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Everything posted by My TD

  1. never stopped 'em making stuff up before.
  2. I think either Ling gave Buckley the blood nose or Ling dobbed Buckley in to the umps for it getting him sent off. Either way Buckleys thinking was "If I'm going off, your coming with me." Howe was about 12 and living in a sleepy tassie town when Buckley did this.
  3. Yeah mate , I was raised on a steady diet of past heros that dominated long , long ago aswell. Decided to set the kids free next time they bother asking if the demons won. They can choose their own destiny. I could have a couple of cats, and a magpie or bomber supporter living under my roof soon. Never thought I'd see the day.
  4. I don't think 'Olgy is anywhere near as aggressive now as it once was RF. A couple of long overdue key bannings saw to that. I thought Mikey got a raw deal tho'. Just an over enthusiastic kid that loved the club. I find Bluey & IRW rather amusing and am happy they made their move here. Bluey for his Eeyore persona and IRW for his skill at bamboozeling his jousting opponents who like me don't understand WTF he's on about.
  5. FWIW RF , I missed your input when you shot through. You could be prickly but we often had similar views (still do). And Ted Fidge. Pretty sure the toigs have 2 fan forums. Punt rd End and Yellow & Black.
  6. I like your style Biffen. Pity we didn't see more of you at 'Ology. RF, you weren't a bystander in many a stoush over there. As they say, If yer gonna dish it out ,......... HT and Nasher , as mods you 2 are fine, that other fella's a loose cannon tho'.
  7. Never mind Ablett, Judd and Scully. How 'bout names like Uze, Robertson, Green and Davey. We've got a great history of players holding off negotiations till seasons end and then trotting out names of interested clubs through the media. Few seem to show loyalty by signing the dotted line before their current contract is up, putting pressure on the club in the off season to give in to their demands or watch them walk for nothing. Talk about a gravy train for good-ordinary.
  8. You'd think even if he wanted out that his effort would be greater to maximise his value to another club.
  9. You shoulda traded Magner weeks ago as his scores have flattened out. Trade him for Couch IMO.
  10. Robbo became a very good set shot goal kicker. If Howe works on it he will too. 2-3 year deal is fair.
  11. One of the things that worries me about Neelds coaching is that it appears that we start games asleep. Is it not the coaches job to make sure his team runs onto the field with the required mindset to compete from the 1st bounce ? How many games have we lamented that " If it wasn't for being smashed in 1st qr , we went ok." Thats not to say its a new issue, just another unresolved old one but one purely related to coaching IMO.
  12. Not sure but I'll tip they were contract seasons aswell.
  13. I'd like both Ling and Mooney as assistants.
  14. His lack of height spooks me . Its one thing to be a hard inside mid at 178cm against kids. Quite another to be the same in the AFL. And then the prospect at having to take him at 3. The idea to make him wait another year tho' is just dumb. He'd be long gone and I wouldn't blame him.
  15. No good but stuff happens, at least we're not finals bound etc. Important thing is to get it right. Good opportunity for someone else to get a run.
  16. Who thinks the little bloke or any of his mates will try this again ? [media=]
  17. Geez , didn't realise Davey was 6'5". Looks alot smaller on the ground. Seeing as you mentioned Davey , I'd like to see Watts ( or any-one actually) ragdoll the bloke giving Davey a hard time. I'd be willing to give up a free for that too. Lets the tagger (and Davey) know his teammates have his back. It was no coincedence that Davey walked taller when roaming the forward line alongside Nietz.
  18. It seems like every week some clown half Watts size is in his face for a push and shove before the bounce. The sooner he ragdolls 1 of 'em and shows they're out've their weight class the better IMO. It'll happen eventually but as with everything Watts , all in good time . Then it won't happen so often.
  19. Thats if his knee isn't totally shot by then.
  20. We'd rather have 1 Clarke than 2 Scullys.
  21. Ha , ha . Go get 'em Blue .
  22. Don't flatter yourself mate. The forum changed little after you got run outta town. Recently HHNF has gone senile and the swearing and abuse has escalated but thats due to 1 bloke losing the plot.
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