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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Doesn't offer anything we don't have? How about a quick crumbing forward who can kick goals? Sure he's been hampered by injuries and personal issues but when he is fit he adds a dimension to our forward line that no one else on the list can.
  2. Just my opinion that clapping every player off the ground (not because of a good performance by the player but just for the sake of it) is way over the top.
  3. Good point, hopefully the embarrassment serves as a lesson to him as well.
  4. But the term 'rookie' can refer to a young inexperienced player. I suppose if someone uses the term in regards to football it should mean a player who is rookie-listed though.
  5. I understand what you mean to an extent. I was not at the Richmond game but at the Fremantle game every time a player came off the ground there was a round of applause, which is just silly. On another note, great game again Jack, you are well and truly on the road to Super Stardom
  6. 4 or 5 tackles I50 each week is still a great effort - would be extremely pleased if he was able to do that for the rest of the season.
  7. Out: Joel MacDonald, Cale Morton In: Luke Tapscott, Clint Bartram/Tom McDonald
  8. I definitely think he had no future with us, but as a stop gap player whilst we were busy drafting better forwards I think he played best leading up from half forward. Especially since this saved all us fans the agony of watching him butchering almost every set shot.
  9. No chance, he is so versatile that the club would be sure to hold on to him. I'd definitely give Fitzpatrick the flick over McDonald.
  10. After 7 wins in a row, the Demons have gone from inconsistant pretenders to one of the prime premiership contenders!
  11. Great oppotunity to win some respect and show that we are a real threat.
  12. I'm not totally against this idea but I highly doubt the club would do it, especially as we are light on for on-field experience and leadership as it is. Also he is too important as a mentor for the indigenious boys in my opinion.
  13. Exactly where ge should have played for us, instead of deep, where he was hopeless
  14. Doesn't matter - he has the hottest wife in the entire league.
  15. Went mid thirties I think so effectively anyone could have picked himup!
  16. Interesting, what do you base this on? You are probably right but I feel that now they have seen Max perform on the big stage, he will be the priority for development through game time and the focus as Jamars heir. In my opinion Max showed more than Spencer already has.
  17. I think Gawn actually has more of a future in the side while Spencer is fast becoming a surplus player.
  18. Reckon the sub will be Morton, or Gysberts. I'm hoping for Morton. MacDonald is also a possibility, being named on the bench but I think he is definitely too important defensively and on the rebound. Also Bennell and Nicholson were named on the ground so they can't be the sub.
  19. Totally agree. Virtually every win we fight for, the media is always telling us how terrible the other team was - I hardly ever hear that 'Melbourne outplayed their opponent' or 'Melbourne were great today' etc. This lack of credit where I believe it is due really annoys me.
  20. Yeah good post. I guess this is more about showing our support for Aussie as fans, no matter which path he chooses, than speculating about his future. Any news is always welcome too. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you back on the field soon Aus!
  21. Pretty sure the exact purpose of this site is to speculate on issues like this. Nothing is being said against the guy or insensitive to his situation, so relax mate.
  22. I really hope so! But his duty to family and community could drag him back up there.
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