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Posts posted by LooseLou

  1. To all of us long suffering Dee's supporters, celebrate hard and enjoy the moments to come. It has been an incredibly long and frustrating journey barracking for the Dees for 57 years, but oh boy was it worth it last night (not so sure about my head this morning though). To all the players present and past, to all the staff, helpers, volunteers and anyone else associated with this football club, thank you, thank you, thank you!  To the administrators  and contributors to this site, thank you for keeping us people away from the heartland informed of the goings on around the club, without you we would be in a black hole. Thank you one and all. Go Dees!!

    • Like 5
  2. I am one of a number of MCC members who are also MFC members and as our MCC renewals are due before September 1st (if you want to attend finals), I am sure that these memberships contribute greatly to the early spike in membership numbers. I was fortunate enough to receive my membership pack before we took off for Europe and managed to sneak my 2017 scarf aboard (un-beknowns to she who must be obeyed).

    It did a nice little trip to L'Eiffel over Christmas and the vineyards of Bordeaux in the NYE.

    I am so looking forward to a strong showing this year and with a bit of luck, a Finals appearance.



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  3. Not sure if this has been raised before, but can the golden-hairbrained boy be issued with a SCN (in a similar vein to Dank)? If so then maybe this is the missing piece in the push to render Turd's contract null and void and for a massive payout to be avoided.

    To me, if we are serious about drugs in sport, then this is only the beginning not the end of this saga. There should be much more in the way of actions to be taken (SCN to Hird, SCN to Reid (and maybe Thompson), Team sanction against EFC, Duty of care of Management & Directors, Workplace H&S)

  4. BT on 3AW reported that Dank once again claimed that the players would get off and that he would only present evidence in court. To me there is a logical reason for this. In court the burden of proof is on the accuser and the defendant only has to create reasonable doubt. Under an infraction notice from ASADA the accused has to prove (unequivocally?) prove their innocence. Dank stands a better chance in a court of law than he does at ASADA.

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  5. If my memory serves me correcting, Neeld was staggered at how far behind in terms of fitness we were compared to the Colliwobbles (hence the floggings the players got in terms of pre-season running). To me this is a manifestation of the poor culture at the club. The new recruits would accept that this is the fitness standard required of them and consequently they were deemend to be not as well developed. Their fitness base (or lack thereof) did not allow them to learn when, where and how to position themselves and certainly whatever mentors they had did not raise the bar sufficiently for the newbies to develope to an afl standard.

    Its an old adage but you play how you train - no fitness base means = inability to train hard and develop good habits = translates to not playing hard in a game = floggings

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  6. Having moving up to Brisbane (late 2012) I have been to a number of Brisbane and GC (non MFC) games on my own just to get my footy fix. It is certainly my perception that the Brissie crowd are there for a social occassion; their attention to the game is loose and certainly the crowd in the outer is heavily into catching up with friends, having a drink and generally chatting about things other than football. This social aspect was quite distracting when you are trying to concentrate on the game (mind you the lack of clothing material that some females paraded was quite distracting as well). The GC crowd on the other hand was much more what I would call footabll orientated - more attuned to the ebbs and flows of the game.

    Given the (limited) experience I have had with the two teams, the GC supporters are much more like the traditional supporters back in Melbourne; passoniate about their team, bag the opposition and the umpires and to me represent a much healthier proposition to the growth of the game in this market. The Brisbane crowd are much more like the Sydney crowd and will get on board when the team is flying but will be quite passive when not going so well.

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  7. Lets for the moment assume that Hird is being paid by Essendon. Lets also assume that the Bummers did so as a result of pressure exerted either by the Hird's and/or coterie groups (both of these assumptions may not be factual or even remotely close to the mark). As a senior exec of Toll I would have thought Little and his band of merry men would have done some creative work and "employed" Tania as a marketing exec and paid her a cool mill a year. That way they could have stood in front of the AFL with hand on heart and said Vlad we are not paying James at all - problem solved at a number of levels - just a thought

  8. B: Nicholson Frawley Garland

    HB: Dunn McDonald Watts

    C: Grimes Jones Toumpas

    HF: Sylvia Pederson Howe

    F: Fitzpatrick Dawes Byrnes

    R: Jamar McKenzie Viney

    I/C: Blease Strauss Tapscott

    Sub: Rodan

    Don't think either Trengove or Clark will be match fit by then (hope I am wrong as I think Clark adds a dimension that adds a greater potency, versatility and difficulty to match up)

  9. For those of you that have studied accounting, you would have come across an acronym FIFO in relation stock valuations (stands for First In First Out).

    When dealing with change management (and clearly Neeld is trying to change MFC) then FIFO has a whole different interpretation - FIT IN or F**K OFF. There comes a point in time in change mangement when all the talking, cajoling, persausion, justification and BS is no longer effective and you just have to FIFO. I believe that time has now come for MFC - either get on board with the plan or get out and let someone else take your ticket.

    Only time will tell whether these trades are positive or not and that will be determined not by the number of wins we have but the manner in which we execute the plan. To me loses will be acceptable so long as the personnel on and off the field have accepted the plan and executed it to the best of their ability.

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  10. Putting my battles with Haydo aside, I think he is on to something here.

    Ill be shattered if we don't draft this kid in the PSD.

    I reckon every other club will be ready to pounce.

    Bio found on BF


    Casey Sibosado (DOB – 13/10/90, Ht – 191, Wt – 85)

    Melbourne based kid who boarded at Xavier, played some games for Oakleigh and played in the Div 2 Champs for the NT. He plays well above his listed height and is a legitimate key position player. In fact at the Champs he did a fair bit of rucking provided a contest winning a few and at least keeping the opposing rucks honest. He moves very nicely for a big guy, is rangy and covers the ground extremely well. He plays mostly as a forward although he will work up onto this wing to get the ball as a true CHF. Probably the main strength in his game is his contested marking and he is a real presence in the forward line. His kicking for goal is pretty good and certainly up there with the forwards who are likely to be taken around him in the draft. His field kicking is also solid and he seems to have pretty good awareness of what is going on around him. There have been some who have compared him to Buddy Franklin and that is more than a little over the top but in fairness he does move a little like him. He has been hidden away a little playing for NT and Xavier for most of the year but he showed some good development at Oakleigh and teams are going to look at him and think there is still a fair bit development left in him. He has a high ceiling and is someone I think teams are going to be willing to take a chance on later in the draft. He was an attendee at camp.

    Definitely worth a punt IMO in PSD

    If we wait till rookie draft he may well be gone

  11. Saw very good bios by Quigley (BF) where he not only describes upside but downside (his very personal opinion) of potential draftees - not afraid to speak his mind on some highly rated draftees.

    Be warned it is very long but well worth the read

    Interesting that I could not find James Strauss on Quigleys list

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