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Posts posted by TheoX

  1. The least they can do for him after publicly hanging [censored] on him is to get him to the club of his choice without fuss. We sold the farm for Lever why are we haggling over a second rounder.

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  2. Lyon is a [censored] that bags Watts at every opportunity, last time he interviewed Nate Jones started trying him to get Jones to bag him as well, can't stand the guy's voice. Roots his best mate's missus then pretends to have depression.

  3. 2 hours ago, qwerty7 said:

    Is this rumour about collingwood playing hard ball for him true/have any substance to it? If it does and they are offering two first rounders, this might make the deal a lot harder for us to land him. 

    Collingwood are the biggest bloody disease to plague the earth

    Well if he doesn't nominate them it means [censored] all. Out of contract players get to their preferred destinations.

  4. 1 minute ago, The end is nigh said:

    Ellis will get looked at too, but will get off. Whitfield not concussed, and didn't leave the ground. Fine there too. 

    Cotchin is a definite fine for mine, and a player that treads that line deserves to miss. 

    A devils advocate hypothetical: if it was Martin not Cotchin, would he still win the Brownlow?

    Brownlow is Home and away BnF

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  5. 1 hour ago, JV7 said:

    Just because Adelaide want 2 first rounders doesn't mean he is worth it, I don't think many agree he is worth that. Our first & 2nd is more likely. Anyway people lose sight of draft picks, we of all supporters should know a top draft pick isn't guaranteed, the club will pay what he's worth in terms of a trade. Money wise I couldn't give a f%%k what we pay him.. But We'll agree to disagree... I'm confident he'll be a 2 time All Australian this time next year

    Now that would be an achievement! Considering he hasn't yet been a 1 time AA  :D


    If he nominates us, and he will only nominate one club so there will be no bidding war, he's worth this year's first and second given he's out of contract.

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