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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 7 minutes ago, Choke said:

    It means he paid attention in 2 classes.

    It doesn't mean he's some sort of Renaissance man.

    He is Leonardo Bloody DaVinci compared to the majority of AFL footballers (and that is O.K. 'cos I only need them to play football, and I'm glad they did their 10,000 hours on a Sherrin). But yes you are right, Rhodes scholar he is not, I think only Mike Fitzpatrick has that, and then, probably the Cordners are the next brightest ruckmen to play.


    edit, the more obvious grammar mistakes,

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Choke said:


    Sure, but being in the top 9% for maze drawing in further maths isn't a massive achievement IMO.


    ATARS mean very little in the scheme of things. One of my friends got 99.90 (school was [censored], we were the first class to not have a student with a perfect score of 99.95). To get a score like that, you need multiple 50's (perfect score in a subject). He now smokes his life away on weed, sponging off his girlfriend. My brother got 60 something and has a great job as a project manager for a gas wholesaler.

    It's a number that gets you into uni, or not. It's not a measure of intelligence or work ethic.

    Fair go mate, I think its fair proof that he's not a one trick pony. 

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, old dee said:

    It really helped with Clark TPF39

    So whether Clark played us or not is not the point, the club played that with discretion and can hold its head up, that should be the benchmark. And i believe it gets noticed favourably. Treating HL with respect does not hurt the club from a big picture POV.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, Biffen said:

    I'm glad Goodwin has made his gambling issues public.

    Like Schwartz, it does not make you a weaker person.Quite the opposite.

    I am trying to control my own gambling currently and am going ok so far.The main driver also being that compulsive punting takes up so much of life's most precious commodity- TIME.

    When I played cricket it was never an issue but my Saturdays soon became wasted on the punt.

    Former sport players are probably the most vulnerable as they look to "win" in something at which they no longer can influence.

    I urge any others out there to cap their punt in time and a fixed amount they can afford.

    "treat the markets like a cold shower- get in and out quickly."

    Or don't get into it at all.

    Thanks for sharing Goody!!

    Bold, i love a bet so don't go near tables or tracks of my own volition, because i like it far too much. Power to you

  5. 10 hours ago, Dr evil said:

    One thing i really like about Goody is he is extremely confident in his own abilities, but also really happy to seek help as well, wants to learn and improve all the time. 

    He has an amazing understanding of the modern game and a great passion and i would be very surprised if he didn't get this club right up the pointy end of the ladder very soon, a flag will be a tough ask with the AFL Giants dominating everything but i think we'll be right in the mix for a good patch.

    Generally agree, but wanted to mention there was a time when the Saints were GWS like, their top 12 players were all jets, coaches falling over themselves to take the Ferrari of a team out for a spin, and they made a GF, but didn't salute. There is nothing ordained about GWS getting a flag, it will go to the team that does the most work, not the most skilled. GWS will be fierce opposition, but not beyond us. (that said it will feel a bit like taking on George Foreman). 

    • Like 1
  6. On 01/11/2016 at 1:13 AM, Members' Wing said:

    Had a good yarn to Lewis at the Sorrento pub last night, with a mutual friend.

    Tried not to bother him at too much length about footy but he's EXTREMELY excited about starting with the club and  our future. I was quite surprised how passionate he was and how convinced he is of where the club is headed. Said he wants a fifth flag before he finishes up.

    Other tidbits, he said unprompted how impressed he was with Goodwin. When MFC presented to him he was thinking this bloke seriously knows his footy, and speaking to the other players he says not only do they love him as a bloke but they reckon he'll be an outstanding coach as he is a real student of the game and knows how to manage people. Hopefully turns out to be true.

    My mate asked him how he thought the Hawks would go this year and he said, verbatim, "couldn't care less. Hope they finish last". Obviously everything not at all rosy with that relationship despite what he said publicly in interviews.

    Don't care if it's true, i want to believe

  7. Good luck and thank you- one day I hope to hear what it was that got your cards marked? I thought you had adjusted to Roos, and felt we were undersized this year down back without you. Good that you get another shot.

  8. Hating Hawthorn is fine, but is very silly not to give credit where it is due, they have been amazing with list management and performance over a long period, coping with Roughead going down etc.They were less than 1% off a 4th premiership and that was not the fault of a Lewis or Mitchell. And I think we can back our FD - Cross/Vince etc have all been excellent value.

  9. So I was wrong, when the line up for the season was announced I was thinking the one show I didn't mind 'about' footy would be lost in a giggle for a suspended Essendon player. 

    Mark Robinson - while still a nong in many respects, has become much more considered with his questions (maybe better script writers - his print hasn't improved that much) and I find his love of football believable.

    I think the research behind the scenes is strong and been well impressed with some of the research.

    I think the Demons have been given a fair crack.

    People need to get off Gils back I reckon he's thinking about the game long term.

    I also think the music editor does a good job fwiw. 

    • Like 3
  10. Awesome game by the dogs, what a team effort, smothers spoils, massive tackles, bold running play, not spitting the dummy at the stupid umps. Am going to pray for a miracle for Jong. Will go back to disliking the dogs next year, for now woof woof. 

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