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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Imagine the new supporters and sponsors a player like him could attract though.
  2. Like the guy on facebook that took a photo if himself next to a listed player then quoted him as saying another listed player was lazy?
  3. The same Jose that said emphatically that Cale Morton was our most important future player?
  4. If he comes he's a champion; if not he's no good anyway.
  5. If partyboy's source was club based then its unlikely they would have flattly given up on danger given what we can offer in terms of trade and coin unless danger had emphatically asked not to go to dees. if partyboy's sourve was agent or recruiter based tjen probably more believable but he hasnt confitmed whether he knows tjis as fact or his opinion.
  6. I remember when someone posted that josh caddy's parents went to the presidents 'war chest' dinner and was definately a dee.
  7. Interesting comments from partyboy. I heard yesterday at the golf club that he is definately open to a trade. So it comes down to who can offr the most in return plus money versus quick success. saints have pick one. Im sure most clubs would have a crack. No guarantees it will be us sadly unless goodwin, roos and vince are attractive to him. carlton are also another possibility.
  8. Bloke from the golf club last year was right about us being interested in Shuey although his prediction that the deal was already done didnt quite pan out... Everywhere I read about Dangerfield. everywhere...
  9. Trenners v Toumpas is a hard one. Trenners was awesome at the start and his slowness is hopefully the result of an injury rather than smashed confidence from being made captain. If he can recover he is definately worth keeping. Toumpas is fast and he just seems to have very low confidence and second guesses. I noticed preseason he was putting in more than anyone else so it worried me that he had minimal impact. There was a whisper at the golf club a while back that us taking Toump was a ploy by other recruiters. Talk up a pick and then at the last minute let it slip down and see if there are any takers. No idea if there is truth to that.
  10. FItzy for Tutt is a win for both sides - gives the doggies a forward option, gives us an up and coming mid that just cant break into their side enough.
  11. Demonland: Bag facebook rumours pages then base your assessment of whether a player is leaving or not based on your read of body language on a footy show appearance.
  12. although I hope toumpas doesnt get traded because i think confidence is his main issue.
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