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Posts posted by stephen247

  1. Hmmm, sent an email to the club shop about this very same issue earlier this afternoon. Interesting to note there are a few with the same concerns especially considering the significance of the Reach jumper. I bought 2 for my girls as Easter pressies - but gave them to them a week early for the first game. Then a couple of days later the EW saga started. Their logo tarnishes what is an otherwise perfect jumper.

  2. Hi guys - I have a league going over at Too Serious (tooserious.net). The league Name is "TS-Demons League 2012" - code 630796. Each team has a supporter league and I want the Demons to dominate - on the field and in the TS Leagues.

    For those wanting some great info and discussion on SC - this is the place. If you do join this league also consider signing up for tooserious. As I said there is a serious wealth of knowledge on that site and some wonderful tools (ie bye planners, stats, tickers, etc) for organising your team.

    Cheers, S.

    Edit: fixed link..

    Edit: - Thanks guys - the league is now full. Good luck and thanks to those who joined, but most of all.... Go Dees!!!

  3. As a total coincidence, I had a visit from Michael from Metro Solar yesterday arvo about signing up for Solar, after that I spoke with Energy Watch last night about changing electricity providers!!! Then I find out this morning that EW are our new sponsors! Luckily they are calling me back on Sunday so now I have to remember to ask for my free footy!!

  4. Stephen

    Did you read my post above, specifically the info I provided here?

    No PV panels are manufactured in Oz - the all come from China as far as I'm aware.

    Metro use panels and inverters from SunnyRoo who are based in Byron Bay.

    My mate, who is in the trade, said he couldn't match the price quoted by Metro.

    I spent ages researching the subject, getting quotes etc. and I doubt that you'll do better than Metro.

    From what I can calculate, you will have paid for your system in 4-5 years, regardless of what size you get.

    And BTW, expect to wait at least 4 months for your sytem to be installed and connected to the grid. If you already have a smart meter that may decrease your delay.

    Hi M_9,

    Many thanks for all those details. I did read your blog and it allayed some of my concerns as did your post above. My quote actually has the inverter as a Growatt (which they say is manufactured in China as well) as they originally installed for you. Lets hope it the newer version that doesn't intefere with AM (need to listen to SEN).

    Now seriously considering spending the $$$s to get this. Should have done it prior to the rebate but just so long as the feed in rate doesn't change. I heard mention that it is guaranteed for 15 years. Is that whet you have been told?

    Cheers, S.

  5. I have been thinking about going solar for a while and I got a quote from Metro a month or two back but haven't got around to doing anything about it. But it just so happened that I started to revisit it again yesterday so this thread is very opportune. I was wondering of others experiences with Metro Solar and their products they use. A quick check yesterday showed that the panels I was quoted on (Mono Crystalline panels manufactured in China by NESL) were reasonable quality. They quoted on a 3kw system (with 16 190 watt panels) which should almost cover our average bill and after a quick look at other pricing, Metro seemed to come in just under (with the MFC discount). We have recently had a Smart Meter installed so I was wondering if this is the "Bidirectional smart meter" that they refer to in the quote. I must get around to calling them again... but also would be interested in hearing of other peoples experiences with Metro and solar installs overall.

    Cheers, S.

  6. Nah - don't agree with the decision. Once again the easy option taken. Not sure of the inner working and problems but unsure about Cam as well. I've seen too many times that over reactions don't solve the problems. I just have to have faith in Jimmy and the others to do the right thing now. Their record is fantastic so I hope they don't blow it this time... We need to build a great team and club!

  7. I'm only in two leagues. Yesterday my two league squares both said 16/16, but this morning my first box says 16/16 and my second league through to my 5th say "join". I've scrolled along, but there's no sign of D4.

    Hi H,

    Just reiterating what HT said. Deamonland 4 is still one of my leagues as well and it is showing Franger Banger as a Team. Maybe try and join it again and it may recognise you as already in. Just a thought...

    Cheers, S.

  8. Goodvibes league is now full.

    I've started Demonland 4. Ideally I'd like decent Dreamteamers, as I don't like taking candy from a baby.

    My name: Franger Banger B)

    Code: 224561

    Thanks Hannabal. I've joined up. If time spent preparing a team is any indication of how I will go... I should romp it in. Created a team on the day the comp opened and changed it every other day since!!!

    Cheers... and bring on the footy!


  9. The first two Dreamteam leagues were full so I've created a third ...

    League Name: Demonland Allstars

    Invite code: 139068

    All welcome!

    *Dandeeman - I joined your Supercoach league as DemonFlag2014

    Hi RR

    Thanks! I have joined as well. Haven't settled on a team name as yet so in as "Still Deciding..." because, well, I am still deciding...

    Cheers, Stephen

    Edit - Spelling...

  10. Magnificent!! Enough to make an old fart like me a bit teary eyed!

    And I thought it was just me reading through this thread that was holding back the tears...

    What a fantastic effort by a bunch of fantastic people for a FANTASTIC club.

    And thanks to WJ for the commentary last night.

    Bring on Sunday....


  11. Nothing like the new emblem, sorry.

    Thanks for the clarification Redleg_24. I'm almost glad that it isn't. While I like what I saw - it didn't grab me by the throat and make me want to start screaming from the roof tops! Just have to wait to the official unveiling now...

    Cheers, S.

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