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Posts posted by TheoX

  1. If you REALLY meant to say that after I corrected you then I apologise..But in saying that, just because there willing to pay Howe $600k, doesn't mean they have to offer 'great compo' aka trade picks. Not how it works bud.

    Yes I REALLY meant that so apology accepted. If I was talking about FA I would use the term 'compensation picks'. IMO if they value him that highly, they should be wiling to give something commensurate.

    And while we're correcting people, it's they're not there.

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  2. No he didn't. The TR host mentioned a figure, and his manager just laughed and said it was about half that.

    Not the way I heard it, pretty sure he said our offer was about half of that of another club, happy to be corrected though, maybe someone else can confirm.

  3. Just confirmed by his manager that he's more likely to go than stay. The money bandied around in the media and Demonland was absolutely ridiculous. Manager stated that Howe wanted to play a settled role, whether that be forward or wing. Manager acknowledged that he was inconsistent as a forward, but mentioned that gameplans and systems may have had something to do with that.

    As for Dawes, manager again acknowledged that he needed to improve, but mentioned that injuries were a factor this year. Dawes won't require any surgery, and is working with Misson on a rehab program. No truth in trade rumours.

    Probably more that there was no interest

  4. Bigfooty post that was put up by an Adelaide supporter, and then taken down not long after. Didn't copy, but the gist of it is:

    Uncontracted Adelaide player (no names) wants to return to Melbourne. Adelaide want to move up the draft and get more mileage from the likely pick 9 they'll get from Geelong.

    So ...

    Pick 6 and Toumpas to Adelaide, pick 9 and uncontracted player back to Melbourne.

    For interest's sake only ...

    Must be a pretty damn good player coming back if we're upgrading their first rounder.

  5. Does anyone know the contract status of Jayden Hunt. I think he's out of contract and if they wanted him you'd have expected him to have signed along with White, Stretch, ANB and King.

    What are people's thoughts?

    Assume he is OOC since he was drafted in '13, haven't seen him at all, but sounds like he's delist material despite battling injuries, maybe a rookie spot, was very left field at the time.
  6. It concerns me slightly that Port are into Toumpas.

    They identify and nurture midfield talent as well as any club - and they obviously know Toumpas from his playing days in Adelaide.

    Perhaps he is still going to be the player we hoped he would be when he was drafted - just not with the MFC.

    Could be a similar story to Polec. Would rather keep Jimmy, especially if we're only getting Melksham in return.

  7. Isn't it? Because at that time Melbourne were offering picks 2 and 3 lol.. It's not about what Adelaide want to settle for, Dangerfield has to agree to be traded to the club and unfortunately the way it's going it's Geelong or nothing. We are offering Adelaide pick 6 this year and 1st round next year, Adelaide are all over that but Dangerfield isn't accepting a trade to Melbourne.

    That's because he's getting 4 million in 3rd party deals to go to Geelong.

    • Like 1
  8. Who was it that said Plowman wasn't a fan of Todd Viney?

    Funny, because I recall TV waxing lyrical about LP at a club function leading up to the draft.

    It's not like we overlooked him - we didn't get the option to take him.

    I'd be happy with a Bugg/Plowman/Tomlinson combo for an early pick.

    To Browne reckons Tomlinson wants out

  9. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/afl/afl-trades-carlton-meet-with-gws-defender-lachie-plowman-ahead-of-trade-period/story-fnp04d6y-1227538983081


    Wants out of GWS, drafted at #3 in the Toumpas draft, with the pick we traded for Jesse Hogan :blink:

    I haven't seen much of him and not sure he fits a need for us, but supposedly reads the play well down back and marks strongly, and has very good footskills. Worth looking at at least imo, also was a Dees supporter apparently, and has been played at times as a big-bodied-mid/winger at GWS.

    Any interest?

    * Dailytel link blocked by paywall, paste article title into google and it will work

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