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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. I didn't hear Craig say 'its a rebuild of a rebuild' or 'it is what it is' twenty times. Other than his brutal honesty in the first round he ever coached I found Neeld in general to be a hard person to pin down - he just never really seemed to say anything of any substance ever. I thought it was his way of dealing with press exposure but he seemed almost the same in the pre game bake they telecast with him just saying 'we trust you' ten times. Saying he was surprised by how poor we were actually surprised me the most. With one midfielder and three debutants your always going to struggle.
  2. An interesting article. Hopefully rightly or wrongly will bring people back into the fold. Persistant rumours along these lines for years.
  3. Interesting comments. Wish id been able to go. so basically does anyone think our players weren't trying? That was an accusation that got a big run in my area of seating (mainly by pies supporters) on queens bday.
  4. Dwayne is a third rate media personality with so little to offer except AFL sycophantism that its not funny...
  5. Sounds like I missed the best game of the season thus far... Typical...
  6. I think the person he knows will be soon unemployed like my previous info provider - m. Bate...
  7. Was unable due to family commitments to watch the game in any capacity today. I was told from a club source that there was a but more confidence before the game. Can I ask: 1. Did watts play forward? 2. Did Dawes look down? 3. Who looked more keen and gave an improved account of themselves? 4. How did frawley, Kent and Sylvia play? 5. Notice more flare today?
  8. Article on AFL website reiterating pj's comment that Roos isn't super keen. Was able to speak to the person I know today who just smiled when asked. no idea what's going on to be honest...
  9. many suspected this was how it is but fresh eyes are just confirming it. I always rate a person who says what he means, doesn't embellish and is a strong communicator. So few people are - particularly it seems those involved at the dees in recent times
  10. no offense but you keep coming back to this point. If you think you can get an honest response from players by asking them at the end of a training session you are mistaken. No player in his right mind would say anything negative about Neeld. But because you have reiterated this line I will offer an insight. What you suggest is not plausible and I've heard the opposite - Jon ralphs recent article was the most accurate. Last thing I'll say on the matter. Thanks for the report.
  11. From what I hear its practically a done deal. The AFL are basically hiring Roos for us and making certain he has sweeteners - money and early mini draft pics and a long term deal and long term plan (3-5 years).
  12. I don't think its such a bad side - different but I want to see different. I think the basic idea is to change it up and see what these blokes have got for the rest of the season. I just have this nagging feeling we are half a chance and I have no idea why...
  13. I was there that night and it cement my utter hatred for the saints and their fans. At quarter time three yobby supporters with face paint and a skin full got in my face and screamed go sainters - one then sprayed beer all over my pants. I was sober and with an old bloke so I let it fly - three quarter time and at the end of the game sadly they were no where to be seen so I didn't get to return the favour.
  14. a REALLY interesting side. I like it. Blease, Clisby and a few change ups make it definitely worth watching to see. I agree that although I like tappscott he has had a poor season with minimal impact.
  15. Word is jack watts will play forward.
  16. Love it. No other current players until they're earned it please
  17. Some reason I like our chances Saturday just quietly.
  18. I wish. Tell us what the vibe is like. Lets smash those saints.
  19. not pedo - he was signed for three years!!
  20. Moloney doubted neeld. Neeld was sacked after 18 months.
  21. I must admit I utterly dislike the current emblem. Its all over the place and means nothing. My wife also tells me it all went down hill from the time we adopted it. will always love the 80s demon logo. But don't mind the above.
  22. I can confirm from my own staff source that neeld had lost the majority of the players.
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