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    Maryell Finisterre and Jack Morgan

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  1. Ignore the commentators/media, they have been out of the game too long and have their own agendas. Our team has shown a very impressive improvement in getting/moving the ball - now it is time to capitalise on this improvement and refine the required skills and precision of movement. Be happy - the Dees are on the climb!
  2. Another memory - wing/flank MCG - Robbie facing off with David Rhys-Jones - left/right to and fro several times, but Robbie got round him!
  3. 1981 Western Oval, Robbie kicks the winning goal, the only win for the season - about 400 MFC members were there in the outer - we will never forget that day. Personally, I will never forget Robbie trying to autograph my young son's football in pouring rain at a club function in Yarra Park - we all laughed and decided it was best to call it a day! A few years later Robbie wrote a personal note on my son's Footy Record, and some years later again, did a personal photograph with him. A superb player and a great person. Vale Robbie.
  4. How about some positives - we can't expect much more at this stage - at least the effort and attempted movement is OK. IMO the biggest problem is moving Watts to the backline - players have looked up and seen nothing to go to - that should never be allowed to happen.
  5. A little confusing here AF - 'Clark and Watts in the middle or on the wings'? - I agree they are all mobile, but Clark and Dawes need to get over injury problems (doubts), whereas Watts and Hogan appear to be the future. I agree MFC needs crumbers for all these big guys.
  6. One additional point - Dunn is proving quite serviceable - might yet make it!
  7. Very happy with Watts' game yesterday, he certainly knows how to play up forward - now he needs to put on 15 kg and become a real power forward. Will be interesting to see how Watts, Hogan, Clarke and Dawes work out - not sure there is room for all three, assuming all three are fit at the same time. Garland and McDonald very good down back - with the return of Frawley it's a good start to a solid backline. Now for the midfield!
  8. Selective quote on my behalf TSFKA - you have made a very good call. JW was trimmed down wrongly IMO - he needs to bulk up following a Tom Hawkins mould.
  9. It would not be wise to appoint someone associated with the last disaster, hence no Craig. I will not speculate on the possible future senior coaches - hopefully, MFC will this time exercise due diligence and make a well considered decision.
  10. I will not speculate on the future coach, but I can say that anyone associated with the last disaster would not be a wise choice - so rule out Craig, end of story.
  11. Reality time folks - we've got what we've got - move on.
  12. Fair enough GD, but ask yourself why Craig was not retained by the Crows.
  13. OK, we have a definitional problem here - a 'lame duck' is someone who is in power who is going out of power and consequently has no real power. An interim coach is not a lame duck coach - the role of an interim coach is to ascertain the players on the list who show the qualities that suggest they should be retained and if possible, develop those players.
  14. MFC needs to perform due diligence and be harsh in its assessment of any potential coaching candidate - they cannot afford, and will not be allowed, to make another mistake.
  15. Apologies if I misunderstood your comments rjay, but I don't believe Craig should be making noises about the long term job and I don't believe he is what MFC needs.
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