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Everything posted by Lutz

  1. Greg Denham knifing the club again on SEN now.
  2. No, the Suns actually traded for Brennan to my understanding. It involved upgrading the Lions pick by about 5 spots so they could get Polec, hence the suns having 3 straight picks before us. The Lions also got pick 25, on traded from Collingwood for Krakouer, and possibly some other scraps.
  3. I think we should draft MaCaffer with pick 36. And then we should get Mark Blake and Steven Armstrong with the next 2. Just cos.
  4. You underestimate Strauss, or you are judging him on his first couple of games, rather than those immediately before his injury. He'd found some confidence, was using the ball well, making good decisions defensively and offensively, and was using his body to effect in the style of a smaller early Frawley - strength through the core to stand up in the tackle, get the arms high, keep your feet and cleanly and accurately find a teammate. His marking of the man was good too. Can remember the opposition, but when Strauss broke his leg & went off, the floodgates opened after he'd previously been holding his man well (Garlett?). His leg is a serious obstacle, and he needs to overcome that, but he was coming on in leaps and bounds.
  5. Does mean we can trade him for a 1st round pick, and then usethat pick to select Lynden Dunn?
  6. It means taking pleasure in the misfortune of others. A great concept, that is prevalent in footy due to the tribalistic nature of clubs and their supporters.
  7. Great thread for entertainment value alone. To think some accuse Maric of being hard done by! The mind boggles.
  8. Cos we should've had Caddy. He was practically ours for the taking. We had the goods to give up that would equate to a fair deal, and we were willing, but the deal didn't get done. I'm not convinced we'll get better, but we could easily get worse.
  9. Don't forget Tyler Chalwell... No, actually it's ok, you can forget him...
  10. Right. So when Petterd is good he's good, and when Steve Johnson is good he's also good. Great comparison. Sorry, I don't see it.
  11. By all reports? No, by some ill-informed reports he was unimpressive. Those that know realise that he tapered off as the season went on, due to an immature body and injury. Earlier in the season he was pushing for a senior berth as a skinny KPF that by all rights shouldn't be expected to show much until his 3rd season. Abominable thread.
  12. You mean, Steve Johnson without the skill, but more athleticism? Not sure how you can make the comparison. The only similarity is the position they play, and their height.
  13. Thing is, compo picks won't have as much value compared to early normal picks. GWS wanted compo picks to get into next year's strong draft. I think this year, our mid round compo pick had more value than pick 8 or 9 and our after-1st-round-pick was close too. Next year we won't quite have that bargaining power but it may not matter because we may be happy to take the picks.
  14. Day, Prestia and a couple of others have already signed extensions. There may not be the out-of-contract fire sale that some seem to expect. I'm not sure Caddy's hand will be any stronger if he is out of contract - the teams with low picks in the PSD will likely be interstate clubs, so he won't be able to take that route. Once again I think we'll be in a stronger position than Essendon.
  15. I'll be very surprised if Joel MacDonald is still on the list in 2012.
  16. As I said a few posts earlier - GC didnt really want to deal, they just wanted to look like they were trying to.
  17. I thought this too. Although nice to get something for Warnock, and around the mark of his value too IMHO, but the way GC were haemorrhaging picks in the 30s, you'd think they'd throw us a slightly nicer bone.
  18. And seriously, what the hell use is mediation in this context? Essendon asking really really nicely if GC doesn't mind getting screwed in a rubbish trade? What use is an impartial referee in this process? It just prolongs a stalemate.
  19. To be honest, I think both GC & Essendon inadvertently screwed us. Essendon with their pigheaded determination to get GoldCoast to take pick 19 & a few potato cakes, meant that GC were ties up in mediation and we didn't get enough opportunity to negotiate with them. Gold Coast in willingness to waste time & not get a deal done in time, although appearing to try. Partly because they'd like to keep Caddy, and partly because they need to send a message to the other interstate kids. In the end, I'm pretty happy to have added a piece like Clark and got something back for Warnock, all while managing to keep both of our compo picks. Shame Bate couldn't be moved though. I very much doubt his value will increase in 2012.
  20. Time's up Tommy. He's been given enough time to prove he's out of his depth at AFL level. Many don't get as much time as he did.
  21. I don't think it's the best point. The club has every right to keep a contracted player as backup, especially if an equitable trade cannot be found. If both Frawley and Garland were injured he'd have played. That's why he was there.
  22. Bombers very little chance. I get the feeling Gold Coast know we're likely to be the only contenders that can offer what they want, or enough, hence their public demand for 2 compensation picks (who else has 2?). We'd be mugs to hand over the 2 picks for Caddy though. I also get the feeling that the "sneaky buggers" comment, is the ruse about Caddy's old man's heart condition and the subsequent "need" to go home. As others have said, if he were that desperate, Caddy would be canvassing all Melbourne clubs, willing to go anywhere to get it done - not aiming for Essendon and having last minute deals scraped together. It'd also have been very publicly on the radar from day one of trade week. Although, this is all out of the mouth of the Essendon worshipping Mark Robinson...
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