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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. So how do we tell you two apart? We don't have the benefit of the 59suffix any more ...
  2. Soon we will all look like Old Dee ... :-) Given up on the 'sy name, BB?
  3. For a start - as long as it is by an average of at least 100 points :-)
  4. Old memories eh, Beebubsy? Thrashing the Hawks in about four consecutive grand finals might erade the pain ... :-)
  5. Yeah, but the first two weeks were well worth chasing up the results for ... Then Jimmy ran over the mark and the rest was forgettable ...
  6. Newspapers for Poms? Reminds me of trying to follow the 1987 finals campaign from the UK. Almost impossible except by telephone calls home ...
  7. OD, you are a required poster here on Demonland, and especially this thread. However, as an unrestricted free agent owing to a long lifetime of supporting the Dees, you are free to walk if you wish. The club would prefer to trade, though, and has a package of several alpacas, a single malt, a crate of bananas and pick 88 to sweeten the deal to get it done. Redleg would like to trade Byrnes and Pederson as well, but that might take a sweetener of all the alpacas in Romsey, a crate of single malt and a truckload of bananas. That said, my money is on a return to the Dees, having tested the waters, but finding nothing that will satisfy. galore ...
  8. Now I am afraid to use either phrase, let alone ask what they mean ... :-)
  9. Thanks for rhe update, WJ, and I hope the trip and nuptials all go well. Just don't try to cut any mustard or musters while you are there :-)
  10. WJ, I think your analysis is sound and your turn of phrase is usually spot on, but "cut the muster" has me puzzled. As luck would have it, the Deniliquin Ute muster is on this weekend, so you may just be being topical... :-) I must say that as someone who has visited Deniliquin many times, but absolutely never for the muster, "cut the muster" sounds good to me. How is this for a post with little content? :-)
  11. \ It is crazy that the Swans are able to do this, but IMHO they are also crazy to do it. No one is worth $10M over 9 years, not even Buddy. I get the feeling that he is going for all the wrong reasons, and that it is more about a party lifestyle than a commitment to playing good footy. I hope it doesn't come to this, but I do wonder if he will still be playing at all in five years time ... Put another way, OD, "Never flirt with form" was one of Norm Smith's sayings, and I think the Swans have done a lot more than flirt ...
  12. Neither -- both will probably lead to bans, fines and a coaching contract after a year's suspension ...
  13. Thankfully they tend to not be interested in footy at all, rather than side with the filth. They are not yet up to borrowing the car, but when they are, I'll keep that in mind. However, somehow I don't think it will work the way you intend it to ...
  14. Your current one is certainly that, but what exactly are those things? Bananas yet to be bent and painted yellow?
  15. I feel your pain, Bbsy. I have only one Demon loyalist left out of 4, and even he gave up on going to games after the Essendon game this year. You can lead a horse to footy, or something ...
  16. We all feel your pain, OD, but I don't share the sentiment about disappearing. We all want improvement, and it is long overdue. Who knows about winning games, but I like to think that if we can put Hogan, Dawes and Clark all on the park in round 1, hopefully at the MCG, then I will certainly be sitting near where the old race was and cheering the boys on ...
  17. And no more red and blue? Pity that ... For that matter, I don't think I have ever met a 'nice demon', let alone one that insisted on being called "Mr"
  18. Just hand around, observe, take part when it feels right etc. That is probably quicker than picking up all the nuances (such as when to mention bananas, when not to and how alpacas fit into the scheme of things ... ) Occasionally there is footy talk too!
  19. Smiley poker? What will they think of next? :lol
  20. Are you suggesting an injection of amino acids? Intravenous bananas might be more popular ​
  21. Hope all goes well. No doubt you will have a great time.
  22. Agreed that that should be the outcome, Redleg, but I fear that assumes consistency from the AFL. Pain in the sitting bone, but time to move on,. Speaking of which, when are you off to the wedding? Must be soon ....
  23. Lol! Especially in BBO's version of things ...
  24. I hesitate to ask whether you live on an alpaca station then ...
  25. So, BB59sy, what is a sheep station?
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