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Posts posted by Deevout

  1. Too busy, trying to be too many things at once

    Yes it's busy. The club got busy and Demolished our debt, the members got busy supporting our club, the players are getting busy to win us a flag.

    Footy's a busy game...

    Great emblem.

  2. I have supported this club for 38 years. As a supporter I love to see displays of courage. Success takes a combination of many things such as skill, fitness, teamwork but success doesn’t occur without courage.

    Courage is not something that begins and ends on a football field. In fact successful teams make courageous decisions long before a winning list takes the field.

    It takes courage for a club to go to its members, sponsors and supporters and ask for more support and money after a period of sustained failure.

    It takes courage to sign a completely unproven coach against a lifetime coach who has had sustained success. It takes more to justify his appointment and offer him another year after 2 years of failure on the score-board.

    It takes courage to remove proven performers from your playing list, again weakening your short term on-field strength.

    It takes courage to sell a plan that strips the playing list bare and guarantees a lack of immediate success and just hope the membership can share the vision and project forward.

    It takes courage to stare down the media and football world in the face or ridicule and profess to have a plan with no evidence of same or results to speak of.

    It takes courage to develop a playing list at the correct pace capable of playing at the highest level not bowing to the impatience of the football world.

    It takes courage to pay your playing list well when they have achieved so little.

    It takes courage to sign player for 3 years who is yet to take the field at AFL level.

    These risks have been undertaken in an effort to achieve the ultimate success and have been geared to the long term of the club as a whole. But it was undertaken when the club was most vulnerable both on and on the field.

    For the plan to succeed the club as a whole, from the admin to the footy dept to the sponsors, members and supporters need to reciprocate trust.

    Will this club win a flag with our current list… who knows? History says it’s difficult for a club to come from as far back as we have. The odds are against us. But what this club has done is truly unique…. and history is created on a daily basis.

    When I see our battling president attending games, speaking to my kids at family days and urging the club and members on from his hospital bed after brain surgery, I can sense that this club is rebuilding itself on a courageous new model.

    Like an young Irish boy from humble beginnings coming to a new country to play an unknown game, this club has risked its immediate future to make a play for glory.

    Its time to support your club people. I for one can feel the beating heart of this club grow stronger day by day.


  3. Debt demolished.

    $1.18m raised.

    Thanks for all the posts W.J . It is great to wake up to this kinda news. Amazing result. Thank you will never be enough to say to all the Foundation heroes. Also to the supporters who donated what they could.

    Jimmy is a legend in so many ways. Debt free after 30 years, that IS AWESOME. It's sad Peter Szental is not here to see the debt gone.

    Go DEE'S

  4. FB: Bartram, Frawley, Garland

    HB: Bruce, MacDonald, Rivers

    C: Trengove, McKenzie, Davey

    HF: Green, Watts, Sylvia

    FF: Jurrah, Petterd, Wonnaeamirri

    Fol: Jamar, Moloney, Scully

    Int: Grimes, James McDonald ©, Dunn, Jones

    Emg: Bate, Bennell, Morton

    Tough call atm. Grimes to the mid's.

  5. Out: Jurrah & Bennell.

    In: Moloney & Trengove.

    Junior will play, his 250th is not far away and he deserves this honour. On form this year he is still in our best 22 but sadly he might not be there next year. (list management)

  6. That relentless attack on the ball in a desperate last quarter, with Brown coming at him was amazing....magnificent!

    He's had an amazing 6 six weeks, but tonight was all guts!

    Congratulations, Junk Dog.

    Yes indeed. Go Bart's :)

  7. 6: SYLVIA. Awesome game.


    5: McKenzie. Thanks for not taking Adelaide's offer.

    4: MacDonald. Voss your a recuiting champion LOL.

    3: Bartram. Courage when we needed it. Go Bart's :)

    2: Frawley. Pity about the Davey handball inside that gifted Brown a goal.

    1: Dunn. For kicking the goal to win us the game and 2 other beauties as well.

    - points to our forwards in the 2nd half.

  8. He has been good all year, Clint had a great first year in a run with tagging role, then badly broke his ankle, it took him over a year to get over it, then he had to cope with his father passing away. Also Bailey has been turned him into a small defender, a role he has had to get use to. He must improve his kicking, there were two howlers yesterday, if he can get this out of his game it would be great.

    He tries his heart out for the club and I am a great fan of the underdog, he cops alot of s#@t on he from some "experts" on here.

    Go Bart's :)

  9. I watched the game closely. Bartram is a liability with the football. The sooner that players who regularly make mistakes are weeded out of the team the better. Bartram is one of many that make me cringe with the ball in their hands.

    You're easily satisfied.

    Your entitled to your opinion, fortunately for the MFC you don't get to pick the team. Yes he needs to improve his disposal as do many, he and Bennell were at least trying in the first half of the game when it was lost.

    Look up the page, others gave him 3 or 4 votes. Go force your opinions on them, or better still keep them to yourself.

    If you watched the game then I recommend OPSM or Specsavers.

    I will be satisfied with a Premiership and NOTHING less!

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