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Everything posted by mpc

  1. The first 15 mins or so of this is great listening if you are interested in hearing a dissection of how our game plan (or lack of) is falling apart. Edit: starts at about 2:30 mark
  2. Can someone please explain how we dropped down 3 spots (23 -> 26, 28 -> 31) for our picks?
  3. Agree. We have seen CHF/CHB swap positions effectively like Neitz, Carey (temporarily), Hurley, TMac. It's worth giving it a go with Jesse. He could also play as a high half forward flanker with his speed and endurance. Let TMac and Weid play the more traditional positions. I hope this is a blessing in disguise.
  4. Another useful tool if you want to get a virtual view from your seat: http://hospitalityafl.io-media.com/web/index.html Hope it helps people still deciding.
  5. This is basically where i watched every home and away game from and i think its a good spot. In fact i actually prefer level 4 over level 1, as you get a good view of the whole ground. So anyone holding out because these are the only seats left, i would recommend just giving these a go. The feeling of outnumbering the hawks fans like we did to the cats will make it worth it.
  6. I took my kids (4yo and 2yo) today and they loved it. Especially the 4yo. She has been to about 8 games with me this year, but I think she actually enjoyed watching training more because she got up close to the players and her jumper is now covered in autographs. The players were very patient at the end signing hundreds of kids (and some adults) jumpers, footy's and flags. Special mention to Sam Weideman and Neville Jetta - they were really good with the kids - both engaged the kids with a big smile and little chat, whereas most of the other players were a bit more serious (not that theres anything wrong with that). We were waiting for Gawny at the end and there was a huge queue of kids, and he didn't make it to us because the demons staff told him he has to go and do weights. Poor bloke then got mobbed all the way back to AAMI park. As for the actual training, it was just good to see the team running around in September. Really looking forward to Friday night.
  7. The following players are the only ones that can hold their heads high after the crap we've seen in the past few weeks: Watts Trengove Frawley Jones Garland Tapscott McKenzie all others can go f^$# themselves for all I care. I'm sick of it.
  8. mpc

    Tom Scully

    I don't often post here, but I am a Trident member and read here quite often, but this post tipped me over the edge. I would just like to point out how ridiculous this is. 5 million dollars for 4 years. 1.25 million per year. Wouldn't that make Tom the highest paid player in the AFL? So indirectly this is suggesting that Tom is worth more than Chris Judd, Jonathon Brown, Buddy Franklin, Brendan Goddard, Garry Ablett, Jimmy Bartel, Luke Hodge, Dane Swan, Matthew Scarlet, Aaron Sandilands, Matthew Pavlich. He is not even the best player in his own team, let alone the AFL. I would be very interested to find out what Jack Trengove, Jack Watts, James Frawley, Jack Grimes, Jordie McKenzie, Jordan Gysberts (side note: gee we have alot of players starting with the letter J) think about this whole ordeal.
  9. In any case, lets say it as 1million dollars extra that we needed. That would mean we'd have to chip in $25 each. I still think thats a good investment for us as a club and supporters. We as supporters have already shown we are willing to help the club out when in need. If this takes us one step closer to winning a premiership, then I would be all for a slightly more expensive membership to help the club maintain a reserves side.
  10. Based on the figures floating around in the media, we need approx an extra $250k per year to have our own VFL team. If we manage to get 40,000 members - this equates to us all chipping in $6.25 each to make it viable. I for one would have absolutely no problem contributing an extra $6.25 to have our own VFL team. It's just another logical step in our movement to becoming a great powerhouse club again.
  11. just curious, if GWS were after Jurrah as well, which would be the bigger loss? Scully or Jurrah? obviously i love both, but personally id rather keep Jurrah. he changes games in 5 minutes.
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