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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. Your iPad sounds like a vampire, OD, having died more than once. Have you tried garlic, a silver cross and a wooden stake? For mine, iPads are the work of the devil ...
  2. I have read 'The Magic Faraway Tree' to my kids, but I can't imagine doing that with 'How to hypnotise chooks ...'
  3. Well, it is not 'The Aeneid' either ...
  4. Don't forget Max hails from Tassie, the same neck of the woods as Martin Flanagan. Must be something in the water down there ... (or maybe they just have double the brain cells )
  5. For a moment there, I thought that said red banana beard, and I have never seen either a red banana or a banana beard (or a banana wirh a beard:-))
  6. Iron clad camels and swinging alpacas? Sounds like a circus (and I am not sure that I want to know how to swing an alpaca ... )
  7. You may be right, Redleg, but it would be great to see Jack Watts kick the winning goal after the siren, just to watch all the Dons supporters walk out in disgust ...
  8. Picking a Dees supporter for a mate is not considered a fault around here
  9. Your bravery is clear, Redleg, but don't go to the level of crazy-brave, and start discussing said faults here ...
  10. He didn't say how much it cost -- probably about 5 times the market price for similar products, and then will only work sporadically ... Does that make this the 'No dunny brush' thread? Or the 'No need for a dunny brush' thread?
  11. Just offer them a few bananas, Redleg, and watch them come running ... even a smoothie if they are any good!
  12. Ironically, if Healy had stayed he would have played in a grand final (and to be technical, Wells and Alves both got premierships, not just GFs). Wasn't Healy in the opposition team when we beat the Swans by about 80 points in the semi-final in '87?
  13. How about Micah 7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."
  14. Chin up, OD. One of my favourite Churchill sayings (and there are a few): "When you are going through hell, keep going". Sitting in the comfort of my armchair, I would have liked the MFC to go in harder and test this in court. However, I am not on the board (perhaps fortunately for the club :-) and don't have all the information, especially the so-called evidence and the legal opinions on our probability of success. But we move on, and within a few months, all of this will be forgotten, especially if we win a few games early in the season.
  15. Tell them your club doctor made you sign a waiver to say that the mexican banana extract is legal under some circumstances, that the coach watched the smoothie being made, and that the coach takes it all the time ...
  16. I think we'll be here until we get our 13th flag, and for a long time after that ...
  17. Already happened at the AFL, OD ... What if we get a new sponsor from the plumbing industry, with a special offer to members for discount tanks? I can imagine it now: 'Priority pick for all Melbourne members, get a guaranteed tank now, only available from 'Tanks R Us' ' ... pardon me while I go and chunder in the corner ...
  18. Next time we win by 10 goals, Caro will say that we tanked by not winining by 15 ... I anticipate that in 2015 the AFL will open a year-long investigation into the enormous tank that was our 2012 season, and they will conclude something like "The Dees tanked beautifully for the first nine rounds, apart from a slight wobble against St Kilda, but then really screwed things up against Essendon. After that, things went to plan, even when being out-tanked twice by GWS who are by definition above suspicion" B)
  19. Watching Essendon squirm was fun for a while, but now it is just getting boring ....
  20. I haven't either, but it sounds a lot more appealing than some of the other threads here ...
  21. Hey Redleg -- have you ever had an orange roughie followed by a banana smoothie?
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