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Posts posted by Undeeterred

  1. 8 hours ago, Pickett2Jackson said:

    100% correct.  The suicide rate is through the roof sadly.  Add in the new cases of depression and anxiety and god knows what else  and its a much bigger disaster than the virus.

    Protect the vulnerable and open things up.   Locking people in their homes and destroying their immune systems is diabolical, if not evil.

    Scott Morrison needs to show some leadership.

    Being who exactly? Obviously not the 20 year old who died yesterday or the 30 year old who died the day before. If that age bracket is starting to die, who exactly are you expecting to be in the 'invulnerable' category? 

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, dl4e said:

    I would probably open everything up again. These lockdowns are just killing the economy and many peoples livelihoods. What is the suicide rate at the momment and how many people cannot or won't get care for other problems such as cancer. How many cases in so called covid deaths especially in elder people are actually due to other reasons but because they have contracted covid their death is simply put down as one. 

    This may sound silly to some but I believe the so called cure is worse than the disease.

    It does sound silly. 

    We haven't actually had the full whack of the disease. You wouldn't like it if we did, believe me. The cure is pre-emptive. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, MF-C said:

    I like it. 

    Could rotate between him and Trac/Oliver forward. Oliver is a solid mark and well everyone knows Tracc is great in front of goals

    It's a hard one but I don't think there is enough sample size for Brayshaw to play large minutes in guts just yet. 

    He needs to get back to some really good form and do it against Pies/Saints and few other times before his time in there can be worthwhile. 

    Viney, Kozzie and Spargo could be too much of a midget fwd line as we do tend to bomb it in. 

    Would be cool to see but I think Brayshaw will slot back into that low TOG role 

    Other than a third place finish in the Brownlow you mean?

  4. On 8/11/2020 at 11:44 AM, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Doubt that will happen.  Goodwin gave him big raps after the game along the lines of he is a very smart footballer and will be with the club for a long time to come.

    Sorry, but if we're canvassing Trade Viney as an option and not canvassing Trade Brayshaw, we're kidding ourselves.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Cheesy D. Pun said:

    I don't mind this.

    We really only have 3 plausible choices here:

    1. Play Viney forward

    2. Trade Viney

    3. Continue to play Brayshaw out of position

    You can see why the coaching staff have gone the way they have - it's a very tough call.

    Also, number 1 is a chance of causing number 2.

    4. Trade Brayshaw

    • Like 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, Bmac1242 said:

    Should Melbourne be having a chat to Alister Clarkson with him open to the idea of Hawthorn making a big decision on his future. Could there be an option for us to get him at the end of the year.  

    Complete no brainer. 

    I'd put him on the list, while we're at it... He can't be worse than a few others.

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/26/2020 at 8:53 PM, No Plan B said:

    Melts aside I’m starting to see why we sold the farm for May and Lever. May is probably in the AA squad of 40 at present. Love his arrogance. 

    Completely agree.

    His kicking is excellent and he's a proper leader down back. I'm a total convert.

  8. 3 hours ago, Jaded said:

    Lol this is a joke. 3 interstate games in 6 rounds. One home game all year thus far. 
    And back to back interstate games. 

    We better get a dream MCG home game run in the lead to finals. 

    This is just dumb luck

    Freo are up there, we have to play them as we aren't going to travel to Perth, so they probably just figured get us up there and get it out of the way. I don't think there's much more to it than that.

    • Like 5
  9. 30 minutes ago, Mel Bourne said:

    The sooner I see the back of Simple Simon the better.

    The most glaring flaw last year was the inability to convert due to rubbish disposals going inside 50. How can a team emerge from months of training without this issue being absolutely and utterly addressed? There was not a modicum of improvement in that area. That game was like watching round 25 of the 2019 season. I cannot stand our coach. I am sick to the gills of watching his lights on, nobody home, deer in headlights face. He talks absolute corporate-speak nonsense, and he sucks at his job. I can't invest emotionally in this club anymore until that low IQ turkey is gone and replaced by somebody who can walk and chew gum at the same time.

    I don't think I've laughed harder all week.

    Thank you!

  10. 3 minutes ago, MelbourneFootballChub said:

    You are on your own. Reckon this rhetoric would come out of Richmond? Or any top 12 side... we were a pathetic carbon copy of last year. 

    It's not coming out of our club either.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's a fact.

  11. 1 minute ago, WERRIDEE said:

    Tommy is not a forward. I think we forget how good he was down back. I'd like to believe Jones hasn't lost it but I think he has. This should be his last season. He was terrible last year.

    You've obviously got a short memory of the huge number of heart in mouth moments when Tommy was kicking the ball out of defence. Christ, please never again. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/17/2020 at 12:53 PM, Demon Disciple said:

    Ummm.............. he already does.

    Gawn is a premier ruckman who plays on (and more often than not beats) the oppositions ruckman. However, he has shown on numerous occasions his ability in taking numerous contested pack marks in both the forward and back line. Uncontested marking is a cake-walk compared to the stuff Gawn does.

    With the money Max is on, he should be doing it (and continually is). Subsequently so should Lever.

    But if that's seriously the stupidest thing you've ever heard Undeeterred, then i am wasting my time even trying to justify it to you.

    I could equally have said 'why don't you get Pickett to do it'. Same point being made.

  13. On 3/17/2020 at 12:53 PM, Demon Disciple said:

    Ummm.............. he already does.

    Gawn is a premier ruckman who plays on (and more often than not beats) the oppositions ruckman. However, he has shown on numerous occasions his ability in taking numerous contested pack marks in both the forward and back line. Uncontested marking is a cake-walk compared to the stuff Gawn does.

    With the money Max is on, he should be doing it (and continually is). Subsequently so should Lever.

    But if that's seriously the stupidest thing you've ever heard Undeeterred, then i am wasting my time even trying to justify it to you.

    I said Lever shouldn't be expected to play as a 1 on 1 key defender, in response to others saying he should be able to because he's paid a lot.

    My point is that being paid a lot is completely irrelevant if it isn't what you're being paid to do. 

  14. 11 hours ago, Watts the matter said:

    You would be happy enough as the opposition with any of them excluding Hurley getting the ball as they are all average kicks and you're every chance of getting it right back.

    I still would like to see Lever play on a decent opponent and beat them. It seems like as a result of having Lever in the team, we will also need Oscar so I will judge Lever quite harshly because of this. Had a couple of good patches in the pre season, however his skills are still average. I was also a bit critical of his judgement in the Hawthorn game, he went for chest marks on a couple of occasions and the balls got spoiled as a result.

    Will be interested to see how our backline stacks up once we play a team with dangerous forwards, Round 1 will be a big test for Lever if he is trying to peel off Waterman and assist with Kennedy and Darling.

    Why? It's not his job.

  15. 13 hours ago, Demon3 said:

    I find it interesting that Jack has become some sort of whipping boy. Others have suffered injuries and been given the luxury of not being questioned on everything they do on return. Jack had serious foot injuries, its going to impact. To call him a liability is just sensationalist to say the least.

    Jack was never particularly quick. Jack was never an amazing kick. Jack is a competitor, he has a drive that others lack he is fierce at the contest.  Leadership may not be his strong suit, but i saw him lead unbelievably in out 2 finals wins coming off little prep and game time. Let 's just let him play and watch him go. Our team is better with Jack Viney in it.

    We've finally got rid of all the others. Except Oscy. We'll always have Oscy.

    • Like 1
  16. On 2/5/2020 at 9:24 PM, don't make me angry said:

    He never had any disciplinary problems at the Dee's, has not been able to cope with his foot injury, and going back to WA to a 2 team town can make it worse the. Media can hound you down

    Not sure about that...

    • Like 2
  17. 22 hours ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:


     So the roasting we dished out on him last year,  has not been wasted on deaf ears,  apparently.

     A little flung Mud can do wonders,  for false self perceptions.


    Get the right message into young heads and development Will most times occur.

    False praise is  'THE  Most'  destructive type of support  anyone can spray on our young players. 

    Yeah because he’s really reading and taking in the rubbish you post on Demonland

  18. 1 hour ago, poita said:

    "We just weren't prepared for what the game was going to demand". 

    That is inexcusable on so many levels.

    Clearly talking about injuries, and not being able to get a core playing group together on a continuous basis to develop that cohesion further.

    • Like 11
  19. 7 hours ago, whelan45 said:

    Wonder whether they are considering moving down from 10 and strengthining hand next year, leaving 28 as is. Maybe Geelong at 14 or GC at 15 for a future pick of some sort. Not sure what future picks those 2 own?

    Doubt it given we gave up heaps to get out of next year’s first round and into this year’s

    • Like 2
  20. 15 hours ago, Skuit said:

    Why did we spend our hand now?

    Why do Freo want to move up two picks?

    Draft tampering, that's why.  


    Carlton involved in the pick trade. We’ve clearly said to Freo at least we will give you access to one extra gun, provided you don’t take X, and Carlton made to understand the same

  21. 14 minutes ago, A F said:

    We rarely leak, so I reckon it's more likely we've let it be known that Jackson is in the mix.


    There’s no way we are taking Jackson at 3, and this whole interview was disingenuous. 

    I can’t recall, but when we picked Oliver out of the sky I bet Taylor wasn’t on Trade Radio saying ‘yeah, got this big fat Shep kid in mind, you’ll all laugh when we pick him but he’ll probably win a Brownlow’.

    He’s just throwing up names that sound plausible. Sure, we might take one, but he’s hardly going on a Podcast and giving away our drafting strategy...


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