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Everything posted by 3Dee

  1. Sellar is great in defence, although I cringe when he is played up forward (looks lost).
  2. IN: Sellar, Jetta, Gysberts (if Grimes injured) OUT: Jamar, Bennell, Grimes (if injured)
  3. First quarter blow-out due to inexperience on the big day, was always on the cards. Good fight and comeback, although we didn't get the chocolates the team is showing something. the bads - Morton with impeccable timing of when to turn the ball over.. Garland MIA.. Green not being able to kick the (ex)captain goals. Wellingham & Swan killed us.. again. Like the Bull doing what the Bull should be doing.
  4. Yep cried, so good, grimes last qtr huge, trenners started believing too, TMac !!! Col playing like he wanted in, ilike BT's nickname for Magner-- EASTLINK
  5. Gotta keep Bail, he showed heart on weekend and seemed to genuinely want in.
  6. Why not try put Frawley & Co in the midfield?!
  7. Keep Bail, Bate & Sylvia in. I completely do not understand the anti-Martin movement on here. He has been one of our best/consistent players over the last couple of years, definitely deserves a spot over Sellar. Time to unleash Couch.
  8. Bail has been poor this year but today showed some improvement - another positive!
  9. as much as i dislike umpire bashing I agree with Striker475 that crucial bad decisions may have cracked our fragile team today. here's my rundown.. Watts - needs to keep on his feet, zero defensive pressure Bate - very good today Davey - getting confidence back, good on ground but shirks in the air Morton - I actually wish he didn't kick that goal because it might lead to him getting a run again next week, seriously how does he get a game? Moloney - welcome back Neeld - We had an early pick of the coaches and stuffed that up as well! chopping block - Morton / MacDonald Melbourne Demons FC - "Could probably do it, but it's not gonna happen" - the stoners of the AFL
  10. robbo, bruce, miller, wonna, junior, brock, warnock.. all standing up green, davey, bate, moloney, rivers of the current crop jones with 4 disposals AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. A simple solution would be to make the players watch Braveheart at halft-time. The club needs a psychiatrist.
  12. Flying down for this game, booked a ticket just before round 1 when optimism was at its peak, Don't think Frawley could play any worse than last week, but then again neither will Dustin Martin. Prediction: A DRAW
  13. one of our decent players could possibly even suffer a season ending injury this week! go dees!
  14. Just sounds like brisbane calling up the dees to make a statement to put pressure on freo to come to the party with the clark deal, imho. As if the Dees would get rid of Stef!!
  15. apparently his partner & daughter are already back in WA, not going to happen
  16. breaking bad is so good! season four = INTENSE the most unpredictable show on tv.
  17. disappointing season, glad it's finally over. 5/10 striker, you can't be serious? bunch of bloody fuschias.
  18. saw him up close at metricon yesterday, ol' one-one has been hitting the weights hard, HUGE!
  19. Should expect nothing less than FINALS IN 2012, if that means with Fev we should take him (I'm coming around to this idea). The youngans will still need time to develop, why don't they develop alongside Fev and gain winning & finals experience? Sick of this loser "oh we'll be good in 2 - 3 years time" mentality, stand up Melbourne and take some pride. Finals in 2012.
  20. - Trenners standing up and taking a strong mark on 3/4 time - Blease in his 2nd game showed a cool head - the third quarter - Howe & Petterd with spring
  21. 3Dee


    tappy two KO's in one game? not good.
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