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Posts posted by Friday

  1. We play on sunday every week.

    the top 3 umpires umpire Friday night.

    The next best on the saturday.

    then we get lumped with the spuds on the sunday. It wasn't even a free to air game = borderline VFL umpires.

    Razor ray would have a fit if he had to umpire a melbourne game and would blow his whistle about 200 times in the first quarter.

    27 field umpires umpire each week.

    We consistently get numbers 20-27 all the time.

    • Like 1
  2. Being injected with vitamins by one of Australia's leading sports scientists is nothing to worried about.

    It's common practise to inject vitamins, flu shots etc.

    Essendon pushed the boundaries of the WADA code WITHOUT doctor supervision.

    the sky isn't falling

    • Like 3
  3. Love it.

    Non negotiables must to be met.

    Watts, Blease etc

    did not meet them.

    FFS he's in his 5th year - THEY ALL need to know, if you don't compete, you're out.

    there will be others, and until they do compete... look out.

    • Like 1
  4. The beard does consume a lot of time.

    I'm already 1 hour into my beard growing and i'm absolutely consumed by the thought.

    I think Jack watts wasn't looking at the floor, he was looking at his beard.

    It's a powerful thing.

    • Like 11
  5. I'm sick to death of everyone telling these boys to Shave their beards off.

    Don McLardy: Grow a beard.

    Cameron Schwab: Grow a Beard.

    Gary Lyon: Grow a Beard

    Every supporter, player, coach, trainer needs to GROW A BEARD. Show some solidarity as a club united as one under the beard.

    Do you really think a beard makes you play badly? If anything it makes you 10% tougher. Adds to balance and stream lines the body making it faster.

    A beard demands respect.


    you want a song to play before the match?!?

    I'm sure this band have one


    • Like 10
  6. the most inside 50's ANY team has had.
    That is unacceptable.
    Royal has to go. HAS to. The back line can't help if the midfield lets the ball in ALL the time.
    He is responsible for it. It's him or Neeld. Someone HAS to go. Surely there is a fresh out of the modern game midfield player
    who wants to impress who can come straight in and inspire / lead this midfield group to improve.

    • Like 1
  7. about as much as your mum.

    you don't trade the captain. Ever.

    The above is a sly snipe at the bloke to lift his game. Nothing more. S'house disposal. needs to lift.

    • Like 2
  8. Is Jack Grimes the only Captain to have kicked the ball out of bounds on the full more than ANY other Captain (player?) in the competition (2012) ....?

    C'mon you stat monkey's.

    Prove me wrong.

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