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Posts posted by binman

  1. 53 minutes ago, DemonWA said:

    I'd be astonished if Hunter isn't the in this week. 


    Not saying it's what I would do, but im very sure it's what goody will do


    I feel like it's something he wouldn't do - that's to say allow emotion to influence selection.

    I mean he left jordon on the bench in the GF because we didn't have an injury when not a single person would have begrudged him giving him a run.

  2. On 31/07/2024 at 09:47, Fritta and Turner said:

    (I have a regret that we left Steven Icke stranded on 198 games).

    I had forgotten that.

    Icke is one of my all time favourite dees, which is pretty remarkable given he played most of his career at another club.

    A brilliant defender who almost always battled bigger forwards.

    Consistent and gave his all as a Dee every single week (compare and contrast with, say, Brent Crosswell).

    • Like 6
  3. 13 minutes ago, WheeloRatings said:

    This is what my simulations show Melbourne's chances of playing finals are for a given number of wins (which does account for Melbourne's percentage):

    14.0 wins: 97%

    13.5 wins: 74%

    13.0 wins: 29%

    12.5 wins: 7%

    12.0 wins: 0.4%


    • Haha 4
  4. 22 hours ago, Roost it far said:

    The debate about where we finish is moot. The players and coaches will be giving it everything to win and keep winning. We can argue what's best but it won't change that fact. Personally I think the Hawks have that '87 Demons vibe about them and will keep on winning...even saying that makes me vomit a little in my mouth. I'm loving the Dogs atm as well. For those who think we're best off admitting defeat how say you if we roll the Dogs and Suns? I look at our fixture and above all else I want this team to smash the Pies, that will do me as I think we're better set for next year than we were for this year once we lost Gus. 


    • Like 1
  5. On 29/07/2024 at 08:00, Jaded No More said:

    The 2018 finals experience was extremely important to us winning the flag in 2021. Many of our players have said so. Nobody expected us to do anything in 2018 in finals and yet we made the prelims. 

    There is never an argument that I would agree with in which finishing just outside the 8 is better than in it. 
    The difference in draft picks is inconsequential. It’s not as if the trade off is finals or a top 3 draft pick. 

    It's a bizarre argument anyway.

    I mean, so what if a noob on a footy forum thinks we should rest players etc and not try and make the 8.

    It's the very definition of a moot point.

    It's like me saying this morning I really don't think it should be super foggy this morning.

    Oh look it's still foggy!

    The club will do everything in its power to win the remaining games, regardless of our opinions.

    • Like 6
  6. 52 minutes ago, Deelectable said:

    And you run this joint do you? You can dictate what others have to say? Superiority complex alive and well. Goodonya champ.

    Seriously, what on earth are you on about?

    Did you fail the conclusion protocols or something?

    • Like 2
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  7. 1 hour ago, Deelectable said:

    Not a debate. The final 8 is an AFL construct purely for revenue. You don't win from the bottom 4. It's basically a nonsense.  Final 5 was far and away the best. So we 'make the finals'. 8th out of 18. Not a resounding effort. Yep, try to win every game but the reward of missing out outweighs the nebulus affect of one 'final'. 

    Not a debate? What is it then?

    All i flippin said is that the club will still be doing everything they can to make finals.

    You asked if I'd prefer we did, and I said yes.

    I didn't ask for an explanation as to why you think why my desire for us to make the 8 is flawed.

    And to be clear that last para was rhetorical so, please, no need for a rebuttal.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Deelectable said:

    Sorry mate. I've followed the Demons for nearly 70 years. Finishing 7th or 8th does little for me. There is only one prize and we're not winning it from there. Too many issues. Very excited for next season. Pick 6, 7 or 8 is juicy. Pre finals bye adds an extra layer of fatigue. Anyway, it's a moot point. Not beating Dogs or Suns which means it's over. Port and Pies are 50/50 at best.


    You asked if I'd prefer we made the finals and I said yes.

    I didn't realise it was a debate or that somehow i had to justify my position.

    As for a moot point - it's 100% a moot point whether you or I would prefer we made the finals in terms of the club's decision to keep pushing for finals or not

    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Wake up...

    It's nigh on impossible right now..

    I dare you to show me otherwise.. not that you or anyone can.

    We not only have to win 3 of the last 4 ...but improve our % by around 8 to even have a show.  You're a man of maths ( i'm figuring ....you like the numbers...no ? ) 

    It's mathematically possibly to win Lotto...and someone does.  But the likelihood is another thing.  Should all the stars align and a few umps forget where they are, and if i stand on one leg and balance a football on top of a stubby it might all go our way. 

    Yeah nahh...just yanking your chain.

    Actually I  might concede we wont put the cue away and concentrate on '5 ..   why...we just aren't that astute as a club.

    Look at our game plan...look at our game day magnet moves.... look at our injury list....look at our form.

    Teams, to be relevant in sep need to be on the 'up' ... fit... in form.  ALL of that. We aren't

    The last two seasons we were there...and messed up...  but we might have accomplished more. 

    This year...  Bin...   if you've followed us as long as you ( same here...longer ) suggest, there is NO fun in falling in...getting spat out.

    We need to do better...  we need to be in a better place. 

    What is up with people's comprehension?

    You have managed to miscomprehend the same post twice.

    Repeat after me:

    Of course the odds are against. I wasn't arguing otherwise.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, Tracforever said:

    Hi gents,

    I’ve been watching some of the early games from 2024 this week and hadn’t realised how many of inside 50s went through Petracca. 
    Undoubtedly he is out most crucial player and his loss has left a big hole in the team without a real backup. My question is, if you were the list manager would you look to recruit a young midfielder with out first pick, or a tall defender?

    Number one for score involvements in the AFL by some margin when he got injured.

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  11. 52 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Only a loser club would stop trying to make finals while still in mathematical contention to make it. 
    Don’t see Pies or Hawks giving up for goodness sake. 
    It sets an awful standard and achieves nothing. We still have plenty to play for. 

    Nor the crows- who are even less likely to make finals 

    • Like 3
  12. 52 minutes ago, Deelectable said:

    Have you seen our draw? Dogs and Suns away. Port and Pies at home. Tall order and we are no relying on others to some extent. Odds against.

    Of course the odds are against. I wasn't arguing otherwise.

    I was responding to the comment that 2025 starts now.

    Zero chance that we'll be putting the cue in the rack and not be trying our guts out to make finals until it's mathematically impossible.

    • Like 9
  13. 20 minutes ago, DeeZone said:

    Agree Binman it looked pretty dire my daughter said god we could lose by 10 goals. I was hoping like hell we would regain some momentum and stop their run which we eventually did. Their mids were better all night and although Max had been pretty good they totally bamboozled us in the first 15 minutes of the last quarter. We looked totally inept. What is your handle on that 15-20 minutes Binman?

    My take is we went into the game with focus on contest, pressure and territory.

    And it worked a treat in the first quarter.

    The game got away from us when the giants got the ball to the outside - which every team is trying to do to us to exploit our lack of run and sub optimal conditioning.

    But the giants started paddling a bit too in the last quarter and couldn't spread as well. And the game came back to being more on our terms - territory and pressure.

    • Like 1
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  14. 49 minutes ago, dl4e said:

    So Bowey is the new whipping guy at demonland. Fair dinkum guys he is a good player and has been injured for a lot of the year. Thaught he played a reasonable game last nite.

    I thought so too, and to an extent he us a victom of the high bar he had set himself, but he has def lost a bit of his confidence.

    Made some average decisions last night and his kicking, which is one wood when on, was off and has been for a while.

    All that said I think it is often under rated how difficult it is coming back from serious contact injuries.

    Bowey was terrific in the preseason games and prior to injuring his shoulder in that sickening collision when he put his body on the line.

    Like langers after coming back from his broken ribs, bowey hasn't looked the same player since coming back from his shoulder.

    • Like 14
  15. On 28/07/2024 at 12:38, dl4e said:

    Kind of agree but GWS took their foot off the pedal.

    I really don't think they did.

    Their pressure was 200 in that last quarter and they scrapped right to the wire.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Smokey said:

    I don’t think last night was a disaster by any means. Actually loved how we fought hard till the end. Obviously the second and third quarters weren’t ideal. 

    We are a 2-3 goal better team with Petracca playing and I believe we’d have won at least 2 more games since he went down with him out there. 

    Breathe. We have a very promising young list at this stage. We’ll be right in the thick of it again next year with some luck injury wise. 

    Spot on.

    And id add that Max was clearly injured (which I assume is why disco was sub) and we didn't have Salem and the kolt, who has provided some real energy in the last few weeks.

    And I'm not sure about others, but I don't think I'm alone in saying after their fourth quick goal at the start of the fourth I was worried we were going to get blown out.

    Others at the ground must have thought similarly as plenty left.

    So I was both surprised and proud how we fought back, particularly given how young we were.

    • Like 6
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  17. 1 minute ago, Roger Mellie said:

    This makes sense but I was at the game and May could barely walk - it looks to me like a back injury. My guess is that's why they put him on Riccardi. Gawn was the other player who clearly played under duress and struggled to get around.

    Wasn't there some rumour that may and Lever were both carrying something and in doubt to play?

    • Like 4
  18. Just now, Watson11 said:

    Another viewpoint is May had the strength to matchup on Hogan while TMac didn’t.  Hogan didn’t get many 1 on 1 opportunities until that 7 minute patch.  And when he did get them he monstered T-Mac, kicked 3 quick goals, and they won by 2 points.

    And tmac has never been great one on one. He's better out in space.

    To be fair t8 tmsc those inside 50s  were super hard to defend, and that's on Max and the mids.

    And jessie is a gun., who is in rare form at the moment. Nailed his chances too.

    One of my favourite dees - id have him back in a heart beat.

    Imagine Hogan and JVR roaming around inside our front half

    • Like 3
  19. 52 minutes ago, Bowserpower said:

    Anyone else think Petty's last shot at goal was pathetic?

    See ya.

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  20. 3 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

    I'm not sure max was right to go tonight. 

    No, he was a shadow of himself.

    Couldn't get off the ground, struggled to cover the ground and got our muscled.

    But tried his guts out

    Huge effort to play. 

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