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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Sure a lot of it was his decision making, but there is no doubt he is technically a much better kick than he was a few years ago. Jordie can learn how to kick, you can't teach the courage and physicality that he already has in spades and is much more valuable than good kicking skills. He is definitely one of the reasons I can't wait for next season.
  2. Jones was never a good kick before this season but he shows that by applying yourself and working very hard you can improve. Now he has a beautiful kick on him.
  3. I don't really think he is going to come out and say anything else, but it's a nice change to read such a positive article. It's also really pleasing that this sounds like the most rigorous and professional program we have had in a long time (that I have heard of). Really hanging out for the start of the season.
  4. I'm not saying you should love him as a player, what I said was you should be at least a little disappointed that one of our captains has a potentially serious injury. Only talking about him as a captain, not a player.
  5. As Satyricon said, yes. You should be feeling a big loss just for the fact he is one of our captains. His presence will be missed out on the field for the next 6 weeks, that's for sure.
  6. There's nothing to show that he wouldn't have suffered this injury under a different training regime and anyway, when they are working this hard there are bound to be some setbacks. It's all for the long run.
  7. That all sounds great except for the possibility of Mitch playing time in the ruck. I'd really hope it would be Jamar and Ped playing first and second; i think it would be a real and unnecessary risk putting Mitch in the ruck, he's a precious commodity in the forward 50.
  8. Obviously the athleticism isn't there but I'd prefer Jmac on him - I don't think Liam would enjoy that very much at all.
  9. I don't understand how our side can go from missing the finals to being 'set' with the addition of one player.
  10. In the sense that Jack was the player who adapted best to Neelds gameplan, I think he had a pretty reasonable year. Hopefully next year he settles into that style more so and plays a bit more freely, as I think a lot of the guys will as the gameplan becomes more second nature.
  11. Not MFC obviously but one of the best I saw was Danyle Pearce morphed into Darryl Pierce.
  12. After seeing reports that Davey is really struggling and his performances over the last couple of seasons, I really can't see him playing many games at all this season. However I really hope he is offered some kind of assisstant/mentor role next year which I personally think he'd be very suited to. Seems to be a real father figure at the MFC.
  13. Tanking was Clarke declaring before Hilfy pushed us so far ahead it was embarrassing for the Proteas.
  14. I really want us to come out and physically belt Richmond round, purely because they have this attitude that they are tough as nails. If we can monster and even intimidate them I'll be very happy. PS I really don't like losing to Richmond either.
  15. You can't really make someone want it though. And if Garlett really did want to make a career out of footy, he wouldn't do stupid things like pose for that photo.
  16. I'd go one of Stringer, Menzel or Grundy. Maybe Kennedy but he doesn't seem to be as highly rated as he was a few weeks ago.
  17. And with Martin that confidence clearly carried over to senior footy, which hopefully it does with Wines if he ends up a Dee.
  18. I'm keener on Wines than Toumpas, but do you have specific evidence as to why Toumpas has a strong 'go home factor'... or should we just stop drafting guys from outside Victoria?
  19. I don't think we would have ever picked up a player like Oliver Wines with Prendergast at the helm. I just reckon there is a good chance that given Wines' style of play and his desire to play for the Dees Neeld could have him penciled in at 4 regardless. As well as his being mates with JV and the whole building a close knit team etc.
  20. There's no room for him. We need midfielders and nothing else until next year.
  21. Absolutely agree - it's not often that a player will have to run more than 30 meters or so with the ball and acceleration most important there.
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