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Crompton's the man

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Posts posted by Crompton's the man

  1. 52 minutes ago, praha said:

    I watch a lot of Richmond because my family is split 50/50 and as dumb as Richmond supporters are, they are correct in that thet really do cop it, and have for years. Umpires always seem to murder them. It's funny but also tragic.

    On the flip side, the Bulldogs always seem to get the rub of the white/yellow/green, dating back to the 80s.

    We've always been the middle ground. Few games this year where we got a good run with the umps.

    The Geelong game this weekend should be a case study for anyone interested in this topic imo

    The almost astonishing numbers of visitors' free kicks ignored by the umpires aided and abetted by the deafening silence of crowd noise when balls were dropped by the home team testifies to the bias whether it be conscious or unconscious of the umpiring team.

    All we want at the end of the day is consistency after all.

    We can wear a ridiculous call for deliberate out-of-bounds or holding the ball as we must but what we long for is the application of the same standards equally applied to both teams.

    I would like to see some (nearly wrote "more" !!) accountability by the umpires in the sense of public match reviews post-weekend.

    And part of that process should be to recognise when the umpires got it right which they often do. Part of valid examination involves praise where deserved imho.

    The ideal would be an identification of consistent trends and open discussion on whether a problem has been identified.

    Hopefully the will for this type of painful self-examination is in abundant supply at AFL headquarters 


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  2. 3 minutes ago, faultydet said:

    Chook, I have been out of my chair at LEAST 6 times, at blatant frees to us that have not been given.

    They have been [censored] disgusting today.

    Part of their mandate is to exert a buffering influence on the scoreboard where ladder leaders and interstate teams are concerned so it's really business as usual.


  3. Although this does not represent original research by Four Corners, this program canvasses astonishing (maybe) content and makes fascinating background to upcoming matters which will no doubt engage many of us as legal processes evolve.

    It should be remembered that it is a time-honoured principle that on occasions it is better that one man die for the people and it seems  that the contemporary representation of that principle has become that it is sometimes better that victims' rights be subjugated for the greater good of the perpetuation of the benign public reputation of a revered Institution.

    The program shines a light on the vile deeds of child rapists and the shielding of those perpetrators from the consequences of their actions to an almost comical degree were the matters not so serious and the in many cases lifelong ramifications and damage not so profound.

    The obstructors and enablers must in every case and wherever possible  be dragged into the light so that their evil and dark deeds are in plain view.

    It occurs to me that there may possibly be significant cultural similarities between Philadelphia and Melbourne, having grown up in the system here in Victoria.

  4. On 29/06/2017 at 7:13 PM, leave it to deever said:

    Yep great post. Its a complex problem. Perhaps not letting the muslim population not get any bigger would help. Ie immigration levels from Islam countries should not be higher than the level of muslims already living here. Ie if 2% of the population is muslim than 2% can come in.

    In truth I dont have any answers. Really wish I did. I feel sorry for the great aussies who are muslims but am also worried about my children being blown up at a concert as are they I guess,

    Was thinking at the Anzac game about having to be searched and how sad it was.

    Probably best if I just read footy posts but its comforting that there are some good people posting about this without some totally crazy views.


    I spent some time with a senior police figure during the week who I regard as a person of high integrity and personally tough when required and, in discussion, this general spectrum of issues arose.

    Part of the purview of community policing involves meeting with Muslim leaders and the take home view of this highly experienced officer is that there was never at any time a problem in terms of community disorder/subversion in the Muslim sector, and that these same community leaders were almost hanging their heads in shame in that they were being placed in a public position of being associated with the atrocities of the type which led to this thread starting.

    I suppose that for some of us as well as myself, this has been an issue - the silent majority being so (publicly) silent.

     Conversely, there has been demonstrable thuggery from the anti-migration sector (in some of its manifestations) from groups waving Australian flags and the like.

    I found that the conversation gave me a different perspective to the worrying media reports.

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  5. Apologies 

    have not been following this thread and it may have been mentioned already 

    In respect of the comparison of the Bugg incident and Houli's


    Richmond won the game after the Carlton player was hit and the argument could be considered by the MRT in its wisdom that conceivably the outcome of the match was altered by the offence

     Sydney won the game  after Bugg offended and no way did it impact the game the way that Basher's elbow could be said to have


  6. On 11/06/2017 at 4:36 PM, ProDee said:

    It's important for people to read the following:

    An Egyptian woman under the pen name Magda Borham wrote a letter to Western countries, warning them of their immediate danger from Islamic invasion via “immigration.” And she has a brutal message for Americans. 

    Having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, she states: “Nobody else in the world knows Islam and the mentality of Muslims more than those who have suffered by having Islam as a part of their life. “If you listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions of the horrors of Islam. “See and feel the tears of the minorities in every Islamic society. These tears will tell you the true stories of Islam. Hear the blood of the ex-Muslims pounding. It’s their blood that is shouting out every single second, asking the rest of the world to ‘Wake up!'”

    She clarifies what few Americans understand: Islam is not a religion. Islam is a totalitarian political ideology that rejects the basic principles of freedom and liberty protected by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, Islam is the clearest and most present danger to America’s existence. 

    She explains the suffering of minorities, including herself as a woman who has lived through Egypt’s transformation into an Islamic country. She writes: 
    “Like so many others, I have been burned by this transformation. This transformation has seen me witness and experience Islam turn my home country to ruins and its followers are now threatening to bring the same fate to your own country. “Islam is a supremacist, racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals. It seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions. Islam is worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined without any doubt.” 

    She warns Americans that they will suffer the same fate unless they end the senseless immigration policies that are enabling Muslims to freely invade with the intention of destroying America from within. She points to decades of failed liberal policies that have eroded American values, which she argues Muslims are using against Americans to their own detriment. 

    Her message is brutal and straightforward: 

    “Muslims use your own democratic laws and values against you, and they do it successfully while you keep sleeping as if as in a deep coma. This is why the leftists are the people who are worthy of the title ‘useful idiots.’ They are in a perpetual state of shame and self-loathing and will be the first victims of Islam once it takes over. 
    “Muslims use them as a stick to beat you with, but even they will never ever be accepted as friends to the Muslims after, and they will definitely be their first victims. Leftists, liberals, progressives, Antifa, Code Pink and so on are all appeasers of Islam. Appeasing evil is cowardice. They are fooled people who feed crocodiles, hoping they will eat them last. They are the enemy within your countries. 

    “Your country is like your house; you expect visitors who come to your house to respect you and respect your rules, not the opposite. Visitors must appreciate your kindness and your generosity for receiving them into your home and not imposing their own rules on you. This is your house, you own it, so you have the obligation to protect it and defend it. 

    If the visitor doesn’t like your rules, all he has to do is to leave. Nobody obliged him to visit you, and nobody will prevent him from leaving. As he came to your house by his own choice, he can leave your house freely or by force, if required.” 

    And she notes that Islam is rooted in racism and bigotry. The labels Muslims use against non-Muslims (Islamaphobic, bigot, racist), she says, are actually a reflection of Islamic ideology. 

    Islam is the only religion/ideology that specifically orders its followers to kill Jews and Christians, an obvious hate crime. 

    “One final thing you must be aware of. Muslims are projectors of themselves. They accuse you of what they truly are. They accuse you of being racist, while they are themselves racist. Islam is all about racism. They accuse you to be a hater, while they themselves hate unconditionally. Islam is full of hatred incitement and violence. They accuse you of being a bigot, while Muslims act supremacism and are bigotry themselves. 

    “Remember, Muslims love and need to portray themselves always as ‘victims.’ This is their greatest weapon against you in the west. Victimhood enables them to act violently and give them the pretext to attack non-Muslims around the world. It fuels them more and more with hate. 

    “This hate generates more violence. Additionally to this victimhood allow them to silence you and stop you from resisting their agenda. This is why the easiest thing for them is to label those who criticize Islam or reveal its reality as ‘racist’ an ‘Islamophobe’ or ‘bigot.'”


    Now Jara, I doubt this will resonate with Leftists, because they (you) support a side at all costs, rather than a principle, but to anyone else who cares about their children and their country they'd do well to understand that Islam is evil and won't stop until their population in the West grows to a level where their dominance cannot be curtailed. 

    I hasten to add there are moderate Muslims who just want to live in pace, however, as Christopher Caldwell notes:

    “The Muslim community is not to be confused with the terrorists it produces. But left to its own, it probably lacks the means, the inclination and the courage to stand up to the faction, however small, that supports terrorism.”

    The moderates know ISIS is acting out the literal meanings from the Qur'an and hadith, which is why they say little.  We're importing people from Middle Eastern countries where over 80% agree with stoning for adulterers and death to apostates.  It's utter madness.

    To Islam the Left are useful idiots, unfortunately they're helping to put our own citizens lives at risk.

    As for your silly question re muslims feeling resentful to the West ?  Islam wants sharia to dominate the world and whether you're nice or mean the objective remains the same.

    You really need to school yourself on Islam.  

    I really have hesitated to contribute to this discussion because of the almost-funny absurdity of apologism for murder and the pustulent criticism of anyone prepared to acknowledge what is as clear, evident and true presented as a dupe of a cosmic conspiracy.

    That said, I actually try to think about these issues and in the course of discussion with one of my business clients who, as it happens, is involved in the Greens political movement, I mused that it seems to me that the missing link in the defusing of the drive for Islamic attackers is the failure of the Imams to proclaim that this is not in fact the pathway to glory and that such an approach is not representative of Islam.

    i was sincerely surprised when after being challenged as to whether I had read the Quran (to which question I felt I had to reply honestly (a concept that may elude some contributors to this discussion)  that I have read parts but not the whole.

    "Well, I have.

    I lived in an Islamic state for thirty years and I can tell you that the reason the preachers don't stand up and say what you are suggesting is that everyone with any knowledge of Islam knows that they would have no credibility whatsoever because when unbelievers' headers are hacked off this is EXACTLY what the Quran tells them to do, right down to details like holding the blade over their heads before striking."

    i suggested that if he has knowledge of this sort of stuff that he should call 774 and speak to Jon Faine or Raphael Epstein and he snorted and said  that they would cut him off like a ripe banana - the suggestion being that there are forces out there attempting to prevent dissemination of information such as this.

    Now I am fond of conspiracy theories and I can only suppose that this tree-hugging Greenie-voting  life-experienced person has been hoodwinked by the CIA into believing that these newspaper reports of people being hacked to death  - whether they be Copts or Londoners or Melburnians - are all lies  : or in the alternative they killed themselves in order to make an innocent subculture look bad (most likely the latter).

    But my motive for making a contribution is this :  any reading of this thread  material demonstrates an inability by some players to engage in nuanced debate about complex matters and the demonstrated  shrill denunciation of any person who dares express a different view can turn out to be the harbinger of totalitarianism


    lest we forget.

    Let us not be useful idiots 


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  7. 1 minute ago, hardtack said:

    I on;y wish both my parents were alive to corroborate that... they must have been the exceptions that proved the rule I suppose.

    It's interesting (and writing as an ex-smoker) that the many many chemical additives placed in post-WW2 cigarettes (to keep them smouldering among other nefarious purposes) may be as harmful as the tobacco itself (I'm guessing).

    Pipe smoking is a now extinct form of self damage and was associated with increased levels of tongue, throat and vocal cord , but interestingly not lung , cancer and the postulated reason is the lower temperature at which the product is burned.

    What I'm saying is that it might not be only the climate that has changed over the many years.

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    Does anyone really doubt that Ben Cousins running all day like a maniac in that GF years ago (did he win the NS Medal?) was not 'enhanced' by speed or a similar substance?   IF the AFL had taken and kept specimens from all players in that GF, and subjected them to testing, I wonder what the result would be and how they would have handled it?  Personal opinion is that it would be swept under a pile of rugs. Too hard to rescind a Premiership.

    So, yes it is the AFL's business, and it should be taken seriously.

    I will never forget being at that game and the extraordinary difference between Cousins pre- and post- half time that it was breathtaking on the day

    fearless,tireless,superhuman, etc etc.

    Must have been a good coach's address at the break is what I'm thinking 

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  9. A couple of thoughts and sorry if they've been made before

    Under the heading :

    REAL PROGRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today was the first time I can remember our players showing the strength and self-belief to break through tackles and push off opposing players to take the ball away with attack in mind.


    even at the time I thought Rioli's excessive triumphalism (10.40 on the clock in Q4) after he regained the lead seemed to have a slight air of desperation.


    Brayshaw deserves to keep his spot just for that mark, let alone his other really good work 

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  10. Hi Middymalt


    Havent been through it but would bet plenty have and  sorry no one has the courage to empathise.

    seen plenty of it but and if I could throw one pearl your way it is to play the long game;  if the children can be persuaded that you have always loved them, always supported them and always sought their wellbeing I would suspect your relationship will be strong in the long run.

    Wish you well 

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