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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. You are welcome to catch a few from the fig trees at my place and barbeque them however you want ...
  2. With all due respect, WJ, please keep making blunders like this one!
  3. Cocky little bugger! (and for that matter, so is the bird ... )
  4. Great name! Has the cockatoo sued for defamation yet? :-)
  5. That might get the team playing like the Bananas in Pyjamas. Oh, hang on ... :-)
  6. Dated as charged, mate. The teeth are growing longer by the day ....
  7. Maybe it makes you think you are playing tag or hide and seek rather than footy ...
  8. Have a great trip, OD. Just don't have a slide night when you get back (unless it is pictures of the bananas, and not the dentist chair).
  9. Maybe that is what our boys have been doing before the game?
  10. Yeah, to get it right you really need wet bananas ...
  11. Sorry for the delay --- had to wait for the waters to subside to get connected again. If you are in the CBD area, how about Tuesday sometime?
  12. Well, he didn't get beaten, so lets call that a win. When do you want to collect the spoils of victory?
  13. There's a piece of banana cake for you if Briefed salutes the judge, Redleg ...
  14. Sounds good, OD. Hope the trip goes well.
  15. Running kids around to sport, parties, shopping, local library etc., but at least I am going nowhere near Romsey
  16. Banana dacquari? FWIW I think tomorrow afternoon is likely to be time for banana cake. What about you, Redleg?
  17. Like the stale-cardboard banana cake? :-)
  18. You mean apart from this one? :-) The Aaron Davey one got close for about 6 posts or so.
  19. Y Yeah, should use their non-preferred foot instead .... Perhaps next time you should ask for a checkside smooothie ... :-)
  20. Unfortunately scoffed the lot. Happy to shout you some next time.
  21. Had some banana cake myself today, and it was a lot better than stale cardboard (and not Starbucks, too).
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