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Posts posted by Undeeterred

  1. 1 minute ago, stuie said:

    I don't disagree with that, but I think this has been a bit of an overreaction. I thought his 3 spear tackles were much much worse than the bump. Just find it a bit cliche that so many are calling Cyril a sniper, but when Bernie plays dirty it's "finally Melbourne have some agro" and the like (not saying that was you btw nut, just talking generally).


    I hate the way that Bernie waves his elbows around and gets rubbed out. But I absolutely love it when Oliver lays really clean, strong tackles, or when Viney attacks the ball when it's on the deck.

    There's nothing wrong with playing hard footy. And there's nothing wrong with bumping per se, but it's not on to shirtfront someone who is going for the ball and has no opportunity to brace for the impact. And it's definitely not on to get them anywhere near the head in that situation. 


    4 minutes ago, monoccular said:

    A revolt against him?  Why?  Not a team man?  Should a prospective suitor be concerned?  

    Have a quick Google - he was pencilled in as the next captain right across the footy world, but I thought there had been some internal stuff which meant that he didn't get it. I could be remembering incorrectly!

  3. 43 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Weideman may not play - Roos views:  "...Weideman would be monitored after copping a corkie on debut...He got that corkie in the first quarter, so he was a bit sore at training [on Wednesday], so we’ll need to make sure [he’s OK] because you don’t want to take any risks with young players.”

    Would be a shame if he didn't play but Pedo played well so could stay in and give Weideman the chance to be raring to go at the MCG vs Carlton the following week.

    Did anyone see how he got the corkie?  Did Mitchell or one of the snipers put their knee into him?  Mitchell has a habit of doing that!

    Geez he played a good game if he had a corkie in the first quarter.

  4. 13 hours ago, deeko said:

    DC it's going to happen when players are charging at the ball at the speed they go at. If the contact was to the scone it's a whole different scenario and they have to get weeks.

    Cyril plays on the edge every game and hits harder than everyone else which made it look worse than it is. In my opinion if Clarry had disposed of it and was hit afterwards or hadn't taken possession at all I'd be calling for his head but the ball was there and impacts will happen. 

    The really tough players will charge in and tackle front on. Imo that's one of the bravest things you can do, not this but it still doesn't mean I don't mind seeing s good bump now and then 

    No, he plays on the edge and hits harder than everybody else, which makes it exactly as bad as it looked.

    Total cheap shot on a player who had eyes only for the ball, was fumbling it, and therefore had completely opened up the front of his body and wasn't expecting to be ironed out.

    Why should we let players get away with crap like this because they 'play on the edge'. It's just complete nonsense.

    There's just no place for that in footy.

  5. 1 hour ago, Maldonboy38 said:

    No way he will leave. He is a WA boy through and through, and Freo's next captain. As a professional footballer, his manager would be remiss in his duties if he didn't explore options, but in the interviews I have seen with him he  doesn't seem motivated by money. Perhaps the current status of the Freo list may pose questions for him but not enough to leave. 

    He was their last captain too, until there was a player revolt and they gave it to Mundy.

  6. 11 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    We were dam lucky to get anything for him is my point

    The AFL have quietly looked after us since since 2013 although our match day fixtures are still B Grade

    Brisbane don't need a PP that is just a bandaid

    they need a Gun CEO who is given the power to shake the entire club including the board. 

    But even then it's line ball

    Banana Benders in Brisvegas follow the Broncos. It's Redneck Heaven up there

    Nonsense. We got exactly what the formula said we should.

    And the rest of your post has absolutely nothing to do with my original point.

  7. 1 minute ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    No it's not

    we were that bad

    Col wouldn't have been a top 10 player at any club except the old MFC

    He never got out of 2nd gear

    Which is relevant to the level of compensation how?

    The discussion is whether we were compensated for the player we lost. 

    Your random point about how lazy he was and whether he would fit at another club is a complete red herring.

  8. 2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.


    Such a huge difference between playing hard footy and being a dirty Hawthorn sniper.

  9. 3 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    I wouldn't be sooking too much if they awarded Brisbane a pick.

    The AFL have been pretty good to us I would've thought since the dark days of 2011-2013:

    • Instrumental in us getting Peter Jackson
    • Instrumental in us getting Paul Roos
    • Awarded more than fair compensation for losing Sylvia (Vince via pick 25 traded to Adelaide)
    • Awarded more than fair compensation for losing Frawley (Brayshaw via pick 3) 

    Frawley was one of most important players and, for all the whining we used to do about Sylvia, he was easily first 10 picked each week when he left.

  10. 19 minutes ago, mrtwister said:

    Looked like Petracca was going to kill him after the free was given when Gibson clearly ducked. He even had time to put his mouthguard back in his mouth before he chased him. It was right at the end of the 3rd.

    Loved that play - Petracca looked majorly p1ssed and chased Gibson down no worries. Was hilarious.

    • Like 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Pates said:

    I get mad at that too, but I get so bloody excited with that handball he did to Viney keeping the ball in. Every Hawthorn player expected him to take it out, in mid air handballed it to Viney who did an awesome shimmy to get away and pass it to Weeds. Ended up with a goal to Bugg, one the moments of the game for me because it was so audacious from just about every player involved!

    I too look forward to Clarry (and Weeds too for that matter) bulking up and giving one back to Rioli!

    That was the point after which I genuinely expected us to win - Oliver did something fairly desperate and quite extraordinary, but Bugg's kick out of the air was sensational as well. It was such a great, confident passage of play that I thought they looked on from that moment.

  12. 2 hours ago, Ricky P said:

    Quick and skillful outsider who's happy to go when it's his turn. He's had a terrific year and only turns 20 this week I believe.

    I reckon that goal he kicked on the weekend will end up being a pretty famous Melbourne goal.

    It was pretty huge and really gave them the belief that they could be headed late and get themselves back in front.

    • Like 1
  13. 43 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    I've mentioned previously how Robert Flower played even better when in the Victorian team because he was in the right spot and the ball actually got to him. Perhaps part of the improvement in Watts is something similar - as the players around him get better, his kicks which perhaps always went to the right spot now actually have the players at the other end who maximise their value. 

    I'm sure you're right. Just as important is that the delivery into him is getting better too, giving him more chances at kicking goals. The couple of laser passes from Kent spring to mind, and that one over the top that was kicked perfectly to his advantage inside 50.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, ArtificialWisdom said:

    yeah he was paid a free because he stopped and blocked to keep the space and his man tackled him in frustration. Free or no free the decision to make the space was good. I like seeing good off the ball efforts Watts does then as good as anyone. If more players develop it we will be a much better side.

    Absolutely. Was sensational work.

  15. 22 minutes ago, mo64 said:

    You just confirmed my point. The best player in the AFL last year in Fyfe, plus Mundy, Neale, Walters, S. Hill and probably B. Hill is not a shabby midfield. If Hogan wanted to go to Freo, he'd have a better understanding of their list than you.

    I don't rate it, especially not against ours. Other than Neale, I'd say most of those players are either on the downslope or coming back from serious injury. But that's ok - we can disagree.

  16. Just quietly, apart from kicking three of his own, Jack Watts and his absolutely sublime delivery led to three more in the last quarter alone (hitting Pedo on the lead, Tyson for the sealer, Tyson's last one from just forward of the centre circle). There were probably others through the game that I can't recall.

    He is just a supremely important player. What a bloody star.

    Kent put a couple down Watts' throat too - he is seriously underrated going into 50 and has great chemistry with Hogan too.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, ArtificialWisdom said:

    Vanders off the ball effort to ensure Brayshaw had that space running forward cannot be understated either. Could just as easily run close looking for a cheap handball receive but just held his man out of the contest. Want to see more of that.

    He was paid the free - Brayshaw took the advantage

  18. 3 hours ago, Demons11 said:

    His chase and tackle of Sicily in the last qtr was massive. Game saver 

    Actually, that's a good point. That spoil, going back with the flight 20m out, was amazing. Nine times out of ten the defender gives away a free in that situation, or doesn't contest strongly enough to prevent the mark.

    All class.

    • Like 3
  19. 6 minutes ago, mo64 said:

    I've got no doubt that several clubs would be discussing how to target Hogan, just as we did with Dangerfield. We were never a chance of getting Dangerfield, but unless you shake the trees, you never know what will fall out.

    The one factor that everyone keeps bringing up is the potential of our list compared to other clubs like Collingwood or Fremantle. If Hogan has any reasons for wanting to leave Melbourne, he'd see himself as being capable of changing the fortunes of the club that he chooses, so IMO, it's a non issue. We just need to keep Jesse happy on all fronts.


    He's got a snowball's chance in hell of getting a kick at Fremantle, our delivery will be 1000% better over the next five years.

  20. 1 hour ago, Akum said:

    I heard this too, and I think it's worth clarifying. The caller said he had "intel" from inside the club and that, among other things, they were going to make an approach to Jesse Hogan. He didn't say that talks had already taken place.

    This was in the context of KB & Patrick Smith saying that the situation at Collingwood had been overshadowed by the Brisbane & Richmond goings-on, and that now that Hardwick seems safe and Leppa is gone, the blowtorch will now go on to Buckley at Collingwood. This prompted a few outraged calls from fans defending Buckley.

    This called who said he had 'intel' was more trying to placate the irate fans by saying that issues were being faced internally. His first point was how much the drugs thing had disrupted the entire club for many weeks early in the season, and that they were discussions about getting the players to sign statements that they would not use recreational drugs in the off-season.

    I thought the mention of Hogan was to give the impression that the club was aware of their on-field weaknesses and were seeking to remedy them, even if it meant going for a big target like Hogan. It was a sort of "magic pill" delusion of "if we had someone like Jesse Hogan, we'd be a lot better and Bucks would be safe and everything would turn out fine" that would paper over all their other problems.

    In fact, PS, who had been very critical of Bucks's record and had had a heated argument with an earlier caller, did back off and say that setting their sights on someone like Hogan was the right thing to do, although he also said he had no idea why someone like Hogan would want to go anywhere near Collingwood just when Melbourne were looking so good.

    He definitely did not say that talks had already taken place.

    Much more helpful.

    Collingwood can hypothesise all they want, but they don't make sense as a destination for Hogan. 

    • Like 1
  21. 34 minutes ago, SPC said:

    That missed kick was shocking, but he was so fatigued he never even wanted the ball. One thing about Oscar, his kicking action looks solid and he will become a very reliable kick with some work and maturity.

    Completely agree

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