introduced Giles as an option because there seemed to be so much similarity between the Brownlow Medalist and Jumping Jack.

    It wasnt a take a crack at Jack thing.

    Maybe they could trade Jack for a small forward...:) just labouring the point. Cheers

  11. In case you haven't noticed, JW doesn't get involved in the physical stuff.

    So do we agree or disagree about the possibility of Giles adding something to his game because, as he said," AFL is a collision sport"

    Watts isnt Robbie Flower baulking and running down the wing, he's 196cms and 89kgs KPP (in theory)

  12. you mean, since Moloney has pulled the plug he will no longer run the camp for the young Dees!

    No disrepesct to Beamer but this bloke wasnt talking about the same thing..

    He was very impressive and specifically said it wasnt about punching blokes in the face to toughen them up

  13. And Freo shows they can learn new game plans within half a season.

    Luckily its all Baleys fault, so we'll be ok with the Schoolteacher

    I reckoned I hugged 10 new best friends in the Frank Gey Smith Bat at the G that day..Every time I came back with a beer the ball was falling into someones arms and they were kicking a goal.

    I thought I'd been reborn in the early 60's.. deja vu

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