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This Dangerous

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Posts posted by This Dangerous

  1. I struggle why people continually want to back Spencer in, wow he was bad. He may show some great efforts chasing and tackling but his ruck work and general skills are disgusting. Get Gawn or Jamar back asap!


    Agree 100%.

    I've come to the conclusion Spencer is the Anti-Jamar.

    Jamar offers nothing around the ground but will win hitouts.

    Spencer will chase everything on the ground and then lose every hitout. He was effectively beaten by a Shaun Hampson/Orren Stephenson combo. Against a talented ruckman he'd be little more than a step ladder with wavy arms.

    Much as we may like Spencer's gutsy endeavour, there's no point in a ruckman who's no good in the ruck.

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  2. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom Gillies is actually a method actor doing some sort of Joaquin Phoenix "I'm Still Here" style project on the MFC. There will probably be a movie about it.

    Years from now people will forget Tom Gillies: Innadequate Footballer and only know Tom Gillies: Comedic Genius.

  3. I'm 100% behind this. The fact that there are professional and semi-professional options for female athletes in basketball, soccer, netball, etc shows that the AFL has a lot of catching up to do. I would love to see an athlete of the calibre of Lauren Jackson or Sally Pearson play Aussie Rules. And it will happen. This is just the first step.

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  4. When Jamar handballed a shot at goal to another player who was under pressure, I couldn't even use use words. I just kind of roared loud and incoherently. Scared the hell out of my children. Thanks Mark Jamar.

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  5. sylvia has more talent that everyone out there but yet again disappointing

    been a long term supporter but im losing the faith after watchin him have little interest last week as well


    At half time, Sylvia has not had a single handball.

  6. Bump.

    I took the kids to the Jam Factory where the club had organised a "Meet the Players" . They got to meet James Frawley and James Magner, then the have a bit of fun handballing and kicking to a target.

    The positives:

    * The James's were awesome. Great with kids, friendly and patient. Both happy to sign autographs and pose for photographs.

    * My daughter was excited to meet Ellie from the "Getting to Know" videos, who was also very friendly.

    * The kids absolutely loved it.

    The negatives:

    * There were only 5 kids there.

    * The event could have been advertised better.

    While it was cool that my children got to spend practically one on one time with AFL players, its was kinda sad seeing so few kids there. I knew that as a club we were about as popular with the young ones as dentistry, but I didn't think it would be quite this bad.

    So I can highly recommend / implore / taking your children to these little events put on by the club. I figure the more positive Demon related experiences a child has the more likely they are to remain a fan in adulthood.

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