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Posts posted by bloodpumpsRnB

  1. It's been a while since I've mentioned this. Mainly because I haven't written a post in nearly two years. I'm thinking about getting the blog started again. If you're not interested, that's cool. During the summer I'll mainly be using Twitter instead of writing posts about nothing. You can follow me here.

    And some more info here

  2. Why don't you contribute it on Demonland ? seems unfair and unethical to advertise it on Land, when what you are really trying to do is establish your own web / blog site..

    I am not impressed at your canabalism of Demonland.

    Do the hard yards like Nash and guys have done here- USE YOUR OWN RESOURCES INSTEAD OF SOMEONE ELSES.

    How else am I going to notify Demons supporters? And besides, I am not trying to draw people away from Demonland, or any other forum for that matter. I am just informing the Demon online community that it is there and I believe that it is something that some fans like. Not all, but some.

    I've never really understood the point of web logs (blog is such an ugly word), you may as well just write your thoughts on a Demonland thread or start a new thread if it is a new topic.

    I believe that both forums and blogs have a place in society. Forums are for everyone to come together and discuss each other's opinions, while a blog is for everyone to read and comment on one person's opinion.

    We do now know that the website is there though.

    Perhaps he should write to Nasher etc. asking for the original post to be pinned, letting people know there is a blog out there about the Dees. I don't think it really needs another post every blog, otherwise this thread will be at the top forever

    The truth is I don't really want to post every blog, it's just that after a few days the thread falls to the bottom and aside from the people who check everyday, everyone else forgets about it and then that's it. If it could be pinned that would be great, but until then I feel it necessary to keep bumping the thread.

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