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Everything posted by WonnaJurah

  1. Backberner was a great show and was on good news week allot
  2. like the hulk or mr furious from mystery man yea
  3. headland wont get off thats for sure i thought carrs record would of meant suspension as per usual DOH
  4. no to walls plz ,mark harvey maybe anthony rock
  5. will have to promote any rookies yet, with apprently robbo out for the season who will it be
  6. Lastyear we used 35 players so far this year 28 players most teams on only 22 to 24 players
  7. headland and carr josh also out for the dockers, more headaches taken care of
  8. we must be crowding the surgery ward thats for sure
  9. arent moloney and trapper def outs now?
  10. soemone said josh carr also facing 3 weeks as well
  11. Pavlich , pulls out o last minute with sandelands would help
  12. acording to finalsiren, wheatley was our best
  13. at least we got a winless team next week, the shockers
  14. my dreamteam had nathan ablett and clement pull out of the last minute:(
  15. dropping off worked for the lions thats for sure and blues and dons
  16. unlike 1997 we actually won the first game
  17. any injuries to report?
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