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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 1 minute ago, titan_uranus said:

    Don’t lump me in with others who perhaps approach the topic with “shallow” analysis. I’ve done my best to post my views in detail and with reference to the same material that is used to argue we must necessarily have engaged in a heavy loading phase over the last few weeks.

    It feels to me as though you are reasoning backwards. Your subsequent post to this one takes our last 5 scores and says “look at these low scores, that clearly shows we are fatigued”. There’s a link missing in between.

    As I’ve said before, I fully accept that we carefully structure our training loads week to week. What I don’t presently accept is that we’ve engaged in a loading block to such an extent that it significantly explains our poor performances of late. 

    In your view, is it consistent with loading/fatigue as a significant factor that we dominated time in possession, CPs, clearances, time in forward half, forward half turnovers, and scoring shots?

    When I said “it’s not loading”, I meant it. Our biggest issue right now isn’t loading. It’s how we choose to structure and play. 

    Someone is still saying it's " loading" ?


    Still I guess it's still school holidays isn't it

    Do fans say that on other teams pages?

    I suppose it would explain the Eagles (lol) but probably not those two inexplicable losses by the Pies .

    More relevant would be whether the players have the competitive maturity to match last minute or post siren goals from the 50, in the rain ,to fight out a game like the Bombers and Port.

    I suspect the only demon who might do that would be Spargo..except it would have to be from 35  out!

    Or maybe 40  given that he's put 5 metres on his range because he's a pro with fewer natural skills than the demon so called " elite"

    • Like 1
  2. What a lot of negative Nellie's   ..they beat the Pies nearly beat Port and a few more minutes they would have got past the Lions

    Dead set flag favourites imo

    Goody clearly has a very cunning plan he got from Baldrick or maybe its the one about  about doing exactly the same thing they've done every week because surely no one would anticipate that.!

    • Haha 4
  3. 4 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    He , BBB, might prove to be this year's Talisman . I wonder 🤔🤔 if they've earmarked him for round 17 😉

    I wonder if they will kick it to him on a lead ,which utilises his skill developed over his successful years at his previous Club.

    It couldn't hurt to try , given the coach says he's been working on the forward set up for two seasons now.

    Perhaps it's about time for Goody to change the script 

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  4. 4 hours ago, JimmyGadson said:

    Don't mean to offend but what a load of tosh. 

    Lowering the eyes is irrelevant? 

    It rarely happens to have a forward with space to lead into? 

    I think you need to watch some non-melbourne games... 


    Pickett isn't a good crumbing forward..he goes for the dump mark( or should that be the dumb mark?)

    Forget dump kicks under pressure  name one Demon who( still) has a laser flat pin point kick in his repertoire. 


    • Like 3
  5. On 6/24/2023 at 8:39 PM, IRW said:

    They have never honoured a BB lead( which is his game) he's doomed to contests in packs.

    Dumb coaching or dumber players 

    Probably a bit of both

    Today I hear Goody acknowledged supply was ok but they need to kick it better and they're working on it!

    Same script writer as last year when they were working on the forward structure.

    He gives nothing  away and never takes a backwards step but......?? wtf is going on?

    Wake me up when they develop some character 

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  6. 9 hours ago, DeeZee said:

    Selection leaves a lot to be desired too.

    Petty clearly needed a run in the twos first, and we are selecting players in ordinary to average form in Jordon and Spargo and leaving out players in very good for such as Thommo and Bowey.

    I love JVR but he is still learning the caper and no lynch pin just yet.

    Ben Brown might straighten us up a little.

    They have never honoured a BB lead( which is his game) he's doomed to contests in packs.

    Dumb coaching or dumber players 

    Probably a bit of both

    • Like 4
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  7. 8 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

    I hope so. Tomlinson enabled May and Lever to return to premierdhip form.

    If goody goes back to no 3rd tall and petty plays forward then he's being too cute by half. 

    Here's hoping he remembers what helped deliver him a flag. Otherwise Scott will out coach him - again

    Scott will out coach him , that's a given. 

    Who wins is another matter

    • Facepalm 1
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  8. On 6/13/2023 at 9:03 AM, Demon17 said:

    So a year ago it was 'All duck or no dinner' and Ed gets crunched for it.

    He was on the money then, and MFC showed yesterday that if the corridor is denied to the Pies they are just another good team with problems when their first choice strategy is addressed by the opposition. 

    The talk now primarily will be how the Dees unlocked the Pies game plan.  Good coaches elsewhere will be taking notice. The trick will be having the talent to execute.

    Well done Ed.

    Wow  that's a big call .

    Can you get him to fix the Dee's forward structure please?

    " forward line like a 3 Michelin star kitchen but the chef has called in  "work from home "but no one has told the footy dept"

  9. 2 hours ago, Mel Bourne said:

    Brian (Damage)Taylor was very quick to label Fritter as a stager after the first replay (and his peanut gallery all concurred). They show the zoomed-in second replay which shows that there was definitely some force behind it, and it was met with a stony-silence. 

    I wonder how many other professional sporting leagues around the world have as many hacks in the commentary box as the AFL does. 

    It's not Taylor's fault he's a complete boofhead,he was probably born that way, but it remains a mystery how he gets a headline job in the commentary box.

    Any job actually.

    But if they paired him with Daisy Pearce every game  it could be a ratings commentary win. 

    People would tune in just  to hear Daisy quietly correct his mistakes and complete lack of game vision 30 seconds after he's made them and the game has moved on a bit.

    I suspect he's too stupid to  notice or he's too busy checking his " cheat sheet", but the rest of us notice as if it's up on the scoreboard in neon lights

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 15 hours ago, layzie said:

    Far from his best game and I agree he can do more, he would know it too. His effort is there, just needs to get back to basics a bit. 

    Someone should tell him then, because it's there as common as his magic moments.

    This is coaching / guidance as much as anything imo.

    It also seems that Kossi, having signed on again ,is now getting " less" time in the midfield again rather than the  "more" he (supposedly ) requested






    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, layzie said:

    Was this meant for me? 

    I was also crediting his work rate when it was suggested he did very little. His 22 pressure acts helped to setup our intercept game in the front half. Not going to hear me say he did nothing!

    4 possessions 3 tackles ,33% effective

    This wasn't his grand final type game.

    If he was front and centre more often  not setting himself for a big grab from over the pack when the ball was coming in he wouldn't be " bypassed".

    Out of position with no sense of cost benefit analysis or risk / reward dualism..

    Can't argue with 40 goal seasons but he can be much better. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, Glorious Day said:

    Sorry? Trying to work out the logic of your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs.

    You’d rather finish 5th than 3rd? 😲

    You think if we finish 3rd, we’d have 0% chance of beating 2nd?

    If we finish 3rd and win the qualifying final, we are straight through to a home preliminary final. If we have no chance of beating 2nd in a qualifying final, regardless of where the game is, we are no chance of winning the flag and we’re just making up the numbers.



    It doesn't matter whether they finish if they keep playing like the last two seasons.

    The game has moved on

  13. 4 minutes ago, binman said:

    On the first point, i personally think that is myth, one goody is happy to persist.

    Sure he doesn't throw the magnets around like say Scott likes to, but he has been very tactically innovative from the get go. 

    And this year he has been experimenting with all sorts of innovations and changes to our model. 


      Do tell?



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  14. 2 hours ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    Recently I posted about remaining 8-pt games and a teams opportunity to gain % boosts ie most likely vs the bottom 6 teams. 

    Summary below.  Right hand column shows total 8pt games.


    The rationale of the commentators saying we have the hardest draw is flawed imv!!  I reckon we have the easiest draw of contending teams.

    Setting aside that any team can win on any given day,

    • The 'easiest' draw is Demons, Saints and Bulldogs with six 8pt games only two of which are vs top 4 teams. 
    • The 'hardest' draw is Geelong :cool: with 10 of the last 11 being 8pt games, 5 of which are vs top 4 teams.  They may not even make the 8 if Sydney and Freo get on a roll. 
    • Pies will have to fight out the season with games vs Cats, Lions and Bombers in last 3 rounds.
    • Similarly Lions have a challenging last 4 games.
    • Cats will have to fight in every game; no resting of players this year.
    • Top 4 locked in.  Other contenders not convincing of late.
    • Dees will probably be top 2.  We play 5 of the bottom 6 sides to see out the season. (6 of the bottom 7 if we count Sydney).

    Suns are the team to watch.  They won't make the 8 but they will have a very big say in who does!!

    A very different run home for us than 2022.  We will have the chance to manage injured players enabling us to be one of the 'freshest' contenders going into the finals.

    The only certainty is that the Dogs are  pretenders...as always.

    What a crepe Club they are

  15. 4 minutes ago, Wodjathefirst said:

    …and for him to desist going for the mark of the year but rather stay at ground level and focus on providing both forward and defensive pressure acts.

    Too much time in the air or running very fast after someone all parties know he won't catch.

    He doesn't seem to choose  the options with the neccesary ruthless cost benefit analysis.

    When he's choicelessly in the mix of the play he's electric though.

    Good kick but ....and his block to allow Trac to kick "that" goal in the G/F was worth whatever he got paid to extend his contact

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    The longer we keep that quiet, the better. Just imagine, Clarrie a surprise inclusion. I have a feeling the leg has been causing some less than striking form for Clarrie, for a while and needed good resting - but he has been out training so it must be OK suggesting he is close to fully 'better' already . Looking forward to some Tracca/Clarrie magic, Petty back in and a royal flush in the mysteries of team selections. Let's not show our hand? We already have the Ten, the Jack, the Queen, the King and just await the Ace from the dealer. It might help to raise the table before we declare ...

    A back six of May Petty Lever Salem Hibbert and McVee might be a surprise given the coaches capacity to make bad game calls, but gee it would be useful

    • Facepalm 1
  17. 16 minutes ago, Demonsone said:

    No Question pies playing well & be hard to beat, but last 5 weeks  they have played bottom 8 sides a stat that the footy experts have been critical of the us, pies have travelled once in 5 weeks also ..  a reflection of the poor scheduling by the AfL, pies will also have the last 4 weeks I’m melb before finals not bad hey 

    Other than the Dogs( who I never count) which top sides have the Dee's beaten?

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