The one thing Jack needs to realise is what Loyalty can bring, and that by putting ones self on the line for his club and friends will earn him respect and much more than what other options can bring
He may be six kinds of a liar He may be ten kinds of a fool. He may be a wicked high flier Beyond any reason or rule. There may be a shadow above him Of ruin and woes to impend And I may not respect, but I love him, Because -- well, because he's one of my team. I know he has faults by the billion, But his faults are a portion of him, I know that his record's vermillion And he's far from the sweet Seraphim; But he's always been square with yours truly, Ready to give or to lend, And if he's wild and unruly I like him -- because he's one of my team I criticize him but I do it In just a frank comradely key And back biting gossips will rue it If they ever knock him to me! I never make diagrams of him No maps of his soul have I penned, I don't analyse -- I just love him, Because -- well, because he's one of my team.
Author Unknown