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Posts posted by wattsup

  1. Not sure why all the wrist slashing, we need to go into this thinking we can beat anyone anywhere, who cares about the fixture if we win games it won't mean squat, "oh no Hawks twice, here comes 2 100 point loses" well that's a great attitude to have, bring it on I reakon if we are to improve as a club we need to beat the hawthorns eventually, we as supporters need to stop with the negativity(and yes I have been guilty of it in past) and have the mantra anyone anywhere anytime BRING IT ON

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  2. I really hope Brisbane force aish into the draft, it's becoming a bit of a joke these young kids picking where they want to play, the AFL Needs to change the rules so you can't nominate club of choice unless you have served at least 4 years, I understand kids getting home sick but aish is from SA So he can't use that excuse going to collingwood, Brisbane will lose him for nothing but I think it's a risk they need to take

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  3. I have said this year that I won't renew, but I am a sucker for punishment so I will sign up again, although will downgrade from a 11 game to a country membership as I only get Sunday's off work now so will be lucky if I get to 1 or 2 games

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