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The Mad Russian

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Posts posted by The Mad Russian

  1. Heres a link with the programing for CCTV5, No football on live schedule.


    OK.. just want to show out my working

    Attached file is the schedule of the shanghai media group. From what i understand this is different from the CCTV.

    The name of the station (which is highlighted in blue) literally translates as 'five star sports channel.' However, the wiki page in english lists one sports station called Gsports or 'Great sports.' There is a correlation in the translation - five star versus great are quite similar. Downloading SopCast should give you a channel which is called ShangHai Gsports - which differs from the CCTV-5 station.

    I think at 5 tomorrow i will just try the gsports on SopCast and see what happens


  2. Ok, I have no idea if any of these will work come game time tomorrow, but havent missed a game all season and wont let the fact thats its not being broadcast on Australian TV change anything.

    Following the google chrome translator... I have gathered that the game will not only be broadcast on ICS


    It will also be broadcast on a channel which to my knowledge is called something like gsports or CCTV5

    The schedule is on the same link, if you click on the bar third from the right along the top row (if that doesnt make sense i can do a screen shot). It is translated as 'Australian Football Shanghai Exhibition,' so assuming the schedule and translation is correct, this station will also work

    A google search of CCTV5 live gives many of relevant pages, however some dont work. It might be a question of sorting through.

    I have downloaded a program called SopCast, which has CCTV5, however it seems as if it will be a question of looking at it at 5 and seeing what happens.

    http://watch.squidtv.net/asia/china.html this website is also a possibility, scrolling down to CCTV5 is also reliable

    This one


    is a link to ICS, however it currently doesnt work. You can try your luck on it but it will come down to if anyone in china is streaming it.

    I have no idea about the legality of any of these methods, but i spose in a place like China, its pretty censored so in that respect anything that gets through is probably OK.

    Go dees tomorro

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