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Posts posted by Grimes_4_captain

  1. I think we should trade pick 2 to Richmond for Kayne Pettifer and Richmond's pick 20.

    THat sounds like a good deal, right?

    ... right??

    No i would much rather McMahon, he has done far more for the dees this season than many of our players, shows he will be there for the dee's wen games get tight ;)

  2. I think quality mids can make average forwards look better, look at geelong, mooney and hawkins are nothing special and they kick like miller and newton! but becasue of the quality delivery to them they look half ok and get the opportunitys!

    the 2 best mids in the draft for me!

  3. I think its a shame that the drafts in the near future are comprimised.....Newton would be a great trade to any team wanting to "list manage" next season, ive seen people with wooden legs who can kick more accuratlt than him!

  4. From what i saw on saturday i think if we beat freo then we just mite see valenti playing on fev vs carlton and PJ on betts....just from going on the experiments vs the tigs! DB wont throw away the PP!!

  5. So was I. The kick itself started out wide to McMahon's left and I thought at first that it was going to be a point. But then it curved back and I thought for certain it was going to clip the goal post on it's way through. But it swung back late and pulled through.

    I don't really believe in fate too much. But after today, I think Tom Scully's fate is to be a Demon.

    Yeah imagine if it hit the post and that costs us Scully, it must be fate as i reckon McMahon would miss 9 out of 10 times from there lol

  6. Self explanitory. I feel pretty dirty about it, but i did.

    EDIT: For the life of me i can't figure out how to work these polls, so if any mod can add one for me that'd be cool.

    I was sitting behind the goals today and i must say it took a lot for me to hope he kicked the goal, and even felt a little disappointed when he did but now looking back, im glad he kicked it as i would be far more disappointed if we wasted this season by not getting the best players we can in the draft, and as i said to the tigers supporters on the way out....they may have won the battle, but we will win the war ;).....bring on 2010!!!!!

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