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Posts posted by Thehardtackler

  1. Goodwin out.

    Youngsters into the 22. 

    Viney’s Vacuum or whatever he called it, would be an improvement on anything Goodwin is capable of thinking up. Just think the bloke (Goodwin, that is) might be found wanting on an IQ test!

  2. Viney is my favourite player but he is everything that is wrong with the City of Melbourne when it comes to promotion. He is Captain without having really earnt it. Nepotism is rife in Melbourne due to people being scared of what they don’t know and understand. 

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  3. Think that we have got some real problems with the game plan, the coach and the list. We really need to play more play on football and back ourselves to transition to the forward 50 quickly. Think less, score more. We are talking ourselves out of it when we go forward!

  4. Just like Byron Pickett and Phil Read brought. We play so much better when we have a fight in a game. Last week was the first one I can remember this year and we beat Fremantle. Last year we were physical most weeks. We need to play like the Baby Bombers used to. We need to bully and bash as well as run teams off their feet.

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