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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. You've made some poor posts, but this shows you really have no clue and are happy to wildly speculate.

    You obviously have no clue and so accuse me of wild speculation .

    Not to worry , you can remain blissfully clueless . ;)

  2. Bennnell on Sunday where he kicked in the turbo charger and left Sumner in his wake was the best I have seen since Davey's early days. And I love that as opposed to the Jetta run last year where Frawley was keeping up, Bennell at top pace still had the balance to kick the goal ( as opposed to Jetta who lost the ball)

    Early on in the piece I didnt think that Bennell had that kind of pace - but he just always runs faster than whoever is chasing him.

    Bennell did the same thing in the opening minute of last years Swans game .

    Not sure who he blew to the weeds but popped it into the goal square and Dunn toe poked it through .

    Give us more of that Jamie . B)

  3. So what conclusion are you drawing about Trengove's pace?

    I guess it must be the same one you draw about Sumner's pace after Bennell smoked him?

    Trengove = Sumner?

    Or how about just Trengove and Sumner aren't as fast as L.Jetta, Rohan and Bennell

    If you want to put it like that ... No , they're not .

    Happy now ?

  4. Did you notice both times it was after turnovers when Trengove had just spent his initial burst one way, then was trying to keep up going back?

    Both episodes were deceptive if you weren't paying attention.

    I don't care who it is, if you have 1 player sprint 80m, then turn around and try to beat another fresh player in another 80m sprint, he will lose every time.

    Nope , didn't notice that and "if" he had indead already sprinted 80m then ... fair point .

  5. Yeah it was Jetta, and Trenners didn't catch him, but Jetta didn't really pull away, so I say he made a real good account of himself.

    I disagree , Both Jetta and Rohan made Trengove look pedestrian in identical circumstances on the weekend .

    Both were coming off half back , Trenners looking like he had 'em both covered , they looked at him and hit the afterburners , Trengove could not stay with 'em ... Blown away .

  6. Bad news is that Scully's knee isn't responding as we'd like .

    Will be out closer to 8 than 3 . :(

    Good news is .... He ain't going anywhere .

    Gets homesick travelling to Geelong games let alone moving to Sydney . ;)

  7. I for one ain't going because of the time if it were 1 or 2pm I would, but being 2 hours from the city makes it too late getting home especially if I want to take the kids! Pretty sure it's live on fox sports also!

    I won't be going for the same reasons .

    Increased distance tho' .... 3.5 hrs .

    Late Sunday games are impossible .

  8. but couldn't believe sk-geelong only getting 40k.

    I couldn't believe it myself , the stands look empty when the player ran onto the ground .

    Still , with the Aints boring as Bat5hit game plan , only the diehards would want to watch .

  9. After so amy years watching rubbish (not alot to cheer about) , the last couple years the supporters have been pumped and ready to explode when watching the side develop . A late injection of a fired up Ricky Bobby lifted the anticipation and there's nothing that raises the decibels more than a burst of goals and hard charge for the lead late in the game . If only they could've kicked straight , the roof woulda come off . :rolleyes:

  10. Watching on the TV , when the players ran out I thought "Awesome , they've got the red right , looks good ."

    Then the camera went to a different angle , and the red went pink . :blink:

  11. The one thing I keep noticing about these top 50 lists is that Nick Riewoldt has slid in people's assessments.

    Just shows you how make or break Grand Finals are for your reputation.

    Yep , coulda placed himself among the Super Duper stars if he could get a kick during a GF .

    Relegated himself to the "Good ordinary" list .

  12. Pull your collective heads in.

    Starting with you pal.

    Frawley aside , if you think those fellas will stack up against blokes like Hodge , Voss , Ricciuto etc. you need your head read , Sylvia has the tools , not the mindset , Mackenzie might have the mindset but not the tools .

  13. Nasher I see one "variable" that has not changed.

    It is "Mongrel" we still have no players that suggest to me that they would run through a brick wall to get the ball.

    No Nasty types who just want to win at all costs!

    Even our coach looks like a nice guy. When was the last time he looked like it really hurt when we lost.

    No Mick Multhouse stares from Him.

    I know it does not happen over night but lets get serious.

    Winning is what matters.

    PS we are all too nice as supporters as well we except losses to easily.

    Exactly , we've been physically beaten up in big games every time we've shown abit of dash for the last 25years .

    We've had the skill but not the mongrels that refuse to lie down in the face of physical onslaught or provide physical pressure of our own.

    Though I never saw Barassi play , I've been reading his autobiography over the last couple of days .

    The man was White Line Fever personofied from the moment he ran out in red & blue , it wasn't something he developed with maturity , it was in his DNA . If it wasn't for his shear force of will and absolute hatred of losing I doubt that we would've been half as successful during the 50's .

    I remember Neitz speaking on the dias after losing to Essendon in 2000 . Said he "hoped" we'd be able to make it back some day for another opportunity . As far as I was concerned he was the captain of a young side and should of declared that we WILL be back to make amends ... But no , too nice and guess what , we never got near it again . In a recent article with Watts the question was put to him if losing bothered him , "Nah , not really." was his benign reply . Although some said that it showed how level headed he was , No Jack , that attitude ain't gonna get us another flag .

    I know unearthing another Barassi is unlikely but we need need to find few more smash through brick wall , win at all cost types on our list or again dispite all our hopes this rebuild is doomed to fail also .

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