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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. My thoughts indeed. Seems as though every player who apparently wants out is going down there. Will be interesting to see who actually does end up there, because if they all do (as per media speculation), surely Geelong will be pushing for top 4 again in 2016.
  2. Make an offer to the blues for Henderson, would be a fantastic get and with Hogan would make a dangerous pair up forward.
  3. No I do not, it obviously wasn't Hird who ushered Little into the meeting room the other night.
  4. It was inevitable after such gross misconduct.
  5. Did you see the week he was wearing a mic whilst playing? Think it may have been the first match against the Dogs. He was yelling like a maniac all day, directing the players, encouraging them and giving them due congratulations when a goal was kicked etc. I don't think he's an introvert on the field at all. Maybe off the field he just doesn't like talking to the media. We don't know how he behaves behind closed doors at the club.
  6. Lol. I don't think even the most deluded of Demonland posters, or the likes of Olisik and h_h, could have that kind of opinion of Petracca.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if he was another suffering from the flu after watching him on the weekend. Did also notice that he wasn't the battering-ram he usually is.
  8. Yes I was having a laugh, and just seeing if anyone would read it. JKH though, does have to lift IMO.
  9. To go: Bail - honest trier with no skill and little football smarts. Michie - had his best game in a long time on the weekend, but too little too late. Not good enough. McKenzie - as with Bail, tries his heart out but far too limited. VFL dominance does not translate to AFL form for him. Spencer - has had long enough imo. Will only work as a number one ruck (if ever), and that is now Gawn. Need the spot for another ruck prospect. Hunt - hasn't cracked a senior game since being drafted in 2013. Wouldn't think he'd get an extension. Jones - has had long enough to show that he isn't up to it. Can't doubt his endeavour though. Terlich - Roos clearly doesn't like him, though I did once upon a time. Good VFL player. Jamar - cooked and clearly no longer in favour. Will get a spot at another club I think. Very close, but worth holding onto: Toumpas - I still think Jimmy can do it, and I hope Roos and co can still turn him around. Too much skill to throw away yet. Lumumba - Needs a year to adjust to the different team mates and style of play, I think. We'll see a better player next year. Dawes - Fierce competitor but not up to it aerially. I hope we are searching for an upgrade, but I do like him as a person. Newton - Provides depth and has shown promise. Needs to string together some senior games though. Kennedy-Harris - has some wicked attributes but needs to work harder, as well as stay fit. Hoping to see this next year. Petracca - dodgy knee, looks overweight, too arrogant. I'd be close to having him delisted but think they will persevere with him.
  10. Watts may have fallen into this category in the past but no longer. He should not be in any discussions about trading or delisting at this stage, imo.
  11. This is a tragedy that happens far, far too often. I lost a mate in a similar fashion last year and it happens so frequently but kids still don't think about it before they get behind the wheel. It is bloody horrible for all involved and the families of the those involved the accident. I just wish they'd think about the consequences before doing stuff like this. Riles me. RIP Cooper, condolences to the Ratten family.
  12. In this day and age he could get enormous amounts thrown at him regardless. The point is, you're spending too much time despairing over losing Hogan. He is contracted to us at the moment, he puts in more effort than most on game day and he clearly seems to love playing with his mates. What will be, will be but I think he'll be with the MFC for a long time and I expect the club will do what they need to to ensure that this happens. We are improving and every time I've ever heard him speak, he indicates that he is very passionate and very keen to spearhead this improvement and make the club great again. Smokey for future captain?
  13. So why doesn't the same ridiculous fear mongering apply to Gus Brayshaw?
  14. It was never going to be an instant fix, coming from further back than any club ever has. I doubt any coach would have us in a better position than we are right now, and we are on the up - all evidence points to this.
  15. At least a good 50% of Demonland members have suffered irreparable mental trauma over the past decade. This is the result - monumental mood swings, frequent doomsday prophecies and a terrible ability to ignore the obvious improvement we've seen this year.
  16. The last few weeks, there have been some absolutely atrocious decisions and inconsistency from the umpires. Usually around what constitutes holding the ball and incorrect disposal. Having said that, it doesn't really have an effect on our result but it does make the game far more difficult to watch and far more frustrating.
  17. Well said BBO. People have very short memories.
  18. I think more are calling for him to be traded, but the issue is that he kicked 4 for Casey, not the seniors. I really hope he comes on as he has some very dangerous attributes for a guy so tall, but at the moment it seems very much touch and go with him. But he is a big bloke, so he may just take a little more time.
  19. Yeah I know, so here's hoping he's over it (and no one else is playing sick).
  20. The year Steph left I had a really good chat with him and Matty Bate after a chance encounter in Fitzroy. Both of them were really good blokes and happy to chew the fat. After that I was sad to see him go, but now I just don't see a spot for him in our side. Does very well as a first ruck, but now we have a better one, simple as that. Regardless, the idea of him coming back to the MFC is slightly ridiculous.
  21. The Essendon match would have really boosted our ratings in this stat...
  22. Jeez, every time. Is it really that hard to stick to the topic? Looking forward to seeing Jack bounce back today after an underwhelming match last week.
  23. Unfortunately Dawes is a bulldozer, but most of the time he just doesn't mark.
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