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Posts posted by Grapeviney

  1. All this winning has forced the real issues to the back pages.

    Not that far back in the paper to hide this interesting yarn:


    It's about a bloke nicknamed "Gaff" - but by transposing a few letters we can uncover the real story which is about "Biff" and the "Gat".

    A drunk Gaffney woke up just after midnight and walked out into the hallway and urinated.

    Wearing just a pair of underpants, Gaffney took the emergency exit stairs down to the eighth floor and turned on the fire hydrant valve, causing a large amount of water to start gushing out. Every floor below the eighth floor was soon flooded and guests had to be evacuated.

    Wet and naked, Gaffney then walked up to the 10th floor and woke up a guest in apartment 1001 who gave him a pair of underpants to put on.

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  2. Fell off my chair tonight when Damo Barrett admitted, ON AIR, on FC that he might have been wrong about his criticism of the Kelly/Salem/Tyson deal. Respect due where respect is due.

    Tried to cover his backside by saying it's a debate that we'll be having for the next 10 years, but only succeeded in making himself look like an idiot as he was the one who rushed to judgement without even seeing 2 of the 3 protagonists play.

    I'm not a Barrett hater like many on this site, but he has every reason to be red-faced over this one.

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