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Posts posted by Moonshadow

  1. Good news for this year, but this is worrying; does everyone except Melbourne supporters know what's going on? Either the investigators, or some previous Melbourne staff are leaking like a sieve, how does Jon Ralph know we face unprecedented penalties?

    The Demons still face unprecedented penalties but investigations into its alleged tanking strategy in 2009 are continuing.

    Talk about guilty before being proven innocent. Where has natural justice gone?

    • Like 4
  2. i am actually shocked at how ridiculous and personal this article is.

    Someone at the club really did something wrong to Caro somewhere along the way as I have never seen her write something with such vengeance before. It is written from the heart, with no facts to support it.

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

    She keeps going on, article after article, with no names, no clear quotes to prove guilt, no email trails, lots of assumptions, etc. Makes me wonder if she might actually have some damning evidence that she is saving up for a rainy day. Why else would she be harping on day after day about it, convinced her case is watertight. Really, she's actually prejudicing any hope of a fair hearing that the club might have. Without naming any names or showing any convincing proof, she's labelled us guilty. This latest piece of emotional writing is truly disgusting itself. Nothing new, no facts to prove guilt, lots of accusations, plenty of liable comment. She really has a bee in her bonnet about the club, CC, CS and DMcL. She and denham should get back to writing real stories. Show some balance and professionalism, caro.

  3. The guy wants about $1mill per year for 4 yrs minimum. How can GWS possibly find that kind of space in their salary cap at this stage in their planning for 2013? They'd have to delist a couple of decent players on $300-400k p/a, surely. Can't see it happening. But it'd be nice if he went 1, 2 or 3 in the ND. Give us more choice at 4. Go for it, Sheeds!

  4. Don't let the last comment worry you.

    You fit in with several hundred here on D'Land

    Geez I was wrong on at least 3 of the keepers. Glad I'm not on the list management team. I'd struggle big time. Looking forward to seeing how things progress, especially with further testing at training this week. Interesting times.

  5. Then it's interesting that he hasn't been de-listed at this time.

    Maybe they are giving Barty as much time as possible to see how he knee is progressing. He is very well liked and very well respected at the club. Excellent clubman, very good trainer and gives his all, despite not having great skills. As a side note, if his knee doesn't come up and he is faced with retirement, I reckon he'll get involved in coaching. Could have a lot to offer there.

  6. Lets get this straight once and for all

    They were all soft and were a disgrace to the Melbourne jumper and their efforts were weak..

    Wake up for golly sake we need change otherwise we will become irrevelant and all the hard work Jimmy Stynes devoted to saving this club will be wasted

    Poor comment. Ridiculous comment. Bad call.

    So Gys effort for casey coming back from injury to get smashed and have a broken jaw was weak?

    And linking Jimmy's hard work as president to them is simply rubbish. I reckon Jimmy would not want that.

    I'm not against removing these players from the list, but your comments about their efforts and passion for team success shows how little you know about the game. Soft post.

  7. Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it Tim Harrington assumed the List Manager role at Melbourne at the beginning of the 2009 season.

    Given our 'fire sale' of Gysberts, Martin and Morton today, who were all contracted, and the fact we are realistically looking at turning over a third of our list before next season, would it be fair to say that Harrington, as List Manager, is just as culpable for this mess of a list as Prendergast and Bailey? After all, the list manager works extremely closely with coaches and recruiters to address deficiencies in the list. I am sure that he would have been included in the conversations that determined Lucas Cook and Jordan Gysberts were worthy of selection.

    I just don't understand how Harrington is still in a job, let alone has the audacity to go on radio and smugly talk about 'premiership models'. I have cringed every time he has spoken over the past month because as far as i can tell Harrington, Schwab and Connolly are the only constants from the Bailey era which compiled the worst list in the AFL. Clearly Tim would not understand a premiership model if it smacked him in the face. After all, it's been deemed that a 29 year old that has had 2 knee reconstructions and is onto his 3rd club will seriously bring something to a list that he has now overseen for 3 years.

    Please Mark Neeld, get rid of this clown.

    While I've always wondered what TH's role was in the Bailey era managing of player recruitment and retention, I don't think he can carry much blame for the so-called fire sale of high picks Gys and Morton and the low, pre-season pick of Martin. Using your logic, can we also praise him for the pick up of Howe and TMac?

    I sometimes think that over the last 10-15 yrs the MFC has hung onto high pick players who have not worked out, for fear that they may come good at another club and bite us in the rump. Neeld has decided that its better to cut our losses and get rid of them regardless. They might do well elsewhere, but we are not going to wait. I was a little concerned with losing Gys, as I believed he has a lot of untapped upside. But I see Neeld's plan is to only have players that want to get the absolute best out of themselves, who will do what is required and buy in. I support him in this.

    Not only have we picked up moneyball players, we've also done the reverse-moneyball by getting rid of Gys, Morton, Beamer, etc.

  8. Wholeheartedly agree with the OP.

    People need to stop fearing change and watch this hard-arse (Neeld) work his magic on this rabble of a weak-kneed footy club.

    I like much (but not all) of what Neeld is doing. I like reasonable change, i think Neeld will eventually be good for MFC. But blind faith like yours makes me laugh. How'd that magic go in 2012?

  9. If Cale is as bad a choice at pick 4 as most people claim, why do WCE want him? Surely Worsefold must see something in him. I've read the press tweet that claims WCE are confident he can play decent footy. What does it say about Neeld that its better to sever ties with players that he has fractured relationships with than work on them, to get them to buy in? Surely if its a fitness and body size issue, then Misso the guru could address this. My point is that we probably/hopefully will not regret losing Morton, Gys, Moloney and Rivers (though his reasons were supposedly different). But what happens when a very good player falls out with Neeld? A player like Frawley, or Silvia, or Watts, and we are not able to get adequate trade value in return? I'm wondering if Neeld demanded immediate respect and compliance when he came on board, rather than earning even just a little bit first. There's a big difference. We cheer these trades, like a wonderful new broom is sweeping through the club. However, lets not forget that we are yet to see any real positive results on the field from Team Neeld. Ruling with an iron fist is ok if you have something to back it up, some runs on the board. I fear that if we end up in the bottom 4 this time next year, a lot better players than those leaving now will want out. I honestly believe that it is part of a coaches job to assist motivating players and develop successful relationships with them.

    Before replying with glib one liners, note that I am being perfectly reasonable in questioning the issue. I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on this.

    • Like 1
  10. we are hardly going to give up Jamar when Gawn (who has played only a few games) or Spencile are our only alternatives.

    If you had read the Jamar or Martin thread you would have seen the alternatives I suggested. You would also see that I acknowledge that Jamar would stay. As a result, we will continue to have a ruck'n'roll band made up of a 29 yr old one season wonder who only taps, a kneeless cripple, an unco monster who likes to hurt people and (depending on trades) an athletic lawyer-to-be with all the poise of a baby giraffe.

    Yeah, why think outside the square to get the best young ruck prospect in a long time when our ruck stocks are soooooooooooo good.

    Try suggesting something for discussion, something new perhaps, then get back to us

  11. My source I cannot name but lets just say he has regular contact with insiders at the club and he was 100% right on Viney and a few other things. I have no reason to doubt him lets put it that way.

    Around the traps ive heard (not from this source) that he wants out and was disgrunted by how Moloney was treated. read that on here and on bigfooty so not sure how accurate that is.

    Anyway I then heard it from an sms from a mate, then on the age website and then on facebook trade pages so must be something to it.

    Ohhhhhhh........In that case, the rumour is watertight and the deal is done. Please, do go on.

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