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Posts posted by IRW

  1. What about Brian 'Doc 'Roet?

    He's also written some helpful books he could bring with him

    • Hypnosis: a gateway to better health (1986)
    • All in the mind?: think yourself better (1987, 1994, 1996)
    • A safer place to cry (1989)
    • Personal therapy: how to change your life for the better (1996)
    • The confidence to be yourself: how to boost your self-esteem (1998)
    • Understanding hypnosis: a practical guide to the health-giving benefits of hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis (2000)
    • Positive health: a practical guide to improving your wellbeing (2001)
    • Feelings: exploring your inner emotions (2003)

    looks like it will be Dr Who - he's a volunteer

  2. They may be able to protect Hird but there will have to scapegoats if an offense has been commited. Thus far Hird doesnt seem to have committed any offense beyond vanity and given that Dank cant be forced to give evidence I doubt that they will be able to ping Essendon with an international penalty. Just a variant on the tanking inquiry really.The main difference being the attitude of the gutter press.

    While I understand your concerns the fact of the matter is this isn't something that Essendon, the AFL and even ASADA can just sweep under the rug.

    Even if the AFL convinced ASADA to impose a slap on the wrist type penalty (if something breaching the rules did occur) that penalty is answerable to WADA.

    If WADA aren't affraid to keep pushing and going after the likes of Lance Armstrong, I don't think Essendon and the AFL will give them to many sleepless nights.

    • Like 1
  3. With the CEO gone,motor mouth Connolly silenced and the Pres,let alone the Coach, being no public performer, Danihers ability to coach ,advertise and promote looks better with every passing year.

    If only he'd turned the list over just a bit more things may well be different.

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, that's the joke. Stand on a spot, turn 360 degrees, and tell me if your view of the world has changed much.

    surely it depends how quickly you spin around?

    I recall Jack spinning through 360 degrees for no apparant reason once, but he still slotted the goal.

    On the other hand you could go from 'well balanced' to seeing the world through my eyes.

  5. Don't forget, it's arguable that at 21 he's only really had two pre-seasons and one full year of AFL standard football. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the Bailey years were way off the standard. Watts is also still undersized - if he's 90kg (as I'm sure I saw reported somewhere) he's about 5-6kg under the weight he needs to be. If he can add that weight around his hips (without losing pace) he'll have a much better centre of gravity and be able to contest in packs more.

    I've seen him listed as 88kgs this year which is probably incorrect, but in any case he's definitely shed weight since Misson and Craig came on board.

    I think that 95kg is unlikely to eventuate and he's going to be lithe,moblie and destructive with hand and foot but not his body.

  6. If RR hasnt gone through 360 then neither have I.....but...

    It would be a disaster to lose him now because he's the sort of cream that will rise to the top of a good team.

    Get the rest of the joint playing good hard footy and watch Watts gradually morph into a unique elite player.

    Sign him mid year if possible,3 years, good pay.

    Assuming he's still looking the goods when the opposition starts going in hard again

  7. Lost his cool a bit too readily there, Bomber.

    You dont think it was an offensive question that added absolutely NOTHING to the issue.

    Typical Robbo crepe...it was a miracle he didnt intone "I believe in sport as in life blah blah blah" before he started..

    The man is almost as useless and unpleasant as Denham and Wilson. Anyone who can make me feel sympathy fro Bomber is a reeeaallyy negative influence on the game

  8. When Dunn stops backing in looking for free kicks ,when I see him with his first focus on getting possesion and choosing the right target rather than niggling and elbowing the opposition in the ribs as they hussle the ball out of bounds.

    Then I'll call him the first player to clearly show the benefits of having a new coaching team.

    It does look to be a possibility though

  9. Bomber got that pretty much correct on this occasion I would have thought.

    After all it was just hyperthetical nonsense coming from the market leader in fantasy hyperbole, fat Robbo.

    It amazes me that Brad Sewell hasnt punched him sometimes given the nonsense he speaks.

    I thought the Dons would be clean enough but todays reports make me think that if they arent in deep trouble then its because they are a protected species.

    Bomber would appear to be derelict in his oversight duties at the very least

  10. And I thought there were posters on Ology looking for a blue!!

    sheesh whats so difficult with this one.

    Brock stood up for family and common sense against hypocricsy discrimination and bigotry.

    Well done.

    All the AFL has to is obey the law as it stands and,,seeing as how at this point in time they arnt yet a religion, they cant discriminate.

    His sister looks pretty happy in the photo with her friend and very happy to be photographed with her brother.

    My guess is there are a few AFL players who are feeling a bit better as well.

    • Like 1
  11. Daisy T ... MFC.



    Still, if MFC had no draft picks it would be worth venturing into hell to see if a snowball was available and wanted to get out of the joint. I reckon Bucks may be more important than Eddie though.

  12. And while we're at it, why don't men always wear a hat when outside? Make it mandatory! Plus women are only allowed to wear dresses or skirts, never any pants.

    Don't disagree with the sentiment, as the sound of advertising is revolting and blaring, but it's a bit Romney-esque. Private individuals can't dictate how a private organisation presents itself, if you don't like it don't go.

    If they must play music I demand they get Bang and Olufsen to design some decent speakers and perhaps get a cantilevered platform to swing out over the centre square with a live band (preferably the Beatles or Stones) providing the music.

    In cricket season they could use it with Sherbet doing the honours...."Howzat!!".... after every appeal

    On an another matter full marks to the attendant at the Long Room door who asked me to remove my hat before entering on Grand Final day.

    Full marks (again) to Flannagan for writing what most everyone thinks. It wont make any difference of course.

    • Like 1
  13. Changes have been made. Give Neeld a chance.

    Neeld isnt the problem,even less so than Bailey and the senior players were.

    The admin,presumably some of the Board and Holywood Boulevard are the likely culprits and must be drummed out so Neeld and Craig can start again.....if they want to, and with or without Viney,Hogan and Wines.

    Dont get me started on Schwabb

  14. Sounds like Matthew Lloyd, D-wayne et al on 3AW yesterday, got their material from the Denham remarks. Repeated the same sentiments, suggesting desperate measures by Neeld, trying a Michael Voss stunt of a couple of years ago, but without the "favourite son" security, Voss had at Brisbane.

    Sounded like trying to work up a story, when there is nothing to actually talk about...

    It is true nonetheless that Neeld needs to keep the Board onside.

    I like what he seems to be doing, but a couple of these moves need to bring results in 2013

  15. this is why i would like our CEO to ring in to put his side of the story.

    This feud has boiled long enough.

    I wouldnt be the least suprised if CS is a liar and irritates the buggery out of the serious journos.

    His game playing was part of the reason for the 186.

    But what has that to do with Denham?...he's not a serious sports journo,he's none too bright and he's incredibly immature and unprofessional.

  16. old dee, on 04 November 2011 - 09:57 AM, said:

    I heard him this morning at approx. 9.30 he was asked why do you hate the MFC so much?

    His answer:

    Some CEO's go out of their way to help and provide info and others lie!

    So there, now we know what his problem is!

    Well really !! It must have been a pretty dreadful lie, because all clubs tell journos lies.

    The bloke from the Age was laughing about it last week on the very same radio station.

    Still, if thats the reason then he should be embarrassed at how juvenile he is being shown to be....by his own behaviour.

    Frankly, SEN should 'speak' to him.

  17. I caught the end of his disgracful performance,full of half truths (he neglected to mention Hogan and Barry in his summary) and plain stupidity...the 'dads army' crack and suggesting pick 20 was half that of pick 39!! Yep and pick 1 is twice as good as pick 2 which is twice that of pick 4...duh.. geez he's so dumb.

    I wonder why someone on SEN doesnt challenge him to explain why he's so personally and unprofessionaly bitter about MFC.

    It was so bad today that people were ringing in saying that while they didnt support MFC but.....pointing out his prejudices and innacuracies

    Mind you, like Denham, I do think the Pies have done very well out of the draft,assuming the use their picks wisely.

    MFC had constraints and the blokes at the coal face have obviously made considered choices/trade offs

  18. Heard this morning;

    Adelaide - Pick 13

    Sydney - tippett

    Pies - Sam Reid

    Demons - Dawes

    Came through a friend who was talking to Sam Kekovich, according to him we are pushing extremely hard for Dawes

    Stupid trade and even more stupid is Sam Kekovich...he's Jack Elliots last friend isnt he?
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