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Posts posted by Maldonboy38

  1. I am unsure how much effort the Tiges are potting up at times, but our system between wing and inside F50 is looking as good as it has ever in Goodwin's time as coach.

    Nibbler, Sparrow, Harmes and Spargo are all showing serious gut running.  

    Surely the Tiges are not this rubbish?

    Our backline is epic. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, 58er said:

    At what stage was McVee knocked aside in play? He may not be Robbie Flower but might just possess some of his skills with a light body!  
    Looked a very finely skilled player off half back with a few tricks in general play as a bonus! 

    Never said he was knocked aside, but I did say that many players were holding back from full physical contact due to preseason. Agree he is finely skilled, likes his evasive movements, and his kicking was great. I stand by my uncertainty about how he would go 1 on 1 against biger bodied forwards and mids. 

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  3. As bad as the Saints were, and I can't see them doing too much this year, Ross Lyon is too good a coach to tolerate mediocrity. Also, he comes out of the Paul Roos camp, where pre season games are for practicing and trying things, not winning. 

    Unfortunately, I think Spargo and Chandler might be fighting for the same spot. As good as Chandler was, some of Spargo's field kicking and tackling was off-the-charts brilliant. His goal assist work is vital to our attack so would still give him the nod. 

    Sparrow and Harmes look to also be fighting for the same spot. At this stage, Sparrow looks the goods but Harmes can also play the lock down role, and when if he finds his best, his work rate and kicking help us arrest momentum from opposition. He often helps win those 50/50 balls around the ground.

    I can't wait for JVR to debut, but seeing TMac and BBB fit and firing was great to witness. Put Fritsch in there with all three of them fully fit, our forward line looks strong, multi-faceted and dangerous. 

    I reckon next week against the Tigers will clarify so much more.

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  4. Agree with much others have written. McVee looked good, but the Saints were horrible, and it looked like he was playing on skinny kids most of the time. I think he is still a bit light and will be shown up badly by mature players with more size. As good as he played, not sure he is a lock for round 1.

    More reasons not to read too much generally into result today

    • It was a preseason game
    • It was very, very hot and very, very windy. Lots of balls going inside F50 dropping short, going over heads, and hooking left and right.
    • You could see players from both sides holding back on pressure at times to save from injury

    Generally speaking we looked strong and able. 

    • Like 8
  5. Really interesting watching this. Hard to tell how we are doing because the Saints are seriously struggling. Ross Lyon has a huge task ahead.

    Our general game play, positional strengths and all-ground defence is looking good. Hitting targets across the ground looking good. Our choosing and hitting targets who are 25 - 40 metres out continues to be a work in progress. A bit disappointing.

    Chandler, Hunter and McVee very, very  impressive. 

    Grundy looking rusty. I am really wanting to see JVR, but TMac and Brown doing everything right.

    • Like 2
  6. I am not the biggest fan of AFLW as a spectacle, but as I have said previously on Demonland discussions, Daisy is the best thing to happen to the MFC in the last 20 years  (alongside Paul Roos). She is football royalty: gun player, inspirational leader, passionate, Dees tragic, articulate, intelligent, considerate. 

    So glad that she is able to go out on such a high.

    P.S. Seeing her in a Geelong outfit this season is really going to get me riled. 

    • Like 5
  7. On 11/19/2022 at 1:22 PM, D4Life said:

    Absolute gun.

    While Robbie will always remain number one in my heart!

    Oliver will be our best of all time!!


    This sums it up for me.

    Robbie was so different, graceful and skilful in an era when there were very few club high points, and remains my favourite ever Demon. But I have to concede that Clarry is the best Dees player I have seen. My eyes are drawn to him whether live or on TV, while his intensity and determination are a level above every one around him. Gun. Star. Brilliant. 

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  8. I have always rated Ratten highly as a coach, and remember well his immediate influence on our midfield some years ago. First Carlton shafted him and now the Saints. I love my footy, but stuff me if this doesn't highlight its very very ugly underbelly. Saints board ought to be taken to court over this - it is unjust and disgraceful on some many levels.

    I thought I would gloat when other clubs became as bad as we were, but it just makes me sad to see North and the Saints like this. However, with regard to the Bombers, I can't help myself. I will continue to gloat because they are the Bombers and they remain fully of hubris, nepotism and irrelevance. 

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  9. I simply don't get it. He is an accumulator, but I have rarely seen him have a big impact, and I don't rate him much at all. Feels so much like the Dunstan trade of last year. I suppose on the + side, he is a left footer and has experience on the wing.

    He seems like a small improvement when we have a heap of talent stuck at Casey, who can already provide what he provides (experience aside). 

    • Thinking 2
  10. Very disappointed. I loved watching Hunt play. Yes, his kicking at full pace was full of errors. This is not unusual across the footy world, it is just that Jayden played at full pace so often so therefore - more clangers. I wish him all the best but am genuinely sad to see him in another jumper. 

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  11. So, even after feeling OK having had at least made the semi-finals, and the Swans being in the GF, it now looks as though I have to endure the Cats winning.  There is not enough Shiraz in the whole of Victoria to make that thought palatable. For the love of all things sacred, please no...

    • Like 2
  12. Even though we didn't make it this year, i feel really, really good. I've seen us raise the flag, and in a 'poorer' year we played in the semi-final. I am in my MFC 2021 premiership clothing merchandise because we are the reigning premier until it is decided otherwise. 

    However, like Chook above, I want more. Lots more. With this midfield and backline a minimum of two flags is a pass.

    • Like 6
  13. I probably disagree with most here on DL, and I don't want to lose him. I see him as much more than depth or cover. I do agree his mobility is hampered since his knee reco, but I continue to rate him very highly as a defender. He is far too good for VFL (actually he is wasted there) and he can kick. It looks like we can't keep him because other players have the coaching groups "favour" but I will hate to lose him.

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    • Facepalm 1
  14. I am getting so sick of being told what I have to believe, support or endorse. Totally jack of it to be honest.

    I have to respect the Queen or I am (insert scathing judgement here)

    I have to support Indigenous rights or I am ...

    I have to wear rainbow shoe laces on LGBTQI awareness day or I am ...

    I have to wear pink on breast cancer awareness day or I am ...

    I have to respect this or that flag or I am ...

    If I welcome refugees I am a soft ... but if I reject them I am a hard-hearted ...

    I have a history, conscience and mind of my own and I will decide what I choose to accept, reject or even be neutral about. And hopefully, in this age of tolerance, I can sit down and have a wine or beer with someone who passionately disagrees with me.

    I am glad Daisy spoke her mind and I hope she respects the person who disagrees with her. If Prince Charles has been a passionate greeny for 50 years I hope he doesn't become silent just because he is supposed to be in some 'non-political' role.

    We spent 4 generations in this country being told not to talk about sex, death, religion or politics. Now we have an entire culture of people who can't or won't talk about important things.

    Rant over.

    • Like 1
  15. Interesting watching the Casey today. Who plays well, who struggles, who is AFL standard, who is not etc...

    You would think Turner, JVR , Bedford and Chandler look AFL standard and ready to go. Also interesting to keep my eye on Woewodin who looked very composed at times but probably a year away from being ready. Weideman, too, looks too good at times, but again, even when it was dry, he dropped marks that hit his hands clean. Disappointing. But his ruck work was really good against 

    White, Chandler, Dunstan, Melksham and Munro were outstanding today.

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