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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. We'll be better this year than last and for an up and coming club there was some exciting stuff happening last year .

    Strap yourself in . Go Demons .

  2. We've all been raving about Scullys character since he walked into the club . He's gone about his business with understated dedication and I would say he is the last person who wants to be in the position he's found himself in . He isn't driven by money , he is driven by the love of the game and desire to be the best player he can be . I think he'll sign sooner rather than later just to get the unwanted spotlight off his back .

    There is no way his decision would largely be effected by the extra dollars offered by GWS . What young footballer would give up the chance to play in an up and coming successful side in his home town to play infront of no-one at Sydney and pitiful crowds back here . Thats NOT what he's been dreaming about since he could hold a football .

    Thankfully we have great level headed people in charge of the club at the moment that won't get sucked into the whining outbursts that Thompson did last year . It's just the supporters that need to relax and let Tom do what he does best till he again signs .... with us.

  3. Fair dinkum ....

    We demand mental strength from the players but how about we show abit ourselves .

    A little jab from Maguire and many are staggering around waiting for the coup de grace , mission accomplished on his part .

    It's gonna be a long year so how about we man up and let the list managers deal with it .

  4. Chalk up Watts , Jurrah and Scully as future Stars .

    Once Watts fills out he will tear oppositions apart .

    When Jurrah developes an engine , he will tear oppositions apart .

    Once Scully sorts the radar with his kicking , he will tear oppositions apart .

    Allowing for cameo's from the likes Grimes , Trengove , Jones and Sylvia thats alot of oppositions getting torn apart .

  5. This has been a looong off season and I'm looking forward to seeing how they go .

    Haven't been to a pub in years but may have to find me 1 friday night .

    I'm not sure this 1st game will have too much of a bearing on memberships but we do have to have a solid start to the season to get to the 40,000 members we're looking for.

    I learnt from last year that all won't be lost big picture wise if we don't come out blitzing early .

    Just no bad injuries please .

  6. Hey Fork, if I were you I wouldn't be too worried about the odd rule change and less so about others talking about them. Our games has evolved enormously in the past couple of decades and continues to do so. Our game is unique and fast flowing and not stifled by constraining rules like offside and encyclopaedic law books, etc which affect other field ball games.

    Read my lips america de cali .

    If the umpires (and even the MRP) could umpire the game like did through the last final series throughout the season I would be happy .

    Problem is they don't , we get lumbered with their BS whimsical interpretations of rules which are becoming greyer by the minute . If your at a game there can be times when frees are getting paid that the supporter in the stands has no idea WTF just happened . Just let 'em fricken play .

  7. That's an interesting variation on my proposal, and would fit with the oval shape of the grounds. One catch here is the rule for taking a mark anywhere in the 10 metre square, where a player can have a shot from directly in front of goal regardless where the mark is taken in the square.

    Would you still retain the 10 metre square for this rule, or would you expand the rule to cover anyone who takes a mark within this arc?

    I'm sick of rule changes .

    Name another sport that make up the rules as they go along like ours .

    It's becoming a bad joke . :mad:

  8. Problem is the media will not let this issue ride out till the end of the season.

    They are dogs with a bone and will not let up until a contract is signed .

    If his manager was truly intent on letting his charge concentrate on just playing football , he'd be signed sooner rather than later.

    The longer it draws out the worse for us IMO , and the dogs in the media will love it .

  9. Nah , Danny Hughes never kicked any dropkicks that I remember .

    Can't remember Blight winning a GF with a torp either .

    Did see Twiggy Dunn level the drawn '77 GF with 1 tho' .

    Though I'd love to see it the problem with bringing back the torp is you need a bloke capable of hitting 'em consistantly .

    Not sure if we have 1 anymore .

  10. The red is definately different to the colour on the 2011 members scarf which is a darker red that could almost be maroon.

    If the colour displayed on the guerseys today are what the team will wear during the season , our supporters will be wearing different colours than the team we support .

    I feel the excuse that red is hard to get red is weak , as others have noted , it's not a problem that the scum or aints seem to suffer with .

    The logo may have lead us astray , it's red is closer to the scarf .

    The colours shown on the actual jumpers however are very different .


    As for the away strip , some will never be happy no matter what it looks like .

    For an alternative strip , it aint that bad . Would you prefer we turned up bright yellow as the aints did a few years ago ?

  11. Neitz when captain said a stupid thing after we were beaten by Adelaide in the qualifying final for the prelim in 02 after having the game in the bag. He said the players would never ever perform as badly as this shocker of a fade out again. So in the first game of the next season they did exactly same thing again. And again and again for a few more seasons on.

    Hated his speech after getting rolled in the 2000 GF aswell .

    Along the lines of " IF we're lucky enough to get into this position again ...."

    Not what I wanted to hear David . :mad:

  12. makes moves to stop Goal avalanches, win games after being 5-6 goals down etc.

    I hope Dean Bailey has also waited for these moments. I think he can do it

    I'm hoping we start games well and don't have to fight back from 5-6 goals down .

    Let the opposition work on stopping our goal avalanches . B)

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