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Posts posted by stephen247

  1. Wbu?

    Up until the weekend, he has been in my team since I started I first started getting it together (which was just after Christmas). He's out because there are just too many signs that he won't be playing round one. I try to start of my team with all players starting to give myself a better chance of making money with rookies. But that could easily change if he plays in the last NAB and is named for round one.

    And just a quick proviso with all of this - atm my team and strategies centre around SuperCoach but my teams end up fairly similar - maybe that's why I don't do as well as I can in AFL Fantasy.

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  2. Good on you mate. Ha, I spend heaps of time studying too. My wife laugh's at me. She just doesn't get it. I was using Higgo's spreadsheet from the Jock Reynolds website. It does help with planning prior to SC opening. But let's be honest until we see rookies and where coach's are going to play certain players it's all subjective.

    A truer word has never been spoken. Well, I have to admit my wife actually spends more time on SC than I do. She know's all the rookies, their prices, what team has byes when... It comes down to her love of stats I think. And she does all right. 57th a couple of years back and still does better than me.

  3. Maybe one for Fantasy football but even then I don't know if it would be used fnough to warrant the hassle.

    Just going on from past years, the activity drops off after season starts - unless you get an competitive active group of players. And people may miss it if it wasn't on the main forum.

  4. Thanks THT - I just know how frustrating it was to get it all sorted. I think they are trying to hard to please everyone (by making the site suitable to mobile devices) that it caused more problems than it worth. My 2 cents..

    And good luck to you as well. I spend way too much time on on SC (even developed my own spreadsheet so I could get started on my team before it all opened - also helps with working out byes...) but that doesn't necessarily translate to playing well... :wacko:

  5. Thanks stephen247. Yes I didn't really clarify things very well. I just wanted to join the demonland group. Not the league yet. As per Choke's post the league will be finalised later. I still can't join a group. When I click the link I log in to the SC site then go to leagues then groups but I can't find anywhere where I can join the group. Very frustrating!

    Hi THT,

    What I find easiest is to have this page open, log into SC in another tab, come back here and click on Choke's link to the group above (or click here... http://supercoach.heraldsun.com.au/group?cic=527333) and that should open another tab where it asks you to click thru to accept the invitation. ASAIK you can't join a group from within the Group page. And just to reiterate what I found - have you joined three other groups? And I know it did take a couple of times for the group to show - so much for the "improvements" to SC. Although they have returned the Scroll bar when selecting or trading players.!!!! Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!

    Hope that helps.

  6. Thanks Choke for organising the SC leagues this year. Stupid question but I can't seem to work out how to join the Demonland group. I am going to the groups section and and it wants me to start a group. I want to join a league, not start one. And where is the log out button??? I must be blind. Any advise would be appreciated.

    Hi THT & Gorg,

    Just clarifying... Leagues and groups are different - if I am reading your posts correctly. Choke has posted a link to the Demonland Group, above, which any amount of people can join and it just ranks players from here no matter what leagues they are in. You can only join the group by following the link above and clicking to accept the invitation. And I found that you can only have a max of three groups (it may be written somewhere but I found out by trying to add too many groups. Choke hasn't posted the leagues as they haven't been finalised as yet.

    As for logging out - that had me stumped for quite a while. You need to scroll to the top of the page and then find your name just above the "H" in Herald Sun - It only displays your first name. Click or hover over that and you will then have the chance to Logout!

    Cheers, S.

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