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    Portland VIC

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Demon (2/10)



  1. Can I just say, as a MFC supporter, not having our own dedicated and owned home ground is my greatest gripe with the club and the AFL for being in this position. The AFL have pumped how many millions into other areas/expansion clubs whilst the MFC have gone from home to home, utter madness for the oldest football club in the land. We need someone like Donald Trump to come in and be our club president next and literally withdraw us from the competition until it is sorted. All the other clubs should actually band behind our club to make this happen. When I drive past Richmonds home ground all I can think is that the MFC should have the same thing, cannot believe we dont. We are by a long long way the club witht he worst facilities in the entire league, the expansion teams have their own permanent grounds, how can that be?\ MFC need to stop letting the AFL and state government take us for granted.
  2. hey can someone please post the article? I know everyone says you can google it, but everywhere I seem to find links me to Herald Sun and blocks me. am I googling it wrong? Cheers
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