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Posts posted by Tankey

  1. You are so right mate. Stick with us. You are needed

    Sticking like glue. Funny but sad story, my mum asked me "why don't you go to the footy with your mates this weekend?" I told her that no one I know, let alone those of which are my close friends, follow Melbourne. Hopefully the next generation of supporters grow up to be Melbourne supporters. I feel like the only person under 20 that's there in the members cheering on the dees. Although it's always great fun going with my dad. Wouldn't have it any other way.

  2. I think that what happened in both tackles (the reported one and the one where Grimes got knocked out) were purely wrong place at the wrong time, no ones fault. Did anyone see the Nathan Jones thing by the way? 900 bucks down the drain because the umpire can't keep his feet...

  3. I live in Melbourne but I was still the ONLY Melbourne supporter in my WHOLE primary school (About 300 kids in the whole school) after year 3. Melbourne aren't a very popular team amongst kids around my age (14) because of the insults that come at me every week, I struggle to have conversations about the footy at school because all the other guys are talking about the intense match between Hawthorn and Geelong or something.

    In shorter terms, nobody in school could give a crap about Melbourne, unless they are talking about how bad this guy or that guy played or how embarrassing it was for Melbourne to lose by 30 goals against Geelong. I can take the insults mind you, I just laugh it off, but other kids don't want to deal with it. If it wasn't for the classic "Go for the team your dad goes for" Melbourne probably would struggle to have 1 in 100 kids following them.

    • Like 1
  4. I don't think we would choose this year to tank, with GWS and Gold Coast in the same boat as us. (although they have an excuse)

    But if we are tanking, all I have to say to Melbourne is STOP tanking and START [censored] winning

  5. I really want to be positive but i just can not find one thing to hang my hat on. You can drop player but who the hell do you replace them with. Even with a so called new game plan they should not have drop this far of the ball.

    They should get rid of the guys who try the least, because it's not like anyone is more skilled than the next guy.

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  6. How can other teams pick players like Buddy Franklin at picks like #5 and we are picking Cale Morton at #4, and a stupid [censored] that chases money at #1? Not to mention all our #7-20 picks that other teams have picked up gun midfielders...

  7. Magner, Clark and Matthew Bate BOG for us. Everyone else needs a long hard look in a mirror.

    1st gamer, pick-up from another club, and someone clearly so fed up with the Melbourne culture that he was screaming to get out last year. Everyone else is indoctrinated into the zombie-like fluff and chocolate (thanks WYL) outlook endemic to the MFC.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. We may be looking at the death of the Melbourne football club.

  8. Aaron Davey was recruited to be a flashy, fast, exciting player with great decision making.

    In my eyes, he has lost all spark, no flashy plays. Boring to watch, can not chase down anyone (infact, gets chased down himself) and it always seems like he is kicking off his right boot. And all around, just doesn't show enough at an AFL level.

    Last year I got his number on my jumper, and now I'm embarrassed to wear it to games.

  9. What made you pick the Kings, Tankey?

    I wanted to go for a Californian team, but the Lakers were too original, never liked the clippers, and it might sound stupid, but I thought the warriors jerseys were ugly. It might sound like I hate Lakers fans with a passion, but I just hate the bandwagon ones. For instance, my friend is a Lakers fan and asked me last week: How many points did Shannon Brown score? Shannon Brown got traded to the Suns before the season started...

  10. Going to go on a limb here and say the Grizzlies will at least make the Conference Finals. A lot of depth. Miami to win it all, as much as I hate to say it. (I hate bandwagon [censored]. Miami, OKC, most of Lakers, some Boston, some Chicago, some New York )

    As far as my team goes, it's in the same situation as Melbourne... Sacramento Kings, looking on the up and up with DeMarcus Cousins and Tyreke Evans. The only thing that is standing between us and playoffs is experience and our retarded coach. Also, every time I see a Lakers fan I want to punch them (2002 conference finals, wasn't the Lakers fault, but still.)

  11. I think we should do what some basketball teams in america do (Recently by Portland, traded 6 players and released 1 in the space of 3 days), have a complete roster change and start everything over. I know it isn't as simple since AFL teams have about 4 times the players as NBA teams do, but I think we just need to completely overhaul our roster in terms of key players and start rebuilding with a completely new squad. It might sound stupid but at least could get us some wins and gain some respect and not be the laughing stock of the AFL.

  12. I sat near the boundary at the game, there was 1 moment were Stef Martin was chasing down someone (Can't recall who) Brisbane were all talking, Stef was putting his heart and soul into it without any help, without any talking from any dees players at all. Of course this is when we were down and out, but having a sulk when the game isn't over is only going to make it worse.

    Just on a side note, we need to trade Jamar for a big defensive presence and put Stef Martin in the ruck. Nothing against Jamar, he is great, but I think we need a big man to go down back. It's hard for frawley and rivers to beat someone like Jonathan Brown or Lance Franklin. And I think Stef's talents are going to waste.

  13. You'll cop a few donuts in the backline....who is Forster?

    To be honest, I don't know. I autofilled when I started making my team and he came up. Thanks for letting me know though, never would have remembered to change him. I never focus much on my backline by the way, since Midfielders are usually the stat sheet stuffers, and the forwards I have are players that I never look over.

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