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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 3 hours ago, John Demonic said:

    Huh? Roco has been running a good footy website with decent editorials as well as having his podcast reviewing and previewing every match of every round before it was even a thing for 8 or so  years now. I don't know anybody else that has given so much energy and time to watching and discussing the actual games and not just the news and off-field stuff. Why are you potting him?  

    I wasn’t potting him… it was a, as it turns out, very poor attempt at a good humoured shot at the use of ‘RoCo’… not keeping up with the ‘socials’ and X in particular, I hadn’t known that he went by that ScoMo-like nomenclature.

    • Haha 1
  2. I’m usually the ‘eternal optimist’, but I cannot see any way out of the hole we have dug ourselves into. We had lost pretty much ALL momentum (not that we had a lot to begin with), even before the loss of Trac!

    The only way we could have any hope, would be if Oliver and Viney magically found form and showed some real leadership. Max can’t do it on his own, and even after Lever returns, it’s going to be a big ask. I fear that our chances of making the eight, have vanished with the loss of Trac.  I consider Hawthorn a better chance to play finals, than the Dees.

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  3. On 10/06/2024 at 17:44, Demon Disciple said:

    Fully agree with you Dazzle. Enough is enough. Goodwin has to go.

    The tripe we are currently serving up is disgusting. We have had how many years to fix our forward issues (delivery, set shots & personnel) and have failed dismally in all 3.

    Stafford can go, so can Mark Williams. Then there’s our coach who has managed to turn an awesome team into a pile of garbage inside of 3 years when it was all there to go again and win another flag. His game plan is ugly and boring that doesn’t value scoring.

    Now for the board. They have overseen all this with an arrogant iron fist. They were/are so afraid of change or a different opinion, this is on their heads too. Don’t get me started on the farce that is the promise of a home base. It’s been 3 years since Roffey came to power, and we are no closer to finding a new home. She needs to go as well.

    I remember at the start of 2022 of all this talk from the club about not becoming complacent. Well mission accomplished, the coaches, board & players are all guilty of being just that these past 3 years. Kudos for ruining a once good team who gave their all, into one bereft of skill, guts and determination.

    MFC Headquarters, January 2025…


    • Haha 2
  4. 27 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Ive been pondering this...

    So i watched the replay about a dozen times. 

    My thoughts..  Backs CAN mark.. ( May etc ) but  Moore wasn't positioned or trying to mark. He was trying to spoil imo..  You dont normally "knee up" to spoil...  to mark maybe/yes. 

    So he spolied...and kneed..... hmmmm 


    I’ve also watched the slo-mo reply numerous times. My take is that Moore’s eyes were on the ball for the entire time (he never lined up Trac), the only way he was going to be able to effect a spoil, was to launch himself in the way that he did, and lastly (and probably most importantly), he did effect the spoil.

    Unfortunately when a running player launches, one knee will most likely be pointing out… if he had launched and it was obvious he had no chance of spoiling, then yes, there would be a case, but that’s not how it went.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Monbon said:

    So what happened to Petracca is simply one sad aspect of the Speccie?????

    I'm not making Moore out to be a villain: I'm simply pointing out the inanity of a 'sport' that allows incidents like this to occur regularly. 

    Oh, so I ruptured your spleen, punctured your lung, broke your ribs, put you in an ambulance, well, it's part of the game, I was only trying to take a speccie.

    So 'speccies' is part of the game: as once was what Maynard did, as was once what Mathews and his ilk got away with week in week out. As were sling tackles, 15 metre penalties, one umpire etc. In other words, even AFL, or, Aussie Rules needs to reassess dangerous aspects, just as it has done with 4 umpires, etc etc

    Ok, that’s all reasonable and yes, I understand why certain aspects of the game have had to be reassessed; the Maynard/Brayshaw incident being a case in point for change.

    Concussions have become an all too regular occurrence in the game and something had to be done… not that the change in rules seems to have had much effect, given the number of concussions we’ve had this year… perhaps they need to make changes that will slow down the pace of the game?

    Injuries as we’ve seen with Trac and May are far less regular occurrences, so I don’t know what the answer is there (again, slowing the game down?).

    Speccies (or however it’s spelt 😄) can also result in shoulder and wrist injuries and even concussions, is that acceptable? Do we keep watering the game down, or do we accept that debilitating injuries, as rare as they may be, will occur from time to time? It’s a bit of a conundrum.

    And please accept my apologies… I wasn’t inferring that you were blaming Moore, it just struck me at the time of writing, that too many were.


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  6. 4 minutes ago, Willmoy1947 said:

    Barrett reinforces that opinion by articles that say the Club has not looked after Trac. What a scum they are.

    Please quote the lines from that article that suggest that Moore deliberately knee’d Trac in the back. He was referencing the decision to allow him back on the field and suggesting that he could suffer more damage.

    • Like 2
  7. 54 minutes ago, Monbon said:

    My question is what does the 'legal right' to knee someone in the back or head or any other part of the body because one is 'taking a mark' have to do with 'sport'?

    In that case you are going to have to rule out the good old ‘speccy’, as in most cases that does require the lifting of the knee in order to get purchase on the player in front’s back.

    How about everyone stop trying to find a villain (in this case, Moore), as this was purely a footballing accident involving a player leaping in order to effect a spoil, in a marking contest.  

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

    You don't often have a finger monitor and an IV in your arm if you're just in for light observations to some cracked ribs.

     I haven’t seen the photo, but unless it’s attached to a drip, the cannula could be there for a CT scan?

    The finger monitor is merely there to measure oxygen levels in the red blood cells (I’d get one of those put on my finger whenever they check my blood pressure just before having my chemo infusion).

    • Like 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    And his mate Moore pushed his knee into Tracs spleen.

    I’ve seen you post his close to half a dozen times already… sorry, I believe that to be nonsense. Moore flew for the mark no differently to the way in which most players do; it was an unfortunate footballing accident; there is no way that he targeted Trac in that contest. Sure there’s a lot to hate about the Pies, but Moore is one of the only players of theirs that I actually admire as a hard but fair player.

    If you’re suggesting that the ‘knee out’ position in marking contests should be reportable, then you can pretty much kiss the ‘speccy’ goodbye.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Redleg said:

    Club has listed JVR at 193 cms and Kentfield at 194 cms.


    I read somewhere recently (can’t recall where), that he is 196cm. It’s entirely possible that the club (MFC) has taken info from a previous club’s player profile in their haste to get something up on the web site, and that he has shot up another couple of cm’s in the meantime.

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  11. 1 hour ago, chookrat said:

    I thought we were pretty good. A couple of unlucky momentum sapping umpiring calls when we had them on the ropes early were the difference for mine.

    I hope this is a sarcastic post… ever since I joined the Farcebook Flat Earth Society page, I seem to have lost the ability to discern between earnestness and jest!

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  12. 6 minutes ago, wizardinoz said:

    Frees 4 - 12 not one HTB

    I wouldn’t be looking to the free kick count as a reason for the scoreline… we are playing rubbish footy, the likes of which I haven’t seen since the Mark Neeld days.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Brownie said:

    but it was not a good look at all. Quite surreal to see a team mate so angry like that.

    Yeah, when I saw the first couple of shoves I thought Day was celebrating in a ‘macho, blokey’ kind of a way, but as it continued, it certainly did, as you say, seem very surreal.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Was it the same teammate he badly burnt earlier in that same quarter? Ginnivan ignored him on his own in the goal-square and missed the shot.   

    It was Day. Nothing happened between them in that last bit of play, so you could be right, it may have been something that happened earlier in the quarter. Perhaps Ginnivan made some sort of snarky comment as they were leaving the ground.

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