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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. Is that like killing a mocking bird? You sound like a sick man, BBO :-)
  2. Perhaps he did some dancing in the dark? And were you born in the USA, WJ? :-)
  3. Hope it all goes well. But if the anaesthetic is Grunters whatsit, then you may need to allow time to recover from that as well ...
  4. The comments on the thread I will let go through to the keeper.As for Kingswood Country and the like. I think it is reasonable to say that it reflected the Australia of its day - a rougher, cruder and arguably simpler place than today (which is not necessarily better or worse, just different)
  5. In 30 years time, fta tv won't exist -- it will be all pay-per-view on Youtube ...
  6. It is not exactly kicking goals from all parts of the ground at the moment, either ...
  7. Well before political correctness become the norm. I doubt `The Naked Vicar Show' would make it as a title today, and as for characters like Leo [censored] ...
  8. Not the Kingswood! I just put a new tennis ball on the tow bar!
  9. There is only one way to get off the topic on this thread ...
  10. If that is for the game against the Dogs, it will be like that for a spot near the fence, I think, so that we can do high-fives after a win!
  11. There is no such stand that I am aware of, but we can make one in honour of your visit ...
  12. Let us know what you decide, DF. Perhaps we can all meet in the "No T$ No B$" stand that day...
  13. But did the tea leaves sign a waiver? And are in denial? Or just swimmimg around endlessly because they can't sleep? :-)
  14. If they haven't settled by now, that is one hell of a cup ...
  15. As OD said, it depends on your definition of "best". QB will almost certainly have the biggest crowd, and there is certainly something in hearing a big roar (and even better the silence if we finally manage to knock off the Pies on the big day ). There is also something to be said for sitting near the fence when the crowd is small, and hearing what the players say to each other when the play is nearby. For probability of winning, then the only standout for me is the Giants game late in the season. I suspect, though, if we beat the Eagles in round 2, you will wish that you were there then ...
  16. I have never really liked Adelaide, possibly because of the 1998 finals series, but this arrogance of theirs takes the cake, scone and biscuit for mine ... I'll be cheering with you, OD.
  17. Speak for yourself ... i love the images that he finds ...
  18. Did you have an alarm? If not, installing one may give you peace of mind, if nothing else ...
  19. A few years ago, someone jemmied off our back door, and took only the laptop that was nearby. Must have been in and out in a few seconds. The police told us that there had been a spate of similar robberies in the area, with implication being that they were only looking for things easily found and carried, not the things of most value. I guess, strange though it may sound, it is also true that you can be thankful that you weren't there when it happened ...
  20. Sorry to hear it, DF. Hope the losses are not too great ...
  21. Sorry to hear it. Hope it has passed (and is now in the past :-)
  22. You really shoudn't say things like that, BBO --- someone might conclude that you and Biff had a high old time at the Gat all afternoon, but when you got home, the wife cracked the jimmy grits, so you made up the above to blame it on the Biff ...
  23. Just no pictures of a cage match featuring an aye-aye and an alpaca ...
  24. Why our first ranga PM has her head stuck in Gawny's armpit is a mystery to me ... (not to mention Shorten's satanic look ) DF, I think your nickname should be "Google Images", as it seems you can find an image to suit any occasion ...
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